Latin Basics
Clear Targets Students will identify differences between the English and Latin alphabets. Students will pronounce Latin in the classical style.
First off…
History of Latin Who? Why? Where?
Same Word? Latin - Pater Greek - Pater Sanskrit - Pitar German - Vader English - Father
The Answer to Everything is… PIE. Proto-Indo-European
Alphabet Differences Animated What English letters are missing from Latin? What’s up with U, V, and W?
Pronouncing vowels “a” as in “father” “e” as in “pet” “i” as in “elite” “o” as in “dog” or “go” “u” as in “you” Long vowels vs. short vowels – ā, ē, ī, ō, ū Diphthongs – two vowels pronounced as one “ae” like “eye” “au” like “ow” “ei” like “reign” “oe” like “oil”
Pronouncing consonants Hard c’s and g’s cat and gill, not pace or page Double r’s Currō “v” to replace “w” via i to replace j “Yuh” sound, not “juh” If the word starts with “i” + a vowel (iam) If the “i” is between two vowels (maiestas)
Practice canis cubiculī culīnae fīlius māter servī viae Germanus Gaius Iulius Caesar
Vocab Flash Cards Optional: Cutting cards Color coding Derivatives Not optional: Making them Putting all the info given Front: Back:
Stage 1 Vocab Nouns: ātrium, ātrī, n. – atrium, reception hall canis, canis, m. – dog coquus, coquī, m. – cook, chef cubiculum, cubiculī, n. – bedroom culīna, culīnae, f. – kitchen fīlius, fīlī, m. – son hortus, hortī, m. – garden māter, mātris, f. – mother pater, patris, m. – father servus, servī, m. – slave tablīnum, tablīnī, n. – study, office triclīnium, triclīnī, n. – dining room via, viae, f. – street Verbs: sum, esse, fuī, futūrus – be labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātus – work sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessūrus – sit Prepositions: in – in, on