Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Edithvale & Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals Environmental Effects Statement NSRFL Response (No Sky Rail: Frankston Line) Community Association No: A0095560C Part A: Introduction No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Introduction Hello. My name is Willem Popp I am the President of the No Sky Rail: Frankston Line community association I am here today on behalf of our association, and our 3,000 supporters I am here, along with some other members of our association, to present our response to the Environmental Effects Statement into the Level Crossing Removals for Edithvale and Bonbeach Supporters present today Today’s presenters Tamlyn Dwyer Neil McCarthy Natalie Roberts Noel Tudball Liz & Russel Joy Other to be nominated at EES panel Sarah Popp Sussan Heggie Willem Popp Sean Wise NSRFL President Bachelor of Engineering School Councillor 24 years industry experience Edithvale Lifesaving Club Member Major infrastructure projects Kingston Council Citizen of Year nominee (Twice) Aspendale resident No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Chapter Introduction We have broken our presentation down into the Chapters shown below. The topic of this Chapter is highlighted below. Section Title Duration Contents Chapter A Introduction 20 mins Introduces NSRFL presentation on the EES on the Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals. Chapter B Methodology NSRFL response to the EES statement, reviewing its Methodology and Approach. Chapter C Rebuttals Reviews pro-Sky Rail submissions and other anti-Rail Under Road position taken by a small number of people Chapter D Community View 30 mins Community views of a Rail Under Road solution. This shows you want the community actually would like to see. Chapter E Summary Brings together all sections of our presentation. Links these to the EES panel hearings over the past two weeks. Chapter F Publicity Material Appendix of supplementary and supporting material. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A NSRFL History This section details the history and structure of NSRFL The aim is to demonstrate that we our a genuine community group solely focussed on ensuring the best possible level crossing removal for the Frankston Line. NSRFL History Facebook Membership Website Structure Publicity No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A NSRFL: How we started I began the No Sky Rail: Frankston Line community group on Thursday Feb 18th 2016 after attending a KCC South Ward meeting. The ONLY topic of conversation in that meeting was the prospect of an elevated railway line (a.k.a. “Sky Rail”) on Frankston Line. It was obvious that nobody in the community wanted this monstrosity in our peaceful beachside suburb. But I wondered if those 30 or 40 people at the meeting were the only ones who feared Sky Rail What if we were wrong and everyone else wanted level crossings removed, no matter how it was done? So I set up a simple Facebook page to gauge public opinion. That was our first public action. Little did I know that this simple Facebook page was tap into a massive community resentment about having Sky Rail imposed on our community. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A NSRFL: How we grew… Within days, the Facebook page had dozens of followers, and within weeks we were numbered in the hundreds. … it was pretty obvious fairly quickly that this issue was a hot topic in our community and that NOBODY wanted elevate rail in any form. We continued to grow rapidly as more and more people joined our Facebook page The demand for information was so great we expanded our internet presence with a website, where we could present our Rail Under Road solutions. We were very quickly becoming an active community group and realised that we needed to be recognised as such So we formed a committee to manage ourselves and registered ourselves as a Community Association Incorporated as “No Sky Rail on Frankston Line” on 26th April 2016 under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Victoria) We specifically did so to ensure our legitimacy in the eyes of the powers-that-be. And I assume that is why we have a seat at the table of this EES panel hearing today. And for that we are grateful. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A How we operate No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL: How we govern ourselves As well as being a registered community association with rules by which we manage ourselves, we have developed our own Charter and Code of Conduct to manage our members Code of Conduct But as our “notoriety grew” as more and more people rose up to speak their mind, we knew we had to take control and moderate debate lest it get out of control We developed a Code of Conduct to ensure our members were courteous and respectful in all their public dealings. We wanted our actions to speak as loud as our words, and did not want to become discredited by any members who could not control themselves Non-Political We are not political. We are not funded by any political party and are not aligned with them in any way. Direct Engagement We committed ourselves to direct engagement with the LXRA to ensure we could put our position forward. See next page for full Code of Conduct Charter We developed a Charter to guide the group and provide governance as we developed This detailed why we formed, our approach to engagement, as well as other basic guidelines You will notice, that we made sure that our charter emphasised the following points: Community-Based We are not represented by any other organisations. We are all local residents. Just normal people who care for our community. Group, not individuals (No Egos) We emphasise group decisions over individual desires. Even the president can be over-ruled. (And I have been on many occasions!) Single issue group = Sky Rail only We only have one purpose: to stop Sky Rail on the Frankston Line. We have not muddied the waters by diverting from this. See next page for full Charter No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL Charter (presentation purposes only) Document Purpose We believe these crossings should be removed by placing the track below ground level and under the crossing roadways. Should that decision be to build Sky Rail, we may elect to go on and continue to fight that proposal, but we may to revisit our Charter and Operating Model to ensure we have the resources and mandate to do so. We will make decisions as a group and support them as a group. This will be particularly important if we need to make any public statements, and / or devise any policy or other standards (Engineering opinions, health concerns, etc) This document sets out some simple guidelines for members Say NO to Sky Rail Association (operating as “No Sky Rail: Franskton Line”) when acting on behalf of the group. Non-Political The group is not aligned to any political party. Should the government decide not build Sky Rail, we will disband. Individual members should refrain from making statements that do not align with group decisions. Individuals are of course free to speak as they please, but should not use the groups name to support their views if they are not aligned. These guidelines should be followed Our personal political views are just that, personal. They should have no bearing on our common desire to stop Sky Rail. during all public meetings of the group Any resources accumulated by the group will be shared among any other community groups that have supported us. when you represent the group in any other forum, As a group, we do not support the Liberal Party who currently oppose the “Sky Rail” option. Incorporation when speaking on behalf of the group. Courtesy and Respect If you breach these guidelines, your actions will be deemed to yours as an individual and not as a representative of the group. Conversely, as a group, we are not opposed to the Labor Party who are proposing “Sky Rail”. We will become an incorporated association under the state governments Corporation Act. This will give our community group legitimacy in the eyes of the government and allow us to engage with government representatives and other official bodies with an equal basis. We are from all walks of life, and may have very different ways of working. This should make us stronger, but as with any new group, there may be times when we clash over how we should approach decisions. Community Based Refer also to the Group Charter. We are a community based group who have formed to oppose Sky Rail. No Sky Rail Regardless, of this, we will remain polite and respectful and treat others as we expect to be treated. LXRA Engagement The group is opposed to the current state government plans to build an elevated railway structure (aka “Sky Rail”) on the Frankston train line. We believe we have a right to be properly consulted about major infrastructure projects that will impact our community. We will also engage with the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA). We believe we need to fully engage with them to that the concerns of the community are properly taken into consideration by the government body charged with removing the level crossings. Group decision = 75% (this is our Quorum) Furthermore, we believe we have a right to determine the outcome of major infrastructure projects that impact our community. The group has been formed for this purpose and this purpose alone. It does not support or promote any other community issues not related to this issue. Group decisions should be just that: made by the overwhelming majority of the group. Normal majority guidelines of anything over 50% enforcing a decision can leave up to almost half the group disenfranchised with the decision. To avoid this, majority decisions should be supported by at least 75% of the group. Duration = six months Remove Level Crossings Our intention is to review our purpose once a final decision is made about Sky Rail. We do support the removal of the level crossings along the Frankston railway line (the ostensible reason for elevating the line). A decision about Sky Rail is expected in the third quarter of 2016, giving this group a six month lifespan. Group not Individuals No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A NSRFL Code of Conduct (presentation purposes only) Document Purpose Use emotional information to guide your thinking and behaviour Courtesy and Respect NVDA (Non-Violent, Direct Action) This document sets out some simple guidelines for members Say NO to Sky Rail Association (operating as “No Sky Rail: Franskton Line”) when acting on behalf of the group. We are from all walks of life, and may have very different ways of working. This should make us stronger, but as with any new group, there may be times when we clash over how we should approach decisions. Represent your group with basic integrity qualities when ‘badged’ with your group name – These guidelines should be followed Remain Centred Regardless, of this, we will remain polite and respectful and treat others as we expect to be treated. during all public meetings of the group show Consistency when you represent the group in any other forum, speak Honestly Group not Individuals when speaking on behalf of the group. Swearing, smoking etc may be perceived as distasteful. If you breach these guidelines, your actions will be deemed to yours as an individual and not as a representative of the group. We will make decisions as a group and support them as a group. This will be particularly important if we need to make any public statements, and / or devise any policy or other standards (Engineering opinions, health concerns, etc) Remain consciously aware of your language/attitude at all times. Stick with NVDA principals (Non-Violent, Direct Action) – Refer also to the Group Charter. Positive change through action. Be Respectful Individual members should refrain from making statements that do not align with group decisions. Individuals are of course free to speak as they please, but should not use the groups name to support their views if they are not aligned. Commitment to Non-Violence and personal responsibility. Be polite and considerate in all conversation Eg. Media can pick the smallest of errors, eg. one person shaking a fist in the face of someone else and a 5 second action in a 2 hour event becomes a photo opportunity for media and a peaceful event suddenly looks like a violent rally! No swearing Be passionate, but don’t get emotional. Non-political Emotional Intelligence Direct Action is about physically acting to stop an immediate wrong. The group is not aligned to any political party. We act to confront those in positions of power with their responsibility for stopping major infrastructure that will impact our community. Adopt Emotional Intelligence (EI) for success. Our personal political views are just that, personal. They should have no bearing on our common desire to stop Sky Rail. Emotional Intelligence – We act to raise the level and quality of public debate. As a group, we do not support the Liberal Party who currently oppose the “Sky Rail” option. Recognise your own and other people’s emotions Above all, we act to provoke action from those with the power and responsibility to make change happen. Discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately and Conversely, as a group, we are not opposed to the Labor Party who are proposing “Sky Rail”. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL: “How” do we do what we do? We formed ourselves into specialist research teams to look into the different aspects of elevated rail and rail below road Engineering Health Community issues Social Media Events We sub-divided ourselves into local action teams to represent each crossing as the different solutions for these crossings were rolled out. Seaford Action Team (SAT) Carrum Action Team (CAT) Bonbeach & Edithvale Action Team (BEAT) Frankston We are self-funded and raise our money from donations in person and online (via the community fund raising organisation Give Now) We have also had services donated (graphic design, T shirt printing, printing, signs, etc) All our money is accounted for and auditable. We have never accepted any money from any political party or other organisation. This approach proved very effective as we could divide the work and conquer the tasks facing us one by one. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A What we do No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A The early days And we continued to grow … and grow… and grow.. Our presence spread through out the community as more and more people came to hear about us and wanted to show their support. But people still wanted to know more… So we set about organising public events to show them that there was more than one option to removing our local level crossings. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Snapshot of our Events And we continued to grow … and grow… and grow.. Our presence spread through out the community as more and more people came to hear about us and wanted to show their support. But people still wanted to know more… So we set about organising public events to show them that there was more than one option to removing our local level crossings. Our first public meeting was held on Sunday 28th Feb 2016 and attended by over 200 local residents as well as both the print and broadcast media. We organised a “Walk Against Sky Rail” on Sunday 18th September 2016 in the depths of winter on a cold, wet, windy winter’s day that drew over 300 people to march from Chelsea to Edithvale against elevated rail…. We held an “Engineering Open Day” to take the public through our Rail Below Road solutions to show them that there was indeed a viable alternative to Sky Rail. We had a Community Open Day on April 17th 2016 that saw 150 people walk through the doors of our local lifesaving club to see our Rail Under Road solution to level crossing removal. We had many more events in local communities up and down the Frankston line… each was well received with positive feedback. And so on…. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Community Pop Up – Information stands We held over 2 dozen pop up stands to inform the community about our Rail Under Road solution These were held at local shopping centres including: Edithvale, Chelsea, Aspendale, Mordialloc, Carrum, Seaford, Mentone, and Cheltenham The response was always overwhelming, both to support us, and to oppose Sky Rail No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Rally at Seaford Our first public meeting was held on Sunday 28th Feb 2016 and attended by over 200 local residents as well as both the print and broadcast media. We had a Community Open Day on April 17th 2016 that saw 150 people walk through the doors of our local lifesaving club to see our Rail Under Road solution to level crossing removal. We organised a “Walk Against Sky Rail” on Sunday 18th September 2016 in the depths of winter on a cold, wet, windy winter’s day that drew over 300 people to march from Chelsea to Edithvale against elevated rail…. We held an “Engineering Open Day” to take the public through our Rail Below Road solutions to show them that there was indeed a viable alternative to Sky Rail. And so on…. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Our marketing material So how else did we get our message out? Leafletting (see Appendix for samples) … via leaflet drops covering thousands of households from Mordialloc to Seaford and beyond. Pop Up Information Booths … via dozens of mini “pop-up” information booths at local shopping centres were we spoke with people one on one. Posters … corflute signs and banners for houses Website … via dozens and dozens of enquiries to our website Facebook … via countless… (and I do mean countless) Posts and Comments on our Facebook page… No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Getting the message out: Fact Sheets We produced a series on Fact Sheets Each gave a concept plan for Rail Under Road at each of the 8 crossings Cheltenham Mentone Edithvale Bonbeach Seaford Carrum Eel Race Road Frankston No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
NSRFL Community Support This section outlines our community support Community Support Responses to our Facebook posts Statistics Our Petitions No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
“Post It Notes” opposition to Sky Rail It became very clear, very early on that most of the community were against Sky Rail We did an analysis of the community response to the first round of LXRA community consultation in April 2016 As the table below shows, the community was overwhelmingly against Sky Rail. Table with summary statistics on each suburb in here… No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
elevated rail (SkyRail) Statistics Our analysis of the feedback at first round of LXRA community consultations revealed that nearly everyone was against elevated rail Level Crossing Against elevated rail (SkyRail) For elevated rail (SkyRail) Cheltenham – Charman Rd & Park Rd 96.60% 3.40% Mentone – Balcombe Road 91.40% 8.60% Edithvale – Edithvale Road 98.60% 1.40% Bonbeach – Station St /Bondi Road 91.90% 8.10% Carrum – Station St & Eel Race Rd 94.60% 5.40% Seaford – Seaford Road 97.10% 2.90% No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A NSRFL Petition We presented a petition with over 2,500 signatures opposing Sky Rail A copy of the petition is included on the next page. This petition was tabled in parliament by in July 2017 No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Leaflets Drives As can be seen, we did extensive leafletting across our suburbs 18 leaflet drives Over 100,000 leaflets distribured Covering residents near crossings From Cheltenham to Frankston Count Title Tally Date Area Method 1 Original 'No Skyrail Frankston Line' 20,000 Mar-16 Cheltenham to Frankston Original LXRA sessions, letterboxes in distribution area, Pop Up Information Stalls 2 Edithvale No Skyrail Open Day - April 2016 1,000 Apr-16 Edithvale area Letterboxes 3 Edithvale Engineering Fact Sheets 5,000 Letterboxes, Edithvale Rally, Pop Up Information Stalls 4 'Rail Under Road' Letterboxes, Pop Up Information Stalls, Edithvale Rally, other open days 5 'Vote 1 - Rail under Road'- No Skyrail 10,000 Jun-16 Letterboxes, Pop Up Information Stalls, Election Day Pop-Up Sessions 6 'Walk Against Elevated Rail' - September 2016 Sep-16 Cheltenham to Seaford Letterboxes, Pop Up Information Stalls 7 'Locals Reject Skyrail' 8 'Fight For Fair' Apr-17 Edithvale to Seaford 9 'Property Values to Crash' 7,000 10 'Rail Under Road - Overton Road' Frankston 11 No Skyrail Newsletter - June 2017 Jun-17 Edithvale 12 Carrum Engineering Day 2,000 Mar-17 Carrum and Seaford 13 Carrum Open Day May-17 14 Seaford Rally and information Day Jul-17 Seaford 15 Seaford - 'Not on our Watch' Feb-17 16 No Skyrail Newsletter - Christmas 2017 Dec-17 17 Seaford - 'Get it Right'- Apr-18 18 'Is Skyrail Dead in the Water?' 8,000 Aspendale to Seaford Total 115,000 No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A The power of Facebook Started 18th February 2016 Current membership = 2845 (as at 8th June 2018 Members spread along Frankston Line Moderated by a team of five… internally balancing as we have different social and political views… but all agree on one thing: we don’t want elevated Sky Rail! Code of Conduct and Charter promoted on regular basis More direct action taken against offensive posts as needed with author contacted directly to explain intervention. Irrelevant and troll posts deleted. We do not engage with trolls. We have NEVER paid to promote our page. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Facebook: Sample Posts & Responses Organic Post Statistics Date: 25th Feb 2017 Title: ****BREAKING NEWS **** Topic: Govt confirmation for Trench at Edi/BB Actual Reach: 1400 Engagement: 13% of the membership engaged with the post Impressions: 426 (i.e. like, hearts and wow) Comments: 360 Shared: 79 (viral) Potential Reach: Up to 7325 Facebook Users Comment: Cited in The Age newspaper 25.02.17 “”A strong POSITIVE response to No Skyrail for Bonbeach and Edithvale” Sample Comments “Such are RELIEF!!! Well done everybody – our vocals have been heard!” “That is beyond AWESOME!!! Thank you!! So many local families will be forever greatful to you all… Including MINE!!! Xx” “Woo hoo! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who fought so hard on behalf of the whole community, but especially Willem and Sarah for starting this group that brought everyone together, and giving everyone a voice that was heard!!!!!!!! Well done. So proud of you all and so grateful.” “Thanks Willem Popp to you and the team that made it happen. Absolute fantastic result. Our beautiful bayside area will remain beautiful. “ “Fantastic news, that’s for all your hard work guiding others. Let’s keep fighting together for Carrum Seaford & Frankston.” “Fantastic! I loved the solidarity – every time I saw a No Sky Rail car sticker or a sign on a house it made me happy how everyone banded together. I also felt furious at how idiotic the Sky Rail option was and how disgusted. When’s the next State election? Thank you to all the people who attended meetings, signed petitions and protested, you should be proud. Have a drink and cheers from a relieved Chelsea/Edi resident X” No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Facebook: Sample Posts & Responses Organic Post Statistics Date: xxth Dec 2017 Title: Thought for the day is……… empathy Topic: A strong NEGATIVE response to Skyrail in Murrumbeena Actual Reach: 2800 Engagement: 26% of the membership engaged with the post Impressions: 266 (i.e. like, sad, angry) Comments: 118 Shared: 359 (viral) Potential Reach: Up to 29,725 Facebook Users Comment: This shows that we support our community when negative news hits. Sample Comments “Disgusting” “Yee gods. Disgusting” “Lost for words. Can’t believe the government did this to people” “Some of these areas are the slums of the future” “Hate people that say they don’t have a problem with yet would be different I am sure if was next to their property. We will be getting trench but feel for so many who wont and will end up with this ugly eyesore close to their homes” “The reality of Skyrail, as shown through these pics, is actually worse than what we imagined. It’s just awful.” No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Official Contacts This section details our interactions with official bodies: local government, LXRA, as well as other community groups The intent is to show that we are a true community group and have gone to extensive lengths to connect with other community organisations No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Official Contacts We have engaged with our local representatives at all levels and in a variety of forums and formats over the past three years. Meeting with Environment Committee Kingston City Council We met with Kingston City Council in July 2016 to present our options for Rail Under Road on each crossing on the Frankston line We meet with the KCC environment committee headed by Rosemary West in September 2018 We met with FCC on 15th Oct 2016 Frankston City Council This meeting was to present our Rail Under Road option. Emails and informal meetings with councillors at both councils Miscellaneous Communications Most our ongoing contact with councillors has been informal and as required over the past three years. Unfortunately both councils have now taken a stance that aligns to that of the major political party that most of the councillors support Both councils are now following the same tune as the major political parties. Given this, we do not believe their views represent those of the local community We have engaged with local politicians at both the State and Federal government level Connections with Local Politicians We have met with: Tim Richardson (State Labor member for Mordialloc), Sonya Kilkenny (State Labor member for Carrum), Mark Dreyfuss (Federal member for Issacs), etc. etc No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Community Groups No Sky Rail: Frankston Line We have reached out to other community groups including those who are opposed to Rail Under Road We have met with the local wetlands group informally and asked them to meet with our Committee (declined twice) Edithvale Wetlands group We have tried to actively engaged with the local Edithvale Wetlands group We have discussed our option with them and advised them that we too are concerned about the wetlands.. Two of our committee have met with the Edithvale Collective Edithvale Collective We have approached the Edithvale Collective to propose working together to co-design the new station for Edithvale. Unfortunately, they have confused us with another more strident anti-Sky Rail group and have thus come to see us as unapproachable. This is despite our repeated attempts to confirm our neutral and passive approach. Early engagement with former member, Adrian McInnes Chelsea & Bonbeach Train Station Group We have communicated with the CBTS group from the beginning. We are aligned with their push to beautify the stations Informal meetings and discussions with Dorothy Booth Mentone Railway Station Group Informal discussions about impact of elevated rail on Mentone Meeting Carrum & Patterson Lakes Forum Informal communication and online connection No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Dealing with the LXRA This section is about our interaction with the LXRA over the past three years. How we have interacted with LXRA Our meetings with them Our submissions and their responses No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A LXRA We have met with the LXRA several times to express the concerns and views of the community as captured by our association Our first meeting was on 20th October 2016 The topics of discussion was to outline our Rail Under Road options Our second meeting was on 19th April 2017 The topics of discussion was discuss our ongoing interaction with the LXRA and involvement in the upcoming consultation process Despite this, we do not believe we have been taken seriously by the LXRA We would like to publicly thank the LXRA for these opportunities to speak to with them. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A LXRA “Communication” General feeling in our community is that the LXRA consultation has been unsatisfactory and parts of it have seemed deceptive, not open or a true opportunity to find out what the community wants Examples: Only 1-2 day notice via leaflet drops for public consultation sessions The initial website where the community could post publicly was poorly designed and capped at 1200 responses. Once this was reached, many of the comments disappeared. Landlords owners (30% of our demographic) not notified at all despite our group asking for LXRA to engage with council to do this (and Kingston Mayor at the time agreeing to assist) The community doesn’t trust the LXRA because they have seen what has happened on other projects (eg. CD line). Argumentative and belligerent LXRA staff dealing with the community – eg. “at least you were notified “ Artists impressions are drawn from angles that have hidden the true size of the structures in relation to real objects Public told they needed an invitation to attend information sessions but this was not true – discouraged attendance Artists impressions have looked much better than the actual products delivered that we are now seeing in reality LXRA staff at information sessions were actively promoting elevated rail but were not prepared to discuss rail under road Community was assured that certain large trees would be maintained but then they were removed Community told they could ask questions by writing them down on stick-it notes, these were then collected, reworded by LXRA before they were answered. Some questions submitted were vetted/ignored altogether. Community has not been liaised with effectively regarding overnight noise and disruption The EES process was not well advertised by LXRA. Our own leaflets however, encouraged residents to engage and they did. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
The CRG Process: the ghost amongst us! 3 members of the NSRFL committee applied, all were rejected in August 2017 Complaint was raised with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission in September 2017 - discrimination based on perceived political action or affiliation Complaint took approximately 6 months to reach a partial (but unsatisfactory to NSRFL) resolution Outcome - LXRA agreed to meet with NSRFL prior to each Edithvale-Bonbeach CRG meeting, discuss the agenda and include our feedback in the subsequent meeting minutes One such meeting has to date taken place on 21st April 2018 At that meeting we were informed that the CRG is now probably not going to be continued past the next meeting. Since August 2017, LXRA have refused to give us contact details of any current members of the CRG so that our community’s feedback could be passed on during this time. Who are the CRG? How do you contact them? What is their purpose? No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A End of Chapter No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A