Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia Rickettsial diseases Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia
Rickettsial diseases Is a group of diseases caused by rickettsial organisms and transmitted by arthropod vectors except Q fever Vectors are Human louse, Rat flea, Mite and Tick Most of the rickettsial diseases are zoonotic seen in Rodents (القارض), Cattle, Sheep and Dogs Rickettsial diseases are rare in Libya due to effective public health measures
Human louse
Louse in the head of a person
Epidemiological factors Epidemic typhus spreads from the feces of louse which enter the human body through minute abrasions of the skin Endemic typhus also spreads from the feces of rat flea thru skin abrasions The average incubation period is 10-14 days
Prevention and control Primary prevention Improving personal hygiene Wear protective clothes Improve environmental hygiene to prevent breeding of rats near houses Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and treatment