Today you need to make people aware of what biomes are and why biomes are important!
Imagine you are standing here. Why are you here? What are your first thoughts? What can you hear? See? Smell? Feel? What do you want to find out? Attribution: By Jami Dwyer -, Public Domain,
And ask the same questions here; Imagine you are standing here. Why are you here? What are your first thoughts? What can you hear? See? Smell? Feel? What do you want to find out? AttributionBy User Kelberul on de.wikipedia - Originally from de.wikipedia; description page is (was) here16:05, 17. Sep 2004 Kelberul 2048 x 1536 (351.098 Byte) (Holzkohlegewinnung im Regenwald - GNU-FDL - selbst fotografiert), CC BY-SA 3.0,
Look at these 3 slides – what do you think biomes are? Attribution By lubasi - Catedral Verde - Floresta Amazonica, CC BY-SA 2.0, Look at these 3 slides – what do you think biomes are? What are biomes?
Attribution: By User Shizhao on zh. wikipedia - Originally from zh Attribution: By User Shizhao on zh.wikipedia - Originally from zh.wikipedia; description page is (was) here13:26 2004?8?4? Shizhao 2592x1944 (1,979,554??) (??[[:zh:???]]???[[:zh:??]]???[[:zh:2004?]] {{GFDL}}), CC BY-SA 3.0,
Attribution: By Fiontain - Own work, CC BY-SA 4. 0, https://commons
All the plants and creatures that live in a biome are perfectly adapted to living there, like in this part of Africa. This is Kruger National Park. It is a good example of how a biome can be protected and cared for by humans. Attribution By Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE - The View from Nkumbe, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Which of these plants and animals would you find in this South African Savannah? Can you say why you’ve made your choice? Attribution: By Derek Keats from Johannesburg, South Africa - African leopard, Panthera pardus pardus, near Lake Panic, Kruger National Park, South Africa, CC BY 2.0, attribution@ By Luca Galuzzi (Lucag) - Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) *, CC BY-SA 2.5, Attribution: Attribution: Attribution: AttributionBy Lis Burke, CC BY-SA 2.0, Attribution:By Hannes Grobe/AWI - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Attribution:By Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE - Sourplum (Ximenia caffra), CC BY-SA 2.0,
What are biomes? Attribution: By Ville Koistinen (user Vzb83) - the blank world map in Commons and WSOY Iso karttakirja for the information, CC BY-SA 3.0,
For more information on biomes click these links: Click here for even more information: Now tell someone else what a biome is. Explain what they are. Where they are. How there are different types of biomes.
Why should we be concerned about conserving biomes? Attribution: By Jami Dwyer -, Public Domain,
We are going to look at 2 biomes and think why it is important to look after them: Polar biomes Tropical rainforest biomes
Rainforest Look again at this picture – What do you want to find out about it? What is interesting about this picture? Who took this picture? Why did they take it? What questions does it make you want to ask? Attribution: By Jami Dwyer -, Public Domain,
AttributionBy User Kelberul on de. wikipedia - Originally from de AttributionBy User Kelberul on de.wikipedia - Originally from de.wikipedia; description page is (was) here16:05, 17. Sep 2004 Kelberul 2048 x 1536 (351.098 Byte) (Holzkohlegewinnung im Regenwald - GNU-FDL - selbst fotografiert), CC BY-SA 3.0, Rainforest And also look again at this picture – What do you want to find out about it? What is interesting about this picture? Who took this picture? Why did they take it? What questions does it make you want to ask?
Polar biomes - Glaciers Attribution: By Andreas Weith - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Polar biomes - Glaciers Next - look at this picture – What do you want to find out about it? What is interesting about this picture? Who took this picture? Why did they take it? What questions does it make you want to ask?
AttributionBy Maartenrus from nl, CC BY-SA 3. 0, https://commons Polar biomes And lastly - look at this picture – What do you want to find out about it? What is interesting about this picture? Who took this picture? Why did they take it? What questions does it make you want to ask?
Do you know who these people are? Attribution: By Charles Robert Knight -, PublicDomain,
They are Neanderthals – a slightly different species of human that disappeared from Europe around 30000 years ago. One reason we think they died out is because the Biomes they lived change from forest to grasslands. Attribution: By Charles Robert Knight -, PublicDomain,
How did a change in Biomes lead to the end of the Neanderthal people? A lot of the forested areas they depended on were disappearing and, while they were intelligent enough to adapt their tools and technology, their bodies were unable to adapt to the hunting techniques required for the new climate and landscapes. Clive Finlayson – archaeologist: “In parts of Europe, the landscape changed in a generation from thick forest to a plain without a single tree,” Clive says. “Our ancestors, who were used to hunting in bigger groups on the plains, could adapt easily: instead of wildebeest they had reindeer, but effectively the way of capturing them was the same. But Neanderthals were forest people. “It could’ve gone the other way – if instead the climate had got wetter and warmer, we might be Neanderthals today discussing the demise of modern humans.” From the Independent 11/03/2017 by Gaia Vince
Now look back at the pictures of the 2 biomes: Polar Equatorial rainforest Think about the animals and plants and even resources in these biomes we need to protect and that are adapted to these places
What would lose? Not just animals. But resources plants provide medicines. Aspirin was adapted from plants in the rainforest. Indigenous tribes in the rainforest could distinguish between thousands of plants and could tell which were food or medicine or poison. Think what else we could lose.
What can you do to help protect these 2 biomes? It’s your choice. Think about what you know. What you want to say. Who do you want to persuade? What do you want to do?