Building a Manuscript
Why Publish? **Disseminate New knowledge** Get feedback on work Advancement (academia) Bragging rights?
Purpose of a Publication Inform other scientists Document the approach Explain motivation How experiment executed Meaning of results
Scientific Writing Writing should be clear and concise NO BS!! Quality of writing still important “At present it is widely accepted that TTX possibly is an exogenous source via food chain or symbiosis in case of marine animals, whereas in amphibians it be having an endogenous origin.”
What are the pieces?
Hartley 2007
Abstract Second most important part Shortened version of paper Should contain all information for reader to determine: Objectives How Results Significance Short and sweet
Introduction Sets up your paper and put in context Discuss: Structure: Results and conclusions of previous literature Holes in current knowledge Structure: How to write:
Methods Provides all the methodological details Should be sufficient to duplicate your work Assume other scientists have same basic skills Example: Final paragraph should be stats Split methods into sections:
The Stats Analysis Section (in the methods) Structure is critical Start with what test was done Then say what the test does What variables? Then say who it was tested on Finally say your treatments or what the experiment was testing
Results Present the results of your experiments DO NOT INTERPERET Common mistakes: When describing results, should include Test statistic (t, F, χ2) DF or N Statistical probability level (p-value) Measure of central tendency and dispersion or table/figure number Generally should not present raw data
How to set up the text (in the results) Start with the test What was found Significant difference Non-significant difference Positive relationship Negative relationship No relationship Etc. List the response variable In who? Then say what experiment tested (then insert your stats – follow the template) Robotic – follow it by describing the figure
Discussion Interpret your results Why are they different from other studies Suggest: Do not make statements that are too broad If necessary, note problems and explain anomalies Summarize in final paragraph
Acknowledgements Thank people Site funding Completely free
Literature Cited Last section of the paper Alphabetical list of all articles cited in the text In text: Number authors Within text In lit cited: Endnote
Tables and figures Accuracy = table To make a statement = figure Each should stand alone Examples:
Figures Figure 1. Mean (± SE) ttx concentration (ng/mg) in newt larvae from four developmental stages. 0 W = larvae that had recently hatched, 4 W = four week old larvae, 15 W = fifteen week old larvae, 28 W = larvae that had recently completed metamorphosis. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments (P < 0.015).
After the pieces are together?
After the pieces are together? Formatting Submission Review Revisions Acceptance/start over Publication
If all else fails….
Today’s Lab Begin by building an ethogram of your observations Include functional and descriptive definitions Present the ethogram as a table in your manuscript If you have info on different species, split into different sections Write the methods section The methods section and ethogram are due 27 Jan