Rose, Rose.. I Love You! Beading & Jewelry Making Tutorial By XQDesigns
Notes from the author ‘Rose, Rose…. I Love You’ is a project inspired by the Rose Flower. The tutorial is written with both pictorial step-by-step guides as well as diagram. It is catered to intermediate to advance beaders.
Materials Materials Tools 118 x 4mm bicones beads Nylon Thread Tools Scissors Needle size 12
First layer 1a2 Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads
1a1 RT LT String 5pcs 4mm red bicones to the center of the thread. You have your LT and RT. Cross LT into the last bicone on RT You have formed a cycle with 5 beads. We shall called this cycle as 1a2 and it is the first layer for the flower. 1a2 LT
Second layer Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads 2a 2b 2e 1a2 2c Start from 1a2 2a Second layer End at 2e Continue with 3a 2b 2e 1a2 2c 2d Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads
2a1 RT 2a3 Pass thread 2a2 Cross LT Now we are going to form 5 cycle around 1a2. String on RT: 4mm, 5mm, 4mm RT 2a3 Pass thread 2a2 Cross LT into last 4mm on RT You have formed 1st cycle that is attached to the cycle from step 1a2. Going left, pass thread into nearest 4mm Cross LT
2b1 RT 2b3 Pass thread 2b2 Cross LT String on RT: 5mm, 4mm Going left, pass thread into nearest 4mm Pass thread Cross LT into last 4mm on RT Now, you have formed 2nd cycle that is attached to the cycle from step 1a2. 2b2 Cross LT
2c1 RT 2c2 Cross LT String on RT: 5mm, 4mm Cross LT into last bead on RT Now, you have formed 3rd cycle that is attached to the cycle from step 1a2. Cross LT
2d Repeat step 2b3, 2c1, 2c2 to form the 4th cycle.
2e1 2e3 Pass thread Cross LT 2e2 2e4 RT To complete the last cycle: Going left, pass LT into 2 nearest 4mm 2e1 2e3 Cross LT into last 5mm on RT Pass thread Cross LT 2e2 On RT string: add 4mm, 5mm 2e4 RT Pull the thread to tighten the 5th cycle. With this, we have completed the 2nd layer for the flower. To secure the structure of the flower, pass the threads around the beads at the top one round.
Third layer Start here End here Continue with 4a Notes: 3b 2a Start here 3c 2b 3a 2e 1a2 2c 2d End here Continue with 4a 3e 3d Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads
3a We will now continue to form the 3rd layer for the flower by attaching 5 cycles onto the 2nd layer. On RT string: 5mm, 4pcs 4mm, 5mm RT 3a1 Cross LT into last 5mm on RT This is the 1st cycle. Cross LT
3b1 Pass thread 3b3 Pass thread Cross LT 3b2 RT Going left, pass thread into nearest 5mm Pass thread b. Going left, pass thread into the nearest 5mm 3b3 Pass thread Cross LT 3b2 On RT string: 4pcs 4mm, 5mm RT a. Cross LT into last 5mm on RT. This is the 2nd cycle.
3c1 RT Cross LT 3c2 Repeat 3b2, 3b3 to form 3rd cycle. Cross LT into last 5mm on RT Repeat 3b2, 3b3 to form 4th cycle. Then pass LT into the nearest 5mm bead. 3c2
3d1 3d3 Pass RT Pass thread 3d4 3d2 RT Going counter-clockwise, pass RT into 2 nearest 5mm from LT. 3d1 3d3 To form 5th cycle: Going left, pass LT thread into nearest 5mm Pass RT Pass thread 3d4 3d2 On RT string: 4pcs 4mm RT Pull thread to tighten the flower.
Fourth layer Start here End here Continue with 5a Notes: 3b 2a 3c 2e 2b 3a 4b 1a2 4d 2c 2d 3e 3d 4e Start here 4a End here Continue with 5a Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads
4a1 Continue to pass RT into next nearest 2 5mm. You will notice both LT and RT are both crossed at the last bead as marked by the arrow. Note, I have turned the flower upside down so that you can see the other side of the flower clearer. 4a3 Pass LT into last 5mm from RT. 4a2 On RT string: 4pcs 5mm RT
4b1 Pull thread. You have just form 1st cycle for the fourth layer. Pass LT into nearest 5mm bead from the 3rd layer. 4b2 To form 2nd cycle: On RT string: 3pcs 5mm RT
4c1 4c2 Pass LT into last 5mm from RT. Pull and tighten the thread. Then pass LT into nearest 5mm bead from 3rd layer. 4c2
4d1 Repeat 4b2, 4c1, 4c2 to make 3rd & 4th cycle.
4e1 4e3 Cross LT RT 4e4 To complete the 5th cycle: LT: Pass LT through the 2 nearest beads. RT: string: 2 pcs 5mm Cross LT into last 5mm on RT RT 4e4 Pull thread. You have completed the 4th layer.
Fifth layer 5e 5f 5h 5d 5h Continue making until you reach 5i. Then continue with step 5j 5c 5i Start here End here 5b 5j 5a Notes: 4mm bicone beads 5mm bicone beads
5a1 RT 5a2 Pass thread Cross LT On RT string: 5mm, 4pcs 4mm, 5mm b. Going left, pass thread into nearest 5mm Pass thread a. Cross LT on last 5mm on RT to form 1st cycle for the fifth layer. Cross LT
5b1 RT 5b2 Pass thread Cross LT On RT string: 4pcs 4mm, 5mm b. Going left, pass thread into nearest 5mm 5b2 Pass thread Cross LT a. Cross LT on last 5mm on RT. This is the 2nd cycle.
5c1 RT 5c2 Pass thread Cross LT 3rd cycle: On RT string: 4pcs 4mm, 5mm b. Going left, pass thread into nearest 5mm Pass thread Cross LT a. Cross LT on last 5mm on RT
Repeat 5c1 and 5c2 to make subsequent 4th to 9th cycles Repeat 5c1 and 5c2 to make subsequent 4th to 9th cycles. Upon completion of the 9th cycle, continue to pass thread into next 5mm. 5d1 Pass thread Pass RT into nearest 2pcs of 5mm bead. You notice both threads cross at the 4mm bead at the middle of the cycle. 5d3 10th cycle: On RT string: 4 pcs 4mm 5d2 RT
Sixth Layer
6a1 6a3 6a2 6a4 Turn the flower around. Now pull both threads facing up and it should have been crossed at the 5mm bead which in between the layers. Pass the RT to the next nearest bead. Add 5mm bead onto RT, repeat the process above to form 2nd cycle. 6a2 6a4 String in 5pcs 4mm beads into RT, and cross it back to the original bead. This will from 1st cycle for the 6th layer. Repeat 6a2 until you have 10 cycles. When RT is too short, You can use LT to form the cycles on the opposite direction.
Pass the threads into a few beads, tie knots and pass a few more beads before you trim excess thread.
You can turn the rose into a broach or attach it as a pendant on a necklace. I hope you have enjoyed making the jewelry. If you have any question, feel free to contact me at