Education Effectiveness Research in the United Kingdom Sir Kevan Collins, Education Endowment Foundation @EducEndowFoundn
The Education Endowment Foundation Independent charity dedicated to raising the attainment of 3-18 year-olds, particularly those facing disadvantage; develop their essential life skills; and prepare young people for the world of work and further study We support teachers and school leaders to use evidence to inform their decision-making We believe evidence helps schools to make the best decisions, and invest in areas most likely to lead to improvements in pupil outcomes
An Evidence Eco System Synthesis Generation Mobilisation
Teaching and Learning Toolkit
Teaching and Learning Toolkit
60 10 12 Towards an evidence informed education system Using evidence Generating evidence Using evidence Summarise existing evidence Clear and actionable guidance for schools Share and promote ‘what has worked’ Publish independent, rigorous evaluations Scale-up evidence-based programmes Fund innovative projects Practical support to bring evidence to life We need to work with you on both sides of the equation Mobilising knowledge and suing the evidence particularly We’re not going to recruit a field force we’re looking for partners and new emerging arrangements TA guidance with training materials 183,000 downloads 87,000 unique users Toolkit 67% 10,000 hits a month Literacy guidance sent to all schools middle of the following week well over 25,000 downloads We’ve spoken to more than 10,000 heads. - alone my running total is 6,000 or 1:4 There’s an appetite and opportunity 10 Research Schools 60 reports 12 Advocate-partners 106 RCTs
Resources and further information Use our free resources Visit: Apply for funding Visit: Volunteer to take part Visit: Connect with your local Research School Visit: We think the EEF is part of the picture – we’re not the solution, but we aim to work with others to get there.