Eftychios Sifakis University of Wisconsin - Madison Physics-based simulation for biomechanics, virtual medicine and character animation Eftychios Sifakis University of Wisconsin - Madison
Volumetric simulation mesh Face animation Modeling pipeline Flesh geometry Laser scans Medical imagery Volumetric simulation mesh Anatomical datasets Musculature
Hybrid whole body simulation Hybrid mesh properties A non-graded, adaptive BCC mesh for elasticity (330K elements) An higher resolution surface mesh for collisions (370K triangles) A point set for boundary conditions (flesh attachments to bones)
Embedded mesh generation Formulated as a “cutting algorithm” Material can be “carved” from an embedding volume using the material surface as the cutting geometry Embedded material can be further cut as needed
Cutting and virtual surgery A flexible (geometric) cutting algorithm is needed No restriction on cut geometry Support for intersecting cuts, and incremental cutting Simulation support by the hybrid solids formulation Embedded simulations in well-conditioned base meshes Decoupling of elasticity simulation and collision handling
Cutting and virtual surgery Surgical examples: Z-plasty
High-resolution elastic models