STEP FOUR: STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS: STEPS TO KEEP YOUR CLUB HAPPY!!! In a word---Meet or Exceed Goals and Expectations!!! STEP ONE: S.W.OT. (to determine what your capabilities are and your environment) SWOT is easy… However, alternatively, Rotary has another way to carry out a Rotary Health Check up. (This was reviewed and handed out by Hayward Hull, as well). After you have completed the inventory check of your club… Start Early…. That probably means start fundraising and meeting early with your board… Don’t mix Club meetings with board matters… Clubs need an interesting speaker and FUN!!! Look at the District Strategic Plan… Look at last year’s budget… Set reasonable goals with some ‘stretch’ goals… The Club Members are most happy when Club goals and targets are met or exceeded… Consider ‘zero-basing’ the budget. Look what was effective and what was LEAST Effective… STEP TWO: COMPLETE GOAL PLANNING, BUDGET & SELECT THE RIGHT PEOPLE FOR COMMITTEES… CREATE A WRITTEN ORG CHART BASED ON FUNCTIONALITY… IS THE CHAIRPERSON GOING TO GET RESULTS? MORE LIKELY WITH GOOD COMMITTEES… STEP THREE: COMMUNICATE, PLAN EARLY, & GET BOTH BOARD & MEMBER ‘s‘ BUY IN’ STEP FOUR: BACKWARD PLANNING: Every month or more often… Match spending to funding… Tie activities to awards… Recognize the ‘performers’ internally and in public venues if possible…. Find ways to get more members to participate… MEMBERSHIP…. MEMBERSHIP…. MEMBERSHIP!!!! Are there ways to make a ‘paradigm shifts’? New Venue??? New Time?? Collaboration…. New fundraiser etc. STEP FOUR: STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS: NOTHING SATISFIES STAKEHOLDERS & BRINGS IN NEW MEMBERS AND A HAPPY CLUB BETTER THAN CREATING & COMMUNICATING A WINNING ENVIRONMENT
MAKING YOUR CLUB LOOK GOOD!!!! INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS Find ways to Meet Stakeholder NEEDS Pay Attention to KEY PLAYERS, but SHOW CONSIDERATION to ALL MEMBERS LOCAL MASS MEDIA CLUB PRESIDENT LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS: ACTIVITIES AND FUNDRAISING DISTRICT & ZONE LEADERS: Goal & REQUESTS ABOVE ALL WIN & COMMUNICATE!! Establish Attainable Club Goals (After Assessing Club’s Strength, Weaknesses Opportunities & Near-term Threats (S.W.O.T) & Dist. Goals BACKWARD PLANNING: ‘Signature Activities’, PI & Membership Activities, fundraisers, Committees, and Spending ALL must be tied to meet or exceeding established goals, building the Rotary Brand, & Obtaining Dist. , Zone & RI awards INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS CLUB BOARD: Who is on your board? COMMUNITY LEADERS: School, PTA, Police, Fire Dept., Recreation FOUNDATION PPs, & Other Influential Communicators DISTRICT & ZONE OBJECTIVES & REQUESTS
RI & District 7610 District 7610 & Clubs Expanding Rotary Image to retain existing membership & existing fundraising levels & Expanding Rotary ‘s Image to help recruit New Members Continue fun activities that are directed to retain existing level of club brand awareness, retain existing membership & retain current fundraising levels AND Accelerate the development of Partnerships with outside organizations CLUB Level Existing Member Retention (Target audience is existing Rotary Membership) Medias: Rotary Publications Rotary TV, social Media Outdoor, media: e.g., signs P.O.P. materials Brochures Displays Dioramas Banners New Member Focus New Local Medias: New Non-Rotary local news- papers, (digital & paper) Blogs Radio Rotary TV on activities Outdoor, media: Signs featuring Rotary & Partners Non-Rotary Web sites Non-Rotary social media Rotary logos on: pins, cards, clothing Public banners, parades & displays at public events or public awards with media coverage STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES RI & District 7610 District 7610 & Clubs Does a great job providing focus on media information related to its highlighting stand-alone image & purpose targeted to club activities. activating existing membership This is great to activate existing members but not as productive to recruit new members. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Carry out more cooperative There are other service activities with other clubs, or organizations other than third party organizations who Rotary (e.g., Lions, Civitans, have media in-roads that your Kiwanis). club doesn’t have