to Mrs. Smith’s Kindergarten Class Welcome to Mrs. Smith’s Kindergarten Class
Winston’s Mission At Winston Elementary School, the staff is committed to providing experiences which will prepare students through learning today for living in our constantly changing world. Through the involvement of home, school, and community, students will experience opportunities which promote individual growth and respect for self and others in a safe and caring environment.
Please sign up before you leave! Volunteers Room Mom – Someone who helps with parties, Fall Festival and other events. Class Helpers – Someone who comes once a week for about one hour to help students do standards-based activities. Please sign up before you leave!
Class Rules Inside Voice Hands to Ourselves Walking Feet Listen Well Talk quietly in a whisper voice when working. Hands to Ourselves Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Walking Feet Walk where you are going while you are in the building. Listen Well Listen to your teacher/others when they are talking. Kind to Others Treat your friends, teachers, and others with respect and kindness.
Behavior Sheet This will be kept in your child’s notebook. Please initial any yellow or red lights. No color means a green light or good day! Green light weeks are rewarded!
Communication Notebook We will check the notebook daily. Please do the same. Return notebook to school each day. All notes, newsletters, memos and homework will be sent in this notebook.
Homework All work should be neat and labeled with child’s name. Follow homework schedule in weekly newsletter. Return homework the next day in the homework folder.
Ll Letter Practice Name Write the letter (uppercase and lowercase). Rainbow write it 3x. Ll Draw and label picture of object that begins with the letter sound. l (initial sound) lg (first, last sound) ladbg (first, middle, last sound) ladybug (correct spelling) Work must be child’s. Ask what sounds do you hear? l (initial) lr (initial, final sound) ltr (initial, middle, final sound) letter (correct spelling) Your child will write in one of the above stages.
one Math Practice 1 Name Write the number. Rainbow write 3x. Write number word. Rainbow write 3x. one Draw a picture or glue objects to make a set.
What does rainbow write mean? Write the word, number or letter. Then trace the word with one color. Repeat with a different color two more times.
Reading Response Journal Complete the Reading Response Journal using your library book or book from home. Reading Celebrations- When completed each week, you will participate each grading period and at the end of the year.
Reading Response Journal Draw a picture about your favorite part. Students sound out words to label picture or write a sentence. Examples: A c i e. A cat iz etg. A cat is eating.
Money Pay for breakfast and lunch weekly. Place money in the zippered money pouch. All money should be labeled with your child’s name and purpose of payment.
Absences School attendance is very important. Your child needs to be at school every day unless ill. Please send in a note when he/she returns to school. More than three consecutive absences require a doctor’s excuse.
Transportation child’s name teacher’s name date(s) of change A written note is required for any changes in your child’s afternoon transportation. Please include: child’s name teacher’s name date(s) of change
Book bags Use no rolling book bags – regular sized recommended. Label the outside with your child’s name. Please clean out the book bag weekly!
Lunch Boxes Label with your child’s name and teacher’s name Drinks can be purchased from the café No canned or bottled soft drinks for lunch Ice cream – 75 cents on Fridays
Snacks Students are asked to send in snack on the weeks you. Examples: pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, vanilla wafers, fruit, graham crackers, cereals, etc.
Star Student Each child will be selected to be our STAR STUDENT for the week! Mon. Share 5-6 pictures and poster Wed. Eat lunch with a special guest All week they will be the line leader.
W.E.S.C.O. Winston Elementary School Community Organization (parent organization) All money raised by WESCO is put directly back into our school. It is only $3 to join. Let’s have 100% participation.