The Intersection of Health and Behavioral Healthcare
Who is in charge?
Presenters: Joyce Myatt Dave Freedman Cesar O. Santiago
Go to and please answer the 2 questions. Code 45 63 73 Who is in charge?
RESULTS This is why and how we can save
Integrated Care: | Reconnecting the head and body Why should we integrate care
Historically this is how we delivered care
This is why and how we can save
Choose People with co morbidities are expensive
ER Access Medication Induction Treatment
Netsmart, 2013
The way we used to deliver health, personal and effective
Participant Story
Who is in charge?
Service Flow Health Home Consultation Warm Handoff
Induction and Motivation Service Flow Induction and Motivation
The rate of tobacco use among people with a substance use disorder or mental illness is 94% higher than among adults without these disorders Approximately 50% of people with a co-occurring disorder smoke, compared to 23% of the general population. People with a co-occurring disorder smoke half of all cigarettes produced, yet are only half as likely as other smokers to quit.
Anti-smoking efforts have not been directed toward people with mental illnesses as they have toward the general population. Among people with mental illnesses who received treatment in the past year, 37 percent quit smoking, compared to 33 percent of those who did not quit.
Staffing Clinical Staff Peers Medical Staff Psychopharmacology
Healthcare Treatment Emergency Department
Logistics Buy-in Funding Staffing Implementation Organizational level Between partners
Challenges Funding Engagement Philosophy Insurance Growth Transportation Wellness Smoking Housing Who is in charge?
Lessons Learned Make preparations Collaboration is critical Present changes to other departments ahead of time Collaboration is critical Need a team of support Planning and persistence This takes time
Implications Identification and access in case of relapse Providers are held to higher standards of care and care coordination Focus on prevention and wellness Expansion of integration to chronic disease management and other aspects of health
Thank You for your Participation!