INSTRUCTIONS Choose a value that’s most important for you. Refer to Values Guide for Organisations, the Values Guide for Community Groups, the Values Guide for Schools , or the Values Guide for Individuals for top tips on how to do this. Act on the value: Do something NOW that brings your value passionately to life – something challenging, creative, fun. See the Values Guide or page 4 of this document for some inspiration. If you are a group print off page 2 of this document (or page 3 for an individual) fill it in, take one or more selfies and share on social media, with #worldvaluesday. If you can’t print it, just write it on some paper and take a selfie with that! Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group.
WE VALUE… SO WE… #WorldValuesDay enter value enter activity planned or taken to put the value into action in your community Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group. #WorldValuesDay add your logo here
I VALUE… SO I… #WorldValuesDay enter a value enter activity planned or taken to put the value into action in your community Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group. #WorldValuesDay
ACTING ON YOUR VALUE Values are for acting on! We’re encouraging as many people as possible to perform an action in their community on World Values Day. Although you don’t have to wait until October 18th – you can make a start today and keep going through World Values Day and beyond. Here’s some examples of what you could pledge to do as a group or on your own: Kindness: Simple acts of kindness - you could pledge to watch out for those in urgent need and help, as simple as holding the door for someone struggling with bags or a buggy, or giving up your place in a queue. Respect: You could respect your environment with a litter-picking blitz in your local park or other public area. Or agree to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics. Appreciation: You could decide to smile and thank one person every day for something they do. You could write notes of gratitude to family and friends either on social media, in a text, or write a letter. Responsibility: You could choose to buy one consumer item every week more responsibly. You could nurture a new plant. You could think about three things you’d like to be take more care of in your personal or work life. Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group.
Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group.
Please write the chosen value on the We Value template (this should have been printed out) under “We Value…” Then please write the chosen action that everyone will take to put that value into practice. If there is time, space and appetite, you can take a photo of the completed/signed We Value template, either on its own or with the group.