9.30am on Thursday 18 October 2018 Our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi
Background Originating in California, ShakeOut drills are now held across the world reminding people to – Drop, Cover and Hold. Over 1.34 million participated in New Zealand ShakeOut 2012 and 2015. The campaign is co-ordinated by MCDEM and shared via Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups, Government agencies, Partner organisations across the country. GNS researches found overwhelming support to run New Zealand ShakeOut as an annual exercise, as greater frequency improves message retention.
New approach for 2018 Focusing efforts on encouraging all early childhood centres, schools and tertiary organisations to sign up Achieve a significant number of sign-ups at significantly reduced effort and costs Advertising and promotion targeted to teachers, principals and schools administrators Promote What’s the Plan, Stan? National promotion on a smaller-scale Advertising campaign aimed at the public (using online channels and social media). Communications to encourage everyone who took part last time to sign up again Everyone in coastal areas to include a tsunami hīkoi as part of their ShakeOut drill.
What is MCDEM doing? Encouraging Government agencies, partner organisations, businesses and households to sign up for and share NZ ShakeOut. Running competitions and challenges for early childhood centres, primary schools and high schools. Updating the existing shakeout.govt.nz website. Using media opportunities to promote the campaign, e.g. a launch event for the Minister, milestone media releases, drill day coverage. Developing a national digital and social media campaign Developing a range of campaign resources, including posters, flyers, factsheets, and sharing these with Groups and partner agencies so they can use them to promote the campaign too.
What CDEM can do? Share and use NZ ShakeOut 2018 resources to promote the campaign in their region. Contact and encourage people to sign up, take part and share: Local schools, ECEs, tertiary organisations Businesses, groups and organisations Partner agencies Individuals and Households Use the MCDEM-created digital and print resources to promote the campaign on digital platforms and social media, in public spaces, in publications, mail outs, etc. Sign up and do the drill.
What can Government agencies and other partner organisations do? Use the resources created for New Zealand ShakeOut 2018 to promote the campaign to staff and stakeholders. Promote the campaign on digital platforms and social media. Look for opportunities to promote the campaign, in newsletters, public spaces, etc. Sign up and do the drill.
Resources Posters Flyers Translated flyers Digital banners Social media posts School lesson plans Colouring pictures