Linguistically Responsive Teaching for Science Erin sullivan, ph.d. Tema encarnacion
Outcome 1 minute 8:30 Participants will analyze aspects of Linguistically Responsive Teaching by completing a vocabulary quilt.
Vocabulary Quilt Create a grid with eight squares. Each square will have a vocabulary word or phrase: Responsive teaching Socio-linguistics Affective filter Language demands Scaffolding Comprehensible input L1 CALP 10 minutes 8:31
Middle School English Learners
High School English Learners
Linguistically Responsive Teaching Orientations An understanding of socio-linguistics An inclination to advocate for English Learners An appreciation for linguistic diversity 1 minute 8:41
An Understanding of Sociolinguistics Read the excerpt from Born a Crime Circle the elements of the text related to language. Underline the elements of the text related to culture. Star elements of the text that you make a connection with. 8 minutes 8:42 The study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, and occupational dialect, gender differences, and bilingualism.
Vocabulary Quilt Share with your partner about the notes you've taken Add to your quilt 5 minutes 8:50
Title this slide Slide 1 – Number of students in Special education at one school, number of special education teachers Number of ESOL students at one school, number of special education teachers at one school Slides 2 Percentage of non-English-learners in general programs and magnet programs Percentage of English-learners in general programs and magnet programs Slide 3 ELs in 3rd grade at or above 50th percentile over three years – going down 5 minutes 8:55 5521 ESOL students - 157 ESOL students in Magnet Programs 2.8 % of English Learners in Magnet Programs 307 Special Ed students at Parkville, 22 Special Educators 170 ESOL students, 9 ESOL Educators 111,138 total BCPS students 13,043 total BCPS students in Magnet programs 11.7 % of all students in Magnet Programs
Appreciation of Linguistic Diversity Discuss: What would this sound like? In a classroom, I would hear... In the school, I would hear... What would this feel like? In a classroom, students would feel... In a school, students would feel... What would this look like? In a classroom, you would see... In a school, you would see... 5 minutes 9:00
Linguistically Responsive Teaching Four Language-Related Knowledge and Skills Knowing the students Knowing the process of second language acquisition Knowing the language demands of the content Scaffolding 9:05
7235 120 3 minutes 9:06 7282 93
Know Your Students 2 minutes 9:09 What surprised you? What would you add?
Knowing the Process of Second Language Acquisition 4 minutes 9:11
Stages of Second Language Acquisition Non-verbal (silent period) Early Production Rehearsing: pen-cil, pen-cil, pen-cil Speech Emergence Telegraphic speech: Recess? Formulaic speech: You wanna play? Intermediate Fluency Productive language use Advanced Fluency 3 minutes 9:15
Second Language Acquisition Socio-cultural perspective Importance of L1 Affective Factor Comprehensible Input 10 minutes 9:18 Give a summary of the part of the article you read.
Knowledge of Language Demands Key vocabulary in the content Content-related text Tasks associated with the content Someone describes a lesson that they've recently taught. Everyone else will brainstorm: - key vocabulary
Language Demands of your Content Review the lesson plan. What about the language required to access this lesson would be challenging to students? Key vocabulary in the content Content-related text Tasks associated with the content 5 minutes 9:34
LRT Checklist Extra linguistic support Supplement and modify oral and written language Support native language and background knowledge 10 minutes 9:44
What supports from the LRT Checklist does the teacher use to support students in accessing the content? Teaching Science to English Learners
Vocabulary Quilt Share with your partner about the notes you've taken Add to your quilt What does LRT mean to you? How can you support LRT? 5 minutes 9:54