The Three Ways of Reading a Film
Literary Aspects
Definition: All of the same elements that are crucial to interpreting, understanding, and appreciating literature( genre, setting, P.O.V., plot, symbolism, theme, etc.) are included in film.
Who are the characters in the film?
*What is the film’s setting?
*From whose point of view is the story told?
*Briefly summarize the plot.
*What is the theme of the film?
*What is the mood of the film?
*What symbols did you notice in the film?
* *What literary allusions, parallels, or connections did you notice in the film?
*What deeper meanings or deeper messages did you get from the film?
Dramatic Aspects: Consist of all those elements associated with live drama: actors, acting, sets, dialogue, costumes, makeup, director, directing, etc.
*Identify a movie you went to see just because it had a certain actor or actress in it.
Which of your top 10 would you say had excellent acting in it? Why?
Identify a movie in which the costumes, makeup, or sets were effective or unusual.
· Can you identify a movie in which the acting, sets, makeup, or costumes attracted your attention in some way because they were flawed?
Can you identify a movie that you went to see just because of the director?
Cinematic Aspects: Elements of films that are unique to film, such as cinematography (camera angles, types of shots, etc), sound, editing, special effects, etc.
Is there a movie on your list that stands out for its photography or visual effects?
Identify a scene from one of your movies that you now realize has effective editing?
Is there a movie on your list that has interesting sound effects or music?