Parking & Traffic Control An important part of the special event planning process includes planning for the safe arrival and departure of event attendees, participants, and vendors by creating a transportation plan that is suitable for the neighborhood environment in which your special event will take place.
Parking Parking, accessibility and traffic congestion are all factors that should be incorporated in your Operation Plan. Special events generally increase traffic demands in or near the location of the special event Indicate any special needs for parking on your Operations Plan For example, if you have charter buses or other large vehicles coming for your special event, please inform the Department of Public Safety & allow time for them to develop a parking & traffic control plan All vehicles on campus must be registered with Public Safety. Contact the Department of Public Safety to arrange for registration for your guest’s vehicles
Traffic Control & Street Closures The Department of Public Safety will determine if traffic control is necessary to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian movement on University streets and right-of-ways affected by your special event All proposed street closures must be included in your Operations Plan and be authorized by the Department of Public Safety Moving vehicles are not allowed in a closed venue except when approved as part of a parade or other entertainment feature associated with your special event. If a stationary vehicle is part of your special event plans, the Fire Marshal requires the keys be removed from the vehicle and kept by the Event Coordinator until the special event is over and it is safe to drive in the venue area. This requirement includes electric carts, segways, and other vehicles that may be used to provide supplies and services within your venue. Exceptions to the use of vehicles in a venue may be granted by an authorized city representative for public safety purposes
CT Transit Bus Stop Connecticut Transit Route 56 (B, D, and F) provides local bus service between the University and downtown Hartford. The bus stop for inbound service to downtown is located on campus. Outbound routes drop off at the front of campus on Bloomfield Avenue. Based on traffic control concerns onto and off the campus, there may be a need to temporarily relocate the bus stop from campus grounds. Should there be a need to do this, contact Student Centers Administration at least 14 business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the event Student Centers Administration will coordinate with the Office of Government & Community Relations to approve the relocation with Connecticut Transit
Special Event Parking Permit Request Form Use the link below to access Public Safety’s Special Event Parking Permit Request Form This form is used to request the creation of a Special Event Parking Permit. University departments and organizations sponsoring special events are requested to fill out the form in the link above. Public Safety will generate an official parking permit in .pdf form that you then can forward to attendees. If you have any questions please contact Parking Services at 860.768.7865 Please allow up to 72 hours for your request to be processed.
Contact Us With Questions Student Centers Leadership Team Charles Amerson Director of Student Centers Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: 860.768.4413 Fallon Roberson-Roby Business and Scheduling Services Administrator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: 860.768.4757 Matthew Matarese Coordinator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: 860.768.4283 Marissa Theriault Coordinator Gengras Student Union, Room 205 Phone: 860.768.4283