Architecture Considerations for Tracing Incoherent Rays Timo Aila, Tero Karras NVIDIA Research
Outline Our research question: Test setup Architecture overview What can be done if memory bandwidth becomes the primary bottleneck in ray tracing? Test setup Architecture overview Optimizing stack traffic Optimizing scene traffic Results Future work
Test setup – methodology Hypothetical parallel architecture All measurements done on custom simulator Assumptions Processors and L1 are fast (not bottleneck) L1s ↔ Last-level cache, LLC, may be a bottleneck LLC ↔ DRAM assumed primary bottleneck Minimum transfer size 32 bytes (DRAM atom) Measurements include all memory traffic
Test setup – scenes Simulator cannot deal with large scenes Two organic scenes with difficult structure One car interior with simple structure BVH, 32 bytes per node/triangle Vegetation Hairball Veyron 1.1M tris 2.8M tris 1.3M tris 629K BVH nodes 1089K BVH nodes 751 BVH nodes 86Mbytes 209Mbytes 47Mbytes
Test setup – rays In global illumination rays typically Start from surface Need closest intersection Are not coherent We used diffuse interreflection rays 16 rays per primary hit point, 3M rays in total Submitted to simulator as batches of 1M rays Ray ordering Random shuffle, ~worst possible order Morton (6D space-filling curve), ~best possible order Ideally ray ordering wouldn’t matter
Architecture (1/2) We copy several parameters from Fermi: Additionally 16 processors, each with private L1 (48KB, 128B lines, 6-way) Shared L2 (768KB, 128-byte lines, 16-way) Otherwise our architecture is not Fermi Additionally Write-back caches with LRU eviction policy Processors 32-wide SIMD, 32 warps** for latency hiding Round robin warp scheduling Fast. Fixed function or programmable, we don’t care ** Warp = static collection of threads that execute together in SIMD fashion
Architecture (2/2) Each processor is bound to an input queue Launcher fetches work Compaction When warp has <50% threads alive, terminate warp, re-launch Improves SIMD utilization from 25% to 60% Enabled in all tests
Outline Test setup Architecture overview Optimizing stack traffic Baseline ray tracer and how to reduce its stack traffic Optimizing scene traffic Results Future work
Stack traffic – baseline method While-while CUDA kernel [Aila & Laine 2009] One-to-one mapping between threads and rays Stacks interleaved in memory (CUDA local memory) 1st stack entry from 32 rays, 2nd stack entry from 32 rays,… Good for coherent rays, less so for incoherent 50% of traffic caused by traversal stacks with random sort!
Stack traffic – stacktop caching Non-interleaved stacks, cached in L1 Requires 128KB of L1 (32x32x128B), severe thrashing Keep N latest entries in registers [Horn07] Rest in DRAM, optimized direct DRAM communication N=4 eliminates almost all stack-related traffic 16KB of RF (1/8th of L1 requirements…)
Outline Test setup Architecture overview Optimizing stack traffic Optimizing scene traffic Treelets Treelet assignment Queues Scheduling Results Future work
Scene traffic – treelets (1/2) Scene traffic about 100X theoretical minimum Each ray traverses independently Concurrent working set is large Quite heavily dependent on ray ordering
Scene traffic – Treelets (2/2) Divide tree into treelets Extends [Pharr97, Navratil07] Each treelet fits into cache (nodes, geometry) Assign one queue per treelet Enqueue a ray that enters another treelet (red), suspend Encoded to node index When many rays collected Bind treelet/queue to processor(s) Amortizes scene transfers Repeat until done Ray in 1 treelet at a time Can go up as well
Treelet assignment Done when BVH constructed Tradeoff Treelet index encoded into node index Tradeoff Treelets should fit into cache; we set max mem footprint Treelet transitions cause non-negligible memory traffic Minimize total surface area of treelets Probability to hit a treelet proportional to surface area Optimization done using dynamic programming More details in paper E.g. 15000 treelets for Hairball (max footprint 48KB)
Queues (1/2) Queues contain ray states (16B, current hit, …) Stacktop flushed on push, Ray (32B) re-fetched on pop Queue traffic not cached Do not expect to need a ray for a while when postponed Bypassing Target queue already bound to some processor? Forward ray + ray state + stacktop directly to that processor Reduces DRAM traffic
Queues (2/2) Static or dynamic memory allocation? Static Dynamic Simple to implement Memory consumption proportional to scene size Queue can get full, must pre-empt to avoid deadlocks Dynamic Need a fast pool allocator Memory consumption proportional to ray batch size Queues never get full, no pre-emption We implemented both, used dynamic
Scheduling (1/2) Task: Bind processors to queues Goal: Minimize binding changes Lazy Input queue gets empty bind to the queue that has most rays Optimal with one processor… Binds many processors to the same queue Prefers L2-sized treelets Expects very fast L1↔L2 Unrealistic? Vegetation, Random
Scheduling (2/2) Balanced Queues request #processors Granted based on “who needs most” Processors (often) bound to different queues more bypassing Prefers L1-sized treelets Used in results Vegetation, Random
Treelet results Scene traffic reduced ~90% Unfortunately aux traffic (queues + rays + stacks) dominates Scales well with #processors Virtually independent of ray ordering 2-5X difference for baseline, now <10%
Conclusions Scene traffic mostly solved Open question: how to reduce auxiliary traffic? Necessary features generally useful Queues [Sugerman2009] Pool allocation [Lalonde2009] Compaction Today memory bw perhaps not #1 bottleneck, but likely to become one Instruction set improvements Custom units [RPU, SaarCOR] Flops still scaling faster than bandwidth Bandwidth is expensive to build, consumes power
Future work Complementary memory traffic reduction Wide trees Multiple threads per ray? Reduces #rays in flight Compression? Batch processing vs. continuous flow of rays Guaranteeing fairness? Memory allocation?
Thank you for listening! Acknowledgements Samuli Laine for Vegetation and Hairball Peter Shirley and Lauri Savioja for proofreading Jacopo Pantaleoni, Martin Stich, Alex Keller, Samuli Laine, David Luebke for discussions