TODAY’S GOAL: Students will be able to…. …become familiar with Greek account of the creation of the world Mon 8/20 Binders: 5 tabs~ ~Bell Work ~Myth Notes ~Vocab/Derivatives ~Grammar ~Classwork Greek Creation HW: N/A
TODAY’S GOAL: Students will be able to…. …become familiar with parts of the house as we read simple Latin sentences Latin club news: Full club meeting this Friday! Everyone is welcome! Tues 8/21 Grab a red Latin textbook from the shelf for class today Bell work (binder – bell work section) Model Sentences, p. 4-5 Grammar discussion (grammar section) When told to, please put textbooks back HW: N/A
Bell work: Using no more than half a page, draw a diagram of the house/apartment/condo/etc. where you live. Label the rooms in your diagram (living room/den, kitchen, dining, bedrooms, etc.) You have 5 minutes!
TODAY’S GOAL: Students will be able to…. …explore Latin sentence structure through model sentences Latin club news: Club meeting Friday! Everyone welcome! Wed 8/22 Bell work – define the following terms in your Bell Work section: Atrium, cubiculum, triclinium, tablinum If you need help – look at p. 11 Finishing Myth Notes (esp. 7th period) Finish Model sentences – p. 5 About the Language, p. 7 HW: N/A
TODAY’S GOAL: Students will be able to…. …read a Latin story by applying what they know of simple Latin vocab and grammar, as well as their knowledge of English. Latin club news: Latin Club Meeting Tomorrow – all are welcome! Thurs 8/23 Bell work: verum aut falsum Translation Thursday: grab a red textbook “Cerberus” p. 6 Alphabet and Pronunciation (grammar section) HW: N/A
Bell Work 8/23
JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE DUES! JCL Interest sheet, dues $3 membership due to FJCL and NJCL to participate for a year of socials, service projects, and other fun events! $5 registration for Regionals (so, $8 total for both) Early bird treat: get your dues in by next week, come to our Early Bird Ice Cream social! Cash, or check made out to FSUS ($3 or $8)
TODAY’S GOAL: Students will be able to…. …show mastery of Stage 1 vocab Latin club news: Full Club Meeting – Today after school! Fri 8/24 Bell: Video of Pompeii’s Last Day Grab a chromebook Class code: H/W: Finish the 4 different activities before Tuesday. Study for vocab quizzes starting on Tuesday