Arden Middle School Physical Education Back to School Night 2018
Contact Information Heather Cox Heather Peterson Lisa Ezekiel Jake Blackwell John Aquino
Syllabus and grading policy available on department / teacher websites (Aquino’s) (Cox’s) (Ezekiel’s) (Peterson’s) (Blackwell’s)
Effort Graded on 4,3,2,1 Rubric. Effort will be based on: Active participation Being prepared Risk-taking Perseverance Commitment to the activity Initiative Following directions Graded on 4,3,2,1 Rubric.
The Middle School PE Experience Five days a week - this is not elementary school PE Physical expectations - grade standards Fitness testing Dressing in front of peers Locker room behavior - respectful, responsible, safe
Typical Day in PE Bell Rings Change into PE clothes (6 minutes to change) Roll Call Warm-ups - 5-10 minutes Instructions - 3-5 minutes Activity - Could be game play, workouts, cooperative activities, dancing. - 30 minutes Cool Down - 5 minutes Change back into school clothes and head to next class.
Uniforms and Hygiene Green or white shirt with black shorts Athletic shoes - closed toes and laces Laundered and in good repair Weather appropriate Deodorant/Anti-perspirant (no aerosols) Showered and groomed
Clothing Sale We will be offering PE clothes at a discount at the end of the night. Two cotton shirts for $5. It is a good idea for your student to have more than one set of clothes for PE. Good workout shirt for parents.
Make-ups, Illness and Injury Make-up requirements available online Signed parent (5 day maximum) or Doctor written excuse with a start and end date Bumps and bruises are okay What can they do?
Activities Strength training Fitness Disc sports Wrestling Rec games Racket sports Yoga Football Soccer Softball Rugby Fitness Wrestling Health and wellness Volleyball Tumbling Track and field Dance Basketball Team Handball
Basketball (Boys and Girls) After School Sports Flag Football Volleyball (Girls) Basketball (Boys and Girls) Wrestling Track and Field
Community Involvement Sports Clubs & Leagues Fun runs and races Local activities Community sponsored events Volunteerism