Central Region Office Scaled Leadership Regional Meeting May 2, 2018
Mr. John D. Pace Region Superintendent
Leadership Thoughts…
Feedback (Question #1) … How often do you seek feedback? List three people you seek feedback from as it pertains to your school’s performance. Please take a minute to write your answer Question #1 on the Google Survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOCYxlXioHIMb0_lSko-KKu-BcBfowIABk-F6Yw5im1S0uxQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Feedback and Vision (Question #2)… What is the relationship between feedback and the school’s vision? Discuss at your table for 2 minutes. Enter your response to Question #2 on the Google Survey
Mr. John D. Pace Region Superintendent
Mr. Eric Acosta Community School Operations Administrative Director
Community School Operations Maintenance/Capital Improvements Please complete Monthly Maintenance Report between May 7th – May 11th Language of Work Order (repair vs. install) Priority vs. Important Details Matter Maintenance Meeting scheduled for May 25th Summer Cleaning Plans are due to Ms. Ana Perez by June 14th
Community School Operations Crisis Management “3-2-1 Check” Protocol (Senior High Schools) Emergency Evacuation/Lockdown Drills Schools should have conducted Drill #1 – WB # 22768 Final Drill #11 is scheduled for May Lockdown Drills Code Yellow/Code Red should also be completed DCIRTs Principals it is imperative that you update once requested services have been restored
Community School Operations Health Inspection Reports Please ensure that your school’s most current report is posted on the school website Immunizations Please monitor and take appropriate actions Spring Immunization campaign for 6th graders entering 7th grade next year School Operations will be sending additional information regarding consent and distribution of flyers
Community School Operations Important Update regarding the New Photo Identification Badges for Custodial WB #22802 Plant Operations - 11035 SW 84 Street, Miami, Florida 33173 (7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday) Middle School Redesign Social Emotional Learning Student Survey School Coordinator – WB #22827 Survey should have been completed on April 27th
Ms. Ana Perez, District Administrative Assistant Contact Information Mr. Eric Acosta ericacosta@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5056 – Office (305) 470-9531 – Private Line (786) 261-1861 – Cell Ms. Ana Perez, District Administrative Assistant 244943@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5061
Dr. Gloria Arazoza Office of Professional Standards Administrative Director
Professional Standards General Reminders Remember to contact me prior to giving any formal written document to employees (i.e., Professional Responsibilities Memo, Absence from Worksite Directives, etc.) Email me with a general message “Please call me in reference to personnel matter” PIM Contact me prior to submitting a PIM to discuss Form submitted via email to PIMREPORTING (Do NOT fax) Attendance Continue to be diligent in the monitoring of attendance of employees Absence from Worksite Directives carryover to next year
Professional Standards Deliberate Practice Growth (DPGT) Reflection and Outcome Phase May 4th – the Professional submits document June 1st – the Designated Administrator signs and returns to employee and enters information in the system (do not delay in reviewing these documents) IPEGS Closing of School Timelines and Procedures (Briefing # 22835) SPE meeting window: May 7th – June 1st IPEGS Review Request Window: June 4th – June 15th
Professional Standards COMPLETING IPEGS PROCESSES BY THE TIMELINE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! All information must be entered into the system
Theresa Vazquez, District Administrative Assistant Contact Information Dr. Gloria Arazoza garazoza@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 2102 – Office (305) 470-1801 – Private Line (786) 393-7420 – Cell Theresa Vazquez, District Administrative Assistant tvazquez@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5048
Contact Information OPS - Instructional Ms. Carmen Molina, District Director carmengutierrez@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7104 – Office OPS - Non-Instructional Ms. Maria G. Zabala, District Director mzabala@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7106 – Office Employee Assistance Program Ms. Rosaline Linares, Clinical Officer rlinares2@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7111 – Office
Ms. Robin Atkins Academic Operations Secondary Schools Administrative Director
Academic Operations Master Schedule Development All student requests should have been entered (March/April) Generate and Review Simple Tally report (April) Use Course Request Verification report verify all students have the proper number of requests (April) Initialize the workspace (April) Begin inputting teacher course assignments (April) Begin to build your schedule (May)
Academic Operations
Academic Operations High School Graduation Region Approval is in Progress Principals conduct the final review Principals attend graduation rehearsals A Director will attend at least one rehearsal Conduct Certificate of Completion Conferences (FM-7652)
Academic Operations High School Graduation (continued) Important Dates: May 1st – Graduation Site Floor Plans/Requests due to all sites May 1st – Superintendent’s Attendance Form (email Sgiro1@dadeschools.net) May 15th – Graduation Tickets (15) to Division of Athletics, Activities and Accreditation. EXCEPTION: Schools graduating from the Arsht Center and South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center (Venue will send directly)
Academic Operations Briefing ID # 22809 ESOL Program Compliance Information Survey Due Date: Friday, May 4th Briefing ID # 22778 – Reading Placement Technical Assistance Paper Use Powerbi to assist with reading placement. Update will take place after the 3rd Progress Monitoring Assessment Briefing ID # 22635 - 2018-2019 Master Schedule Guidelines for K-12 Academic Programs
Theresa Vazquez, District Administrative Assistant Contact Information Ms. Robin Atkins ratkins@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5058 – Office (305) 470-9464 – Private Line (786) 256-9245 – Cell Theresa Vazquez, District Administrative Assistant tvazquez@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5048
Dr. Janice Cruse-Sanchez Financial Human Capital Administrative Director
Financial Human Capital Probationary employees status Start identifying replacements for anticipated openings (FM 7066) Teacher Preference Form, Supplemented positions, Department/Grade level Chair No releasing of employees to District positions to close to opening of school District must submit request for employee in an email to you. You are to forward to me for approval/disapproval Temporary Instructor restrictions lifted WB #22699 – New Payroll Reporting Procedures for Temporary Instructors (Subsitutes)
Financial Human Capital You will purchase what you are allocated Make sure job codes match what is being taught Coding of students and course codes used in scheduling will effect FTE generated by the school Hourly Projections provided, cover negatives now Place a minimum of $500 in custodial overtime Schools with 10mth Registrar/Data Input need to place at least $500 in clerical hourly to bring employee during Summer
Financial Human Capital MASTER SCHEDULE Build on what you are allocatd and the personnel that are tied to those allocations If you have a large increase or decrease of enrollment in summer, communicate with me ASAP (monitor your PARI counts weekly) Plan to preserve personnel at Preliminary Conference Budget Conference documents
Financial Human Capital REMINDERS Conduct mini-property reviews prior to EOY CRO Property Form due to Ms. Rivera by Friday, May 25th Special Dues and Fees Form (FM-2396) with memo for excessive carry-over balances Due by no later than Friday, August 10, 2018 Fees can not be charged until approved document is received by the school
Financial Human Capital REMINDERS Field Trip Packets due at least 2 weeks prior to actual trip Principal must review for accuracy and completeness before signing the documents Out of County should be in at least 3 weeks prior, special consideration is given to last minute notification of athletic competitions Compensatory Time must be used by June 30th
Financial Human Capital AUDITS Review AAAA and SAP Authorization Reports PDF are searchable Only AAAA is Principal Payroll Approver vs Inputter Only one with both roles is the Principal Fund 9 is a variation of a “Credit Card.” The balance is your credit limit! No negative balances or excessive amounts in Title I
Weekly Briefings WB #22803 – 2018-2019 Leadership Academy Platform – Multi-Session Professional Development (School Operations/Synergy/Assessor Calibration and Feedback WB # 22815 – Important Travel Reimbursement Highlights -2017-18 WB #22699 – New Payroll Reporting Procedures for Temporary Instructors (Substitutes) WB #22716 – Retiree Appreciation Day, May 16, 2018
Weekly Briefings WB #22759 – Assistant Principal BENCH Academy Application due by no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 4th WB # 22732 – Payroll Processing Schedule for Fiscal Year 2018-19 WB #22816 – Important Information Regarding the Input and Approval of the Payroll Non compliance will result in Audit Exception WB #22821 – Election of Teachers to Serve on Interview Committee Due no later than Monday, May 21st
Dr. Janice Cruse-Sanchez Anacristina Rivera, Administrative Secretary Contact Information Dr. Janice Cruse-Sanchez jcruse-sanchez@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5057 – Office (305) 470-9523 – Private Line (786) 229-5412 Cell Anacristina Rivera, Administrative Secretary acamejo3@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5047
Contact Information Budget Office Mr. Paul Mickey, Budget Coordinator pmickey@dadeschools.net (305) 995-1574 – Office Mr. Frank Castellon, Instructional Staffing fcastellon@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7229 – Office Mr. Claude Archer, Instructional Staffing carcher@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7085 – Office Mr. Henry Tablada, Non-Instructional Staffing htablada@dadeschools.net (305) 995-7244 – Office
Mr. Michael Lewis Academic Operations K-12 Schools Administrative Director
Academic Operations K-12 Attendance iAttend “Targeted Student Status Form” is due on Wednesday, May 24th Daily attendance corrections Attendance Review Committee (FM-6704) Registration/Withdrawal Original birth certificate, certificate of baptism, insurance policy, religious record, passport, or Affidavit of Age (FM-4681) Verification of age and legal name Proof of a physical examination by an approved health care provider including a tuberculosis clinical screening, appropriate follow-up, and a certificate of immunization
Academic Operations K-12 Registration/Withdrawal (continued) Two(2) verification of parent/legal current resident (address) such as Broker’s or attorney’s Statement or purchase of residence, properly executed lease, utility receipt, or Statement of Bonafide resident (FM-7444) Withdrawals Parent must come to sign withdrawal form Student must return all their books and cleared all debts, in order to receive transfer paper Withdrawals to another school in Dade County (parent must bring the proof of the new address) Transfers/Region 2018 transfer window is CLOSED!!!!!!! COE Transfers April 16th through May 25th
Academic Operations K-12 Renewal/Revocation Please meet with parents on All Revocations. As a reminder, it is imperative to document ALL interaction with students or parents. ESE Updates 2018 ESE Boot Camp for Administrators (school site administrators only) Monday, June 18th through Wednesday, June 20th, from 8:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. each day at Coral Reef Senior High School, 10101 SW 152nd St, Miami, FL 33157. The theme for this year is “Ready, Willing and Able!” Magnet Schools “Off Cycle” Magnet Application April 25th Based on availability of seats
Contact Information Mr. Michael Lewis mjlewis@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5046 – Office (305) 470-1904, Private Line (786) 402-4070 – Cell Deborah Gonzalez, Social Work Chairperson Student Administrative Transfers D.Gonzalez@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5043 Ana Perez, District Administrative Assistant 244943@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5061
Mr. Alejandro Perez Academic Operations Elementary / K-8 Administrative Director
Academic Operations Briefing ID # 22631 Briefing ID # 22635 The testing window for AP3 is Wednesday, May 7th through Friday, June 1st Briefing ID # 22635 2018-2019 Master Schedule Guidelines for K-12 Academic Programs
Academic Operations ESOL Program Compliance Information Survey Briefing ID # 22627 – Information Regarding State Assessment Waiver (K-8, Middle and High) Briefing ID # 22809 ESOL Program Compliance Information Survey Due Date: Friday, May 4th Briefing ID # 22757 Complete the Library Media Center Inventory and submit the Annual Library Media Statistical Survey by May 25th. Library personnel can locate the survey form at: http://library.dadeschools.net/support-inventory.htm
Academic Operations Master Schedule Development All student requests should have been entered (March/April) Generate and Review Simple Tally report (April) Use Course Request Verification report verify all students have the proper number of requests (April) Initialize the workspace (April) Begin inputting teacher course assignments (April) Begin to build your schedule (May)
Academic Operations Briefing ID # 22314 2017-2018 Grade 3 Reading Student Portfolio Please review briefing to ensure compliance with Program Administration Portfolio Review – 2 days after scores are released Good Cause Individual Student Information Form Third Grade Student Performance Roster (required from every elementary school, even if NA) Memo will be sent with instructions and procedures
2018 Summer Services Monday, July 2nd through Monday, July 30th Summer Service Offerings Regular Program ESY (At Open Summer Sites) Elementary & K-8 Centers – Full-time APs K-8 Centers & Middle Schools – Hourly APs 2 Teacher Professional Development Days Thursday, June 28th and Friday, June 29th Elementary Grades – 1 full day PD & 1 full day of work in the classroom Middle Grades – ½ day PD & ½ day of work in the classroom Work Time for Teachers Elem/K-8 8:15-3:20 K-8 (6, 7, 8) 8:15-11:45 Middle 9:00-12:30
2018 Summer Services Summer School Hiring Eligibility Worksheet available online around May 8th Summer School Lockouts Only teachers on the list maybe hired (no write ins) School staff must sign the worksheet to indicate their interest in summer employment No waivers for expired certificates will be granted for the 2018 Summer School session All schools distribute Superintendent’s 2018 Summer Services Eligibility Letter to parents on May 17th
2018 Summer Services Summer Services Student Registration Begins Tuesday, May 29th to be completed by Thursday, June 7th (at the home school) Eligible students may register at open summer sites on Monday, June 11th – Tuesday, July 3rd Student Eligibility and Ratios Elementary – 1:18 Retained 3rd Graders & Rising 3rd Graders Middle – 1:25 8th Graders (Course Credit Recovery of one subject area) 7th Graders (Based on space availability) 6th Graders (Students who failed World History and availability)
2018 Summer Services Administrative Coverage/Summer Vacations ALL Principals will be assigned a minimum of 3 days of summer school coverage at one of the open centers. Clerical & Custodial Coverage/Support To include supplies and personnel
Ms. Maria Areas, Secretary Contact Information Mr. Alejandro Perez aperez@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5059 – Office (305) 470-9447, Private Line (786) 412-6789 – Cell Ms. Maria Areas, Secretary mareas@dadeschools.net (305) 499-5050 ext. 5049
Mr. John D. Pace Region Superintendent