Finger Printing 101 Petersen Health Care
Getting Started See the attached guide from IDPH on how to get your user name and password for IDPHNET. Marikay Snyder is your PRA. You will need to print, sign, scan and email her your registration form at the completion of your online registration.
Question?! Question Who gets their fingerprints done? Answer Every new hire that does not show a FEE APP on their search screen. This is for all staff including housekeepers, dietary aides, and yes, even administrator’s.
Current Users: Click here to access the portal: Login Web Site If you get a “problem with the website security” – click on “CONTINUE WITH THIS WEBSITE, NOT RECOMMENDED” You will see Current Users: Click here to access the portal: Login Click on Login.
Login & Password You will need your login and password to enter the IDPHNET site. QUESTION “I don’t know my login or password” ANSWER Your login should be similar to your Petersen login (for example, Cindy White would be Cwhite) If you forget your password, contact IT Helpdesk at 1.800.366.8768 and select option 1 then 15. You will need to select DPH Employee on the drop down.
Now that you are in… To the left you will see a blue bar at the top of the page: Home, Applications, Communities and Worksite Wellness. Click on APPLICATIONS Tab Then Click on HCW Background Checks (Again, if you see a problem with the site, click on CONTINUE NOT RECOMMENDED – TWICE IF NECESSARY)
Welcome Under “please select the facility from the list below” – draw the box down and it should only have your facility to choose from. Click the Green Arrow Again at the top will be a gray bar. Workers, New Application, Rejects, Employees and Maintenance First check to see if the employee is already registered. Click on the Workers Tab. Search by Social Security Number. Searching by name isn’t as accurate. You will have to enter the SS# twice.
If the employee has already had a fingerprint check, click on the icon to the far right of the employee’s name. The results and date of their previous fingerprint check will come up.
Red Flag or waiver – not eligible for hire. Note that if the applicant is pending fingerprinting, the Livescan Requests will show a date and app #. You can see that this applicant has had the FEE APP fingerprint check done, as well as the UCIA name based check. Green flag means they are eligible for hire. Print this screen. Red Flag or waiver – not eligible for hire.
If there are no workers with that SS found, you will need to proceed with the background check. Results will say “No Worker found”
Authorization & Disclosure Form This needs to be signed by your new hires before going any further. The employee should have completed the Authorization and Disclosure form at hire. IDEA Make copies of this Authorization and Disclosure Form and make it part of your SWAT processes!!!!
... And we are off Now that we have the authorization signed and filled out we can continue. Under the “authorization and disclosure form” there will be two spots for the social security number of the employee – enter this twice and click on the green arrow.
Demographic Information Fill out the demographic information HINT all the information you need will be found on the Disclosure and Authorization form. Once complete, press green arrow.
Application Fill out the position sought. For example, if this is a dietary aide, you would fill in food services, then type; kitchen worker, food preparer. If this is a C.N.A., you would fill in technical unlicensed health care and then under would fill in Certified Nursing Asst. under type.
Registry Checks Check all six checks Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General Illinois Sex Offenders Registration Illinois Department of Corrections Sex Registrant Illinois Department of Corrections Inmate Search Illinois Department of Corrections Wanted Fugitives National Sex Offender Public Registry OK means these came back good DQ means they are a hit and cannot work in your home. Please actually do these as when it comes down to it… this is your license at stake.
Registry Checks Continued Once all checks have been completed, check on the date you did this (should be the date of hire). Next click on OK for both authorization and disclosure buttons (because you already did this in your SWAT packet). Please note that although you are clicking on two buttons for the authorization and disclosure, this is ONE form. BEFORE PROCEEDING – PRINT THIS SCREEN OUT!!!
Registry Checks Continued The print out of the six checks and the date you did them is your new background check. Print off all six results. Press the save (looks like a floppy disk on the bottom right hand side) to continue.
Application Now that this is saved, scroll back up to above “application” and you will see a SAVED, Application saved successfully and “click here for fingerprinting form.” Print this form out
Information for Employee to Take Make this simple for your employee so they don’t have any excuses of not going. Type a cover letter on letter head with all the information they need. It might look something like this… Note that we pay the charge for CNA’s, but other employees (dietary/housekeeping, etc.) will have the $30 charge deducted from payroll.
Information for Employee to Take Question How do I know where our scanners are and the location? Answer Look this up on the biometrics website Second tab – Locations; scroll down to find the nearest location to you that meets your time frame of 10 days.
Information for Employees to Take continued… Give the employee: The cover letter with details of what to do A COPY of the authorization and disclosure form A COPY of the fingerprinting print out. Make a copy of this entire packet for you to keep in their file so you have records, but if they lose it (which will happen) you can just give them a copy of your copy. When giving this to them, explain in advance the following things to cover your bases: This is mandatory and they must go. This is not just a Petersen “thing” but a long term health care regulation for all homes. If they do not go within the timeframe, they will be suspended until this is done. They will not be reimbursed for mileage. The employee must bring back the receipt that they went for your records. If they are scheduled during a time they are working, they must punch out to go and punch back in.
That’s done… Now what?! The employee must bring the paperwork back that they went. (You will know they went because there will be a stamp and signature.) HINT If you have a busy home with turnover, make a list of people you gave the information to and don’t cross off their names until you get it back.
Follow Up Now you need to monitor the facility website for information back from the state. The generic email should be forwarded to the administrator’s email. If not, put in an IT ticket. If you need your password reset, complete an IT ticket requesting the password be changed.
Reading the Results You will receive an email from DPH.HCWR. The name of the employee will be in the subject line. Results should read: Please be advised that the fingerprint-based criminal history records check has been completed for the individual listed below. The report indicates that this individual has no criminal convictions. Therefore, the individual has no conviction that prevents the individual from being hired, employed, or retained by a health care employer governed by the Health Care Worker Background Check Act [225 ILCS 46]. They may also say: Please be advised that the fingerprint-based criminal history records check has been completed for the individual listed below. The records revealed a criminal conviction(s) for this individual. However, pursuant to the Health Care Worker Background Check Act [225 ILCS 46], the revealed conviction(s) would not cause the individual to be ineligible to be hired, employed, or retained by a health care employer or long-term care facility.
Ineligible Results They are ineligible for employment if it says: Please be advised that the fingerprint-based criminal history records check has been completed for the individual listed below. The records revealed a criminal conviction(s) for this individual. Pursuant to the Health Care Worker Background Check Act [225 ILCS 46], the revealed conviction(s) causes the individual to be ineligible to be hired, employed, or retained by a health care employer or long-term care facility. OR Please be advised that the fingerprint-based criminal history records check has been completed for the individual listed below. The records revealed a criminal conviction(s) for this individual. Pursuant to the Health Care Worker Background Check Act [225 ILCS 46], the revealed conviction(s) causes the individual to be ineligible to be hired, employed, or retained by a health care employer or long-term care facility, unless IDPH has granted a waiver. Check the waiver section on the applicant's profile page for the waiver status.
Common Questions Q: Who should be doing these background checks? A: Whoever is designated to do so; however, keep in mind that if it is not being done, the Administrator’s license is the one at risk, not the BOM.
Common Questions Q: What if I miss type the name of the employee in the demographics, save, and then can’t fix it? A: Contact the Help Desk at IDPH with the improper name, what it should be and the last four digits of the social security number and they will fix it on their end.