DRAFT Budget V. Actual (6/28/16) 2015 Audit DRAFT Budget V. Actual (6/28/16)
GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENSE Budget w/Adjustments Actual w/Adjustments Variance Revenue 9,516,179 9,664,732 + 148,553 Expense 9,621,104 10,002,331 + 381,227 (337,599) + (170,131)(Total of other Financing Sources) = $ 507,730 Overspent 2014 Fund Balance: $ 698,199 (-) $ 507,730 2015 Fund Balance $ 190,469
Departments & Constitutional Offices Budget w/Adjustments Actual w/Adjustments Variance Gen. Govt. 93,211 66,746 (-) 26,465 Elections 122,033 161,002 + 38,969 Gen. Admin. 371,849 490,949 + 119,100 Tax Comm. 217,557 267,926 + 50,369 Tax Assessor 226,124 258,262 + 32,138 Govt. Bldgs. 182,273 208,512 + 26,239 Sup. Ct. 302,484 370,464 + 67,980 Judges 143,550 147,498 + 3,948 DA 33,041 20,744 (-) 12,297 Pub. Def. 59,349 42,608 (-) 16,741
Budget w/Adjustments Actual w/Adjustments Variance Magistrate 287,629 305,796 + 18,167 Probate 135,000 134,491 (-) 509 Sheriff 1,345,933 1,602,550 + 256,617 Jail 1,307,986 1,651,883 + 343,897 Schl. Res. 100,658 99,406 (-) 1,252 Fire 59,000 58,188 (-) 812 EMS 1,177,604 1,345,942 + 168,338 Coroner 14,963 16,583 + 1,621 Animal Cont. 78,138 77,498 (-) 640 Em. Mgmt. 31,103 41,355 + 10,252 Roads 1,525,645 1,342,209 (-) 183,486
Budget w/Adjustments Actual w/Adjustments Variance Solid Waste 379,979 301,971 (-) 78,008 Maint. 0 159 + 159 Health 80,144 84,300 + 4,156 Sr. Assist. 52,969 54,532 + 1,563 Sr. Nutr. 35,019 51,008 + 15,989 Transit 0 53,098 New Account Rec. Svcs. 234,439 234,364 (-) 75 Parks 1,800 8,656 + 6,856 Library 127,714 127,714 0 AG Ext. 65,430 76,486 + 11,056
Budget w/Adjustments Actual w/Adjustments Variance Forestry 13,753 12,496 (-) 1,257 P & Z 93,281 88,388 (-) 4,893 Airport 24,854 24,687 (-) 167 Economic Op. 210,500 131,429 (-) 79,071 Debt Svc. 50,000 42,431 (-) 7,569 Transfer to Special Revenue Account: 911 Expense 436,093 474,105 + 38,012 911 Revenue 250,000 265,221 + 15,221 Overspent 22,791
Notes 1. Elections + 38,969 Salaries & Travel 2. Gen. Admin. + 119,100 Salaries, Retirement, Attorney Fees, Audit Fees, Travel, Supplies 3. Tax Comm. + 50,369 Salaries, Ads, Supplies 4. Sup. Court + 67,980 Salaries, Attorney Fees, Repairs 5. Sheriff + 256,617 Salaries, Workman’s Comp., Group Insurance, Repairs & Maintenance, Attorney Fees, Supplies, Payments to other agencies 6. Jail + 343,897 Salaries, Workman’s Comp., Group Insurance, Admin Purchased Services, Attorney Fees, Repairs & Maintenance, Travel, Supplies, Electricity 7. Sheriff + Jail + 600,604 County Total = + 507,730 (2014 Audit = + 419,398) 8. EMS + 168,338 Salaries, FICA, Workman’s Comp., Admin Purchased Services, Supplies, Electricity
9. Roads (-) 183,486 10. Solid Waste (-) 78,008 11. Econ. Opp. (-) 79,071 Position Vacancy, Land Bank 12. Debt Svc. (-) 7,569 13. 911 + 22,791 Salaries
Observations 1. 2016 Budget vs Actual – Slightly better than 2015 2. Similar results in 2016 = Negative Fund Balance 3. Reduce expenditures by $350,000 (+) in 2016 Meet individually with Constitutional Officers and Department Heads Suspend all Non-Essential Travel Identify and Dispose of all Excess Property Declare Public Holidays (Closing the Courthouse) Freeze hiring and pay increases 4. 5-10 Year Plan to Build Fund Balance 5. 2017 Budget with $1M proportional decrements