Maryland High School Assessments


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Maryland High School Assessments Welcome! Maryland High School Assessments LAC Training October 23, 2018

AGENDA 9:00 – 9:30 AM Introduction New Staff Introductions Time Topics 9:00 – 9:30 AM Introduction New Staff Introductions General Information/Schedule and Timelines (Key Dates) Positive Feedback 9:30 – 10:15 AM Policy Test Security (HB617) Assessment Updates Bridge Project 10:15 – 10:45 am Statewide Test Scheduling Tool 10:45 – 11:00 AM Break/Time to add to the parking lot

AGENDA Time Topics 11:00 AM– 12:15 PM Computer Based Testing with the HSA Online System HSA Portal Quick Overview What’s new in the Portal/Kiosk Key topic: Accessibility Kiosk Life Cycle of the SR/PNP How do you prepare these in your district? Review the Upload Templates Demos Creating classes/test sessions Reports What to pull and how to make them work for you Hours of Use during Administration 12:15 – 12:45 PM Lunch

AGENDA Time Topics 12:45 – 1:15 PM UI changes in the HSA Kiosk Paper Based Testing Accommodations Additional Materials UPS Pickup 1:30 – 1:45 PM Support Materials Maryland Help & Support Site Modules Weekly LAC Communications Quick Start Guides Help Desk 1:45 – 2:30 PM Question and Answers

Introduction Staff Introductions General Information/Schedule and Timelines (Key Dates) Positive Feedback

Introductions Measured Progress eMetric MSDE Shelby Pouliot, Program Manager eMetric Aarti Jagtap, Project Manager Kaelee Harper, Support Center Manager MSDE Brianna Creed, Program Manager for High School Assessments Ann Herrmann, Section Chief Karla Bressant, Finance Section Chief/LAC for LEA 24 Schools Paul Katula, Scoring Specialist Pauline Carey, Program Specialist Jeremy Haack, Science Specialist Leah Renzi, Coordinator of Social Studies Beth Ann Haas, Government Specialist Tamara Lewis, State Test Security Officer

Maryland HSA Timelines Date Task October 15, 2018 Help & Support Site available with templates & user guides HSA practice test went live October 23 – 25, 2018 Annual HSA October Trainings October 31 – November 14, 2018 Pre-ID Window November 15, 2018 – January 7, 2019 Bulk upload of classes and additional accessibility features/ accommodations in HSA Portal November 15 - December 8, 2018 Certification Window All HSA Kiosk installations must be completed Site Readiness must be completed TestMonitor installed

Maryland HSA Timelines Date Task December 10, 2018 Manuals arrive to schools and LEAs Track using Materials Management in HSA Portal December 12 – 19, 2018 Second Pre-ID Window December 17, 2018 Paper materials arrive to schools and LEAs December 17, 2018 – January 14, 2019 Order Additional Materials via HSA Portal January 2, 2019 January tests available in HSA Portal for scheduling Ensure TestMonitor sync is complete before test window opens January 7 - February 1, 2019 Operational Testing Window No uploads permitted in HSA Portal (all data manually entered via user interface)

Maryland HSA Timelines Date Task January 7 – 18, 2019 Paper Operational Testing Window January 14 -25, 2019 Return All Paper Materials Schedule UPS Pick-up Request January 28 - 31, 2019 Late Pick-up Window for Paper Materials After January 31, 2019 Any scorable material must be returned at the cost of the county February 4- 8, 2019 Return Online Testing Secure Ancillary Materials April 1, 2019 Scores available to LEAs & LEA 24 STCs April 12, 2019 Score labels shipped to LEAs & LEA 24 STCs

What went well this past year? Positive Feedback What went well this past year? Each table will present three comments to the group.

Policy Test Security Assessment Updates Bridge Project

Test Security (HB617/SB562) MSDE Guidance on House Bill 617 / Senate Bill 562 During this past legislative session, the General Assembly adopted, and Governor Larry Hogan signed into law, legislation concerning the administration of Maryland State assessments. House Bill 617 / Senate Bill 562 permit public school principals to select any employee to act as a Test Administrator pending review and approval by the respective local Superintendent. Note that for any multistate assessment consortium testing, Test Administrators must have state certification as required by the consortium.

Security Updates MSDE Guidance on House Bill 617 / Senate Bill 562 Consortium assessments for the 2018-2019 school year: ELA grades 3-8 & 10, 11 Mathematics grades 3-8, Alg I, Alg II, and Geometry MSAA Alt-Science Access for ELLs Assessments that are not part of a consortium include: High School Government and HS-MISA MISA grades 5 & 8 KRA This list will change in the 2019-2020 school year.

Security Updates MSDE Guidance on House Bill 617 / Senate Bill 562 Continue to work with your School Test Coordinators in making certain that the highest level of test security is maintained. All personnel assigned to be Test Administrators must be employees of the local school system, be trained for their role, and sign a “Test Administration and Certification of Training Form and Non-Disclosure Agreement.”

Assessment Updates Government Updates HS MISA Updates

American Government Leah Renzi Beth Ann Haas Coordinator of Social Studies, MSDE Beth Ann Haas Social Studies Specialist, MSDE

Agenda Social Studies Assessment Design and Purpose American Government Overview

Maryland Social Studies Framework Revisions Elementary Pre-K – 2 (2020) Grades 3 -5 (2020) Middle School Grade 6 (TBD) Grade 7 (TBD) United States History (2018) High School Modern World History (2018) American Government (2018) United States History (2020) Maryland Social Studies Framework Revisions Alignment American government was updated in 2016 and implemented in year 2018

Social Studies Assessment Design and Purpose

Education Accountability Program 2017 Md. Ed. Art §7-203 Education Accountability Program 2017 At the high school level, when the department’s contract for the current high school social studies assessment expires, the state board shall, in collaboration with county boards, county curriculum specialists in social studies, high school social studies teachers, and academics with expertise in social studies  education, redesign the high school level social studies assessment to:   (i) consist, to the greatest extent possible, of criterion–referenced, performance–based tasks that require students to utilize critical and historical thinking skills and analyze primary sources; (ii) be administered, to the greatest extent possible, within existing class periods; and (iii) be implemented in the 2018–2019 school year, and each year thereafter. This is the social studies-specific language within the More Learning, Less Testing Act of 2017 (SB 452). The law dictates a new item type that must be utilized on the HSA American Government exam.

The C3 Framework and 6.0 Social Studies Skills and Processes

Evidence Based Arguments Set (EBAS) Previously known as “Clusters” Should this be moved forward?

The Inquiry Arc and Standard 6.0 Evaluating Sources A2: The student will evaluate the credibility of the sources by considering the authority, origin, type, context, and corroborative value of each source.   Evaluating Sources A4: Identify credible, relevant information contained in the sources. Communicating and Critiquing Conclusions A1: Construct arguments using claims and evidence from multiple sources. Supervisors and writers selected these as the skills and processes to be assessed when developing the American Government assessment

Sourcing in Government Source One Type Origin Authority Context Credibility Corroboration Source Two Type Origin Authority Context Credibility

EBAS Structure Directions Compelling Question Background information Sources Multiple choice questions ECR    

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Example Quiz time! Name the assessment limit – is this a type, origin, authority, context or corroboration question?

5 Point Rubric (DRAFT)

American Government Overview

Development Timeline June 2016 Fall 2018 January 2019 January 2020 New objectives and assessment limits finalized by supervisors. Fall 2018 First school year teachers will begin teaching new assessment limits. January 2019 First items reflecting new assessment limits field tested on the Government H.S.A. January 2020 First administration of the H.S.A. with the new assessment limits fully operational and measured. In June 2016, the framework with updated objectives and assessment limits were finalized and released to the LEA supervisors. Frameworks are supplemental materials to help support the state social studies standards. These materials are meant to help districts when creating their own curriculums. In the fall of 2018, teachers are encouraged to begin teaching the new assessment limits. In January 2019, the new assessment limits will be field tested on the American Government High school assessment. By January 2020, the new assessment limits will become fully operational.

Updated Framework A document has been created to help highlight some of the updates that have been made to the assessment limits. The document is organized by the Maryland State Standards, similar to how our old framework was designed

American Government: 2019 Layout Session 1 (40 minutes) Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 SR BCR TEI EBAS To stay operational and not have a gap year, the 2019 layout will appear different. 2018-2019 will remain operational SRs and BCRs will remain on the assessment Updated/new assessment limits will be field tested Evidence Based Argumentative Sets (EBAS) and Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) will be field tested

American Government: Practice Test & 2020 Layout Session 1 (40 minutes) Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 SR BCR TEI EBAS The assessment will consist of five 40 minute test sessions. The 40 minutes is allocated as time on task and does not include administrative tasks such as distributing materials and reading directions. Test administration may be conducted as either an event-based (students take the entire assessment in one sitting) or during multiple class periods (assessment is broken into several days) assessment. The choice of administration format is a site-based decision.

Testing Sessions - TAM “If all students have completed testing before the end of the session testing time, the Test Administrator may end the session. Once the session testing time has been reached, the session must end, except for students with an extended time accommodation” Actual student time taking the test will be 200 minutes (40 minutes -5 sessions) …has increased the testing time by 65 minutes.

Practice Test New Practice test with TEIs/EBAS available late October 2018 2017-2018 Practice Test Attempts to Access: 4,096 out of 87,841 Tested We will send out a tweet and email. We will hopefully have a video to place on our website for teachers to use. (We are currently having difficulties with adding our videos to the website.) Please make sure your teachers are aware of the practice site. It will be a useful tool for all populations to work with the new item types. However, with speaking to EL and Special Education teachers it is imperative to get these populations of students to work with the test platform. 477 ASL students accessed the Practice Test

Stimulus Selection and Review It’s a Process! Item Order Stimulus Selection and Review Item Writing Content Review Field Testing Stats Review Items Rest Operational 01 Blueprint Construction 02 Field Test 08 Item Bank Review Item Review 03 Item Order is generated 07 Stimulus Selection Test development is a collaborative process not just done in MSDE and vendor and MD teachers…2 year cycle for items to actually make it to an operational test item. Yellow represents where teachers are involved in the process Green represents where students will be accountable for the item 04 Teacher review of Stimuli 5

Timeline of Activities April Stimuli Review June (2 weeks) Range finding July Content Review Item Writers trained Great professional development for teachers. We will be sending out the initial letters for stimulus review after Thanksgiving. We look for geographic diversity in all of our groups. Participants requested from LEA Social Studies Supervisors

Bridge Plan Timeline June 2016 New objectives and assessment limits finalized by supervisors. 2016-2017 SY Development of new Bridge Project prototype, feedback meetings in LEAs with teachers, supervisors, and other educational community members. SY 2017-2018 Mini- Pilot of Bridge Project Prototype June 2018-September 2018 Bridge Project writing Editing of new Bridge Projects and adding scaffolding for ELLs and Special Education students December 2018 New Bridge Projects available for piloting. Will be piloted throughout the 2018-2019 SY Direct attention to the frameworks at this point The official pilot will happen next year.

Draft of Implementation Matrix Testing Admin First Time Test Takers Repeat Test Takers 2019 (January, May, Summer) Old Bridge Projects (Unless district chooses to implement New Projects) Old Projects 2020 New Project 2021 2022 Old Projects (only 2019 cohort) 2023

HS MISA Updates The number of sessions have changed to 5 sessions of 40 minutes each Sample Items have been omitted Test Administration may be conducted as event-based or during multiple class periods. Standard setting will occur after the May administration Reporting will occur after standard setting

Science Bridge Project Updates 2018 – 2019 School Year HS MISA participation this year meets graduation requirement. No Bridge Projects for this school year. Development of new NGSS Integrated Bridge Projects is beginning.

Science Bridge Project Updates 2019 – 2020 School Year HS MISA passing score meets graduation requirement. New NGSS Integrated Bridge Projects available Spring 2020 for student use after January administration.

Science Bridge Project Updates New NGSS Bridge Projects Integrated content, like the assessment. Module approach like Algebra I and American Government Differentiated for students based on the number of levels below passing. Gathering feedback from Science Supervisors later this month

Statewide Schedule Tool

Maryland HSA Portal Maryland HSA Kiosk Computer Based Testing with the HSA Online System Maryland HSA Portal Overview What’s new this year? Pre-ID Management Demonstration File Uploads & Downloads Reactivations & Invalidations Maryland HSA Kiosk Proctor Password Online Certification Test

Windows, MacOS and Linux Maryland HSA Online Testing System Online System Portal Users Administration Site Setup Students Classes Test Sessions Kiosk Windows, MacOS and Linux iOS and Chrome Tablet App Practice Test Browser

HSA Portal: Access Available via your browser at Browser Specifications: Chrome™ 69 or newer Safari® 11 or newer Firefox® 62 or newer Internet Explorer ® 11 Microsoft Edge™ 42.17 or newer

HSA Portal: User Accounts Already have a user account? Continue to use it! Don’t have an account yet? LACs and LEA 24 must create all other portal users within the HSA Portal Users will receive automated email with username and temporary password from Add “Trusted” Email Sender No email? Check Spam folder LACs contact Technical Support STCs and Tech Coordinators contact LAC for accounts

HSA Portal: Roles & Responsibilities Local Accountability Coordinator (LAC) Before & During Operational Testing: Manage portal users Upload student pre-ID (SR/PNP) data Add additional students after pre-ID window Manage student transfers Edit student data and additional accessibility features/accommodations after pre-ID window Create classes (proctoring groups) Schedule tests Track paper materials Approve TestMonitor Activations* During Operational Testing Manage and monitor student testing Review Dashboard Invalidate tests After Testing Schedule UPS pick-up requests *Optional

HSA Portal: Roles & Responsibilities School Test Coordinator (STC) Before & During Operational Testing: Manage portal users Upload student pre-ID (SR/PNP) data (LEA24 only) Add additional students after pre-ID window Edit student data and additional accessibility features/ accommodations after pre-ID window Student transfers Create classes (proctoring groups) Schedule tests Track paper materials Approve TestMonitor Activations* During Operational Testing: Manage and monitor student testing Review Dashboard After Operational Testing: Schedule UPS pick-up requests *Optional

Important Reminder All test and student information will be cleared out from the HSA Portal at the end of each test administration to provide a “clean slate” for the next testing administration.

What’s new this year? Maryland HSA Portal Removed the ‘Help and Support’ and ‘My Profile’ links from the User dropdown. Added a new Student Search feature (only for LACs). Updated Session Access Codes to be different by test session and to be 10 digits. Added the ability to select a school from the organization drop down on the Pre-ID Management tab and view files uploaded for the selected school. Added a disclaimer message to the Dashboard. Provided school level data in the Dashboard. STCs can now view dashboard data for their school.

HSA Portal: Pre-ID Management Pre-ID files can only be updated during the Pre-ID window. Upcoming Pre-ID window for January administration October 31 – November 14, 2018 December 12 – 19, 2018 Only LACs and STCs can upload files. Successfully uploaded files will be processed same day. The LAC/STC that uploaded the file will receive an email once the file has processed.

How do you prepare these in your district? SR/PNP (Pre-ID) File Uploads How do you prepare these in your district?

HSA Portal: Pre-ID Management New changes and additions to the SR/PNP data definitions file: Removed ‘HSMISA’ and ‘HSGOV’ fields Added ‘Allow Accessibility Mode Testing’ field.

Recorded Modules will be available on the Help & Support Site. HSA Portal Recorded Modules will be available on the Help & Support Site. Pre-ID Management Life Cycle Add/Edit Student Create Classes Schedule Test Sessions

HSA Portal: Bulk File Uploads Review Data Dates Available* Record Limit Portal Users Add or edit portal user accounts for your organization Oct 15, 2018 – Aug 2, 2019 200 Pre-ID (SR/PNP) Student data and accommodations Oct 31 – Nov 14, 2018 40,000 Additional Accessibility Features/ Accommodations Data Student accommodations only Nov 9, 2018 – Jan 7, 2019 1,000 Class Data Mapping students to classes or proctoring groups Nov 15, 2018 – Jan 7, 2019 Use the templates provided. Headings must match exactly. CSV files, so do not include commas in the actual data. *Limited availability during operational testing window

3:00 PM EST to 5:30 AM EST Pop Quiz During operational testing window, what are the hours between which LACs and STCs can upload accommodations? 3:00 PM EST to 5:30 AM EST

Important Note! During the operational testing window, LACs and STCs can still manually add/edit students create/edit classes create/edit portal users

HSA Portal: File Downloads Review Data Dates Available Record Limit Portal Users List of portal user accounts for your organization Oct 15, 2018 – Aug 2, 2019 50 Student Accommodations Student accommodations only Oct 31, 2018 – Feb 1, 2019 - Students Test Status List of students with their test completion status by school/test Jan 2 – Feb 1, 2019 Student Enrollment in Pre-ID format Student enrollment data During operational testing window, the export of student accommodations and student enrollment will be available between the hours of 3:00 pm EST to 5:30 am EST.

HSA Portal: Reactivating a Test If a student turns in a test, but did not intend to, LACs and STCs can reactivate a student’s test session. A test can only be reactivated once it is in a Finished status. A proctor password is required for student to access reactivated test session. The LACs and STCs should document and save the reason for reactivating the test. If student needs access to previously answered questions, the STC must also Unlock the test. The test status will be displayed as In Progress, but their previously listed End Time will remain the same until they have turned in the test again after having it reactivated.

HSA Portal: Reactivating a Test

HSA Portal: Invalidating a Test If a testing irregularity has occurred that lead to invalidating a test, LACs can invalidate via HSA Portal. LEA24 STCs to see Karla Bressant Must invalidate a student before scheduling to test again so they receive a different form. The student must be put in a new class and scheduled to take the test. This will generate a new password for the student’s test.

HSA Portal: Invalidating a Test

HSA Portal: Accommodations & Form Assignment Accommodated form automatically assigned to students with accommodations. Must order accommodations and accessibility tools prior to scheduling students to take the test. If missing of accommodations is caught before student logs in, assign accommodation, return to test session and click Generate Missing Student Test Logins. If missing of accommodations is caught after student logs in, invalidate test, assign accommodation, add student to new class and reschedule test.

Windows, MacOS and Linux Maryland HSA Online Testing System Online System Portal Users Administration Site Setup Students Classes Test Sessions Kiosk Windows, MacOS and Linux iOS and Chrome Tablet App Practice Test Browser

HSA Kiosk: Overview Secure testing kiosk installed on each testing device (or the local network) Practice test available on non-secure browser Browser Specifications: Chrome™ 69 or newer Safari® 11 or newer Firefox® 62 or newer Internet Explorer ® 11 Microsoft Edge™ 42.17 or newer

HSA Kiosk: Installation Download HSA Kiosk Install kiosk on testing devices* Conduct Site Readiness Testing Certify Site *Installation Options: Manual installation, scripted installation, software distribution via group policy Review installation guide available at

HSA Kiosk: Internet Connectivity Beginning of Test: Authenticate login Download test content* Internet connectivity is required! Beginning and end of test If you lose internet connectivity during test, keep testing If internet connectivity is not restored when test is done, answers are saved in secure saved response folder on local machine. When internet connectivity is restored simply relaunch the application and the answers will be sent and an other student can test on that machine. End of Test: Submit responses for scoring * Fetched from TestMonitor or eMetric Servers

HSA Kiosk: Checking Internet Connectivity Internet Connectivity is ON Internet Connectivity is OFF

HSA Kiosk: Failsafe Mechanism Make sure you explain that the files will disappear form the saved response location when sent to the server. Otherwise, saved forever. Saved Response Location

HSA Kiosk: Tech Support Notes Do NOT move students to a new device when experiencing technical issues if the student has begun testing. Only move once you are sure all responses synced to servers. Not sure? Call Technical Support. (866) 207-8804


What’s new this year? Maryland HSA Kiosk Accessibility mode kiosk integrated with regular Windows kiosk Accommodation selections made on Options page will persist to the Directions page A new expandable passages feature A new text highlight tool Keyboard navigation Stimulus level notes Text-to-Speech on browsers Usability refinements to the student test taking interface

HSA Kiosk Logging In to the Kiosk Entering a Session Options page Directions Testing Interface Review and Turn In

HSA Kiosk: Proctor Password Students who are inactive longer than 60 minutes or had their device powered down will require a proctor password to resume testing that session. Proctor password found on the Administration home page for LAC and STCs.

Passwords Type of Password Utilization Entered By Student Password 11/8/2018 Passwords Type of Password Utilization Entered By Student Password Used to log the student into the appropriate test Student Session Access Code Used to log the student into the appropriate session of the test Proctor Password** Used to log the student into the appropriate session of the test if the student powered down the device, and needs to resume the session, or if student is inactive for more than an hour. Proctor ** Proctor password must be kept confidential.

Online Certification Test Mock operational test to help you prepare. Must complete all tasks (create classes, schedule tests, print student test tickets) November 15 – December 7, 2018 Forms and test length will be identical to operational tests. Completely separate from the Site Readiness Test and Certification.

Paper Based Testing Paper Accommodations Receiving Paper Materials Ordering Additional Materials Returning Materials Scheduling UPS Pick-up Request

Paper Accommodation Two week testing window (January 7 -18, 2019) Need a documented IEP, 504, EL plan or approval from MSDE for paper materials Paper materials are automatically ordered with the submission of the first Pre-ID file Additional Materials can be ordered December 17, 2018 – January 14, 2019

Receiving Materials Shipment of materials Ensure that you received all your materials Discrepancy? Call the HSA Help Desk at (866) 207-8804 Tracking your orders on the HSA Portal

Materials Management

Materials Management

Materials Management Additional Materials To order materials you will need the schools MP Ship Code. This code may be found on the Material Summary Form. (see example on next slide) Additional test materials, may be ordered through Materials Management from December 17, 2018 – January 14, 2019 Additional manuals can be found on the Maryland Help & Support Site ( or ordered through Additional Materials

Both MP Ship codes (Manuals or Test Material Shipment) will work. Materials Management Additional Materials MP Ship Code NEW Both MP Ship codes (Manuals or Test Material Shipment) will work.

Materials Management Additional Materials

Materials Management Additional Materials Note: Additional Material Requests received after 12:30 PM EST will be processed the following business day

Materials Management Additional Materials

Materials Management Additional Materials Once the order is approved by MSDE and shipped, this number will appear on the Materials Management page.

Returning Materials Special Handling Envelope Used Accommodated Materials Invalidated Answer Sheets LEA 55 Answer Sheets Return of Used Answer Sheets Envelope (one for each content)

Returning Materials Use the boxes that were sent to you UPS return labels included in your shipment White tyvek envelopes (Used Answer Sheets Envelope, Special Handling Envelope) Unused Answer Sheets (different each administration) Used and Unused Test Books Other test materials

Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 14 – 25)

Online UPS Pickup Request Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 14 – 25) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2019

Online UPS Pickup Request Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 14 – 25) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2019 Your tracking number will automatically pull in your shipping information. Fill out any other necessary information Click on the grey Place Pickup Request button to schedule

Online UPS Pickup Request Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 14 – 25) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2019 Make sure to review the pickup request one more time on the Confirmation Screen. You will need to click the grey button Confirm Pickup Request to complete the schedule request

Support Materials Maryland Help & Support Site Modules Weekly LAC/LEA 24 STC Communications Quick Start Guides Help Desk

Maryland Help & Support Site

Have Additional Questions? Measured Progress Technical Product Support (866) 207-8804 or Help & Support Site Have Additional Questions?

Thank you.