surviving the great depression Americans pulled together At farm auctions, bidders kept bids low and often returned the farms to the original owners less effected families offered help from their homes, displaying this “kind hearted woman” symbol:
Political solutions Depression humor No calls for radical change BUT Some wanted a government that promised more even distribution of wealth Give more to those who NEED it Depression humor Many Americans relied on humor to “laugh through the pain” Jokes & political cartoons “Hoovervilles”, “Hoover shoes”, etc. Babe Ruth was criticized for requesting $80,000 salary, which was higher than President Hoover’s. He replied, “I had a better year than he did.” Communist party called for a revolution; Socialist (less extreme) called for more gradual social/economic change
Changes in the 1930s Prohibition ended with the 21st Amendment Some upset, but most agreed it was a “failed social experiment” Empire State Building was created (developed by John J. Raskob) Created jobs Became the tallest building in the world (1,250 ft, 102 stories) Symbol of hope & accomplishment
Lasting effects on the “Depression generation” End of “Roaring Twenties” era 1931 – Al Capone put in jail (tax evasion) 1932 – Lindbergh’s infant son kidnapped & murdered 1933 – Calvin Coolidge died 1935 – Babe Ruth retired Lasting effects on the “Depression generation” Saved money (“penny pinching”) Avoided wasting anything Avoided buying on credit Distrust of banks (put $ in mattresses)
The election of 1932 Hoover’s initial response to the Great Depression Blamed it on “world-wide economic conditions beyond our control” Strategy = helping businesses Helping them find ways to make profit Encouraging them to keep paying good wages Didn’t always work – many businesses began cutting pay Further action Public works programs: Government-funded projects to create jobs parks, roads, Hoover Dam Hawley-Smoot tariff (1930) – high tax on imports to encourage American business
Hoover didn’t want to extend direct federal relief Thought it would hurt people’s pride, make government too big, and spend too much money Wanted state & local government to handle relief effort, but they didn’t have enough money
Hoover’s challenger = Franklin Delano Roosevelt NY Senate, NY Governor Promised a “New Deal” for America Had established unemployment & relief programs in NY Different approaches to government role in Great Depression Hoover: The federal government should not try to fix all of people’s problems; we should not extend the federal government; private relief efforts and support of big business will solve problem FDR: The Great Depression requires federal intervention; the government should step in more to solve large-scale problems like this
Outcome Landslide victory for FDR Some loved his policies, some just wanted ANYBODY but Hoover Marked a change in the way people viewed government and its responsibilities More willing to accept government intervention because it was a time of crisis