RCG Work Plan – Philippines 2017 Road Map Develop country-specific Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military Assets (FMA) including tracking and request for assistance Assist in finalizing the framework for the entry of foreign armed forces without SOFA during emergencies Mapping of airports and seaports, in coordination with Logistics Cluster and WFP, where OSS will be established Develop a platform to share relevant pre-disaster information Continue the roll-out of UN-CMCoord course for NDRRMC and AFP to institutionalize CMCoord During the 2nd session of the RCG held here in Bangkok on 11-12 October 2016, the Philippines working group developed the following activities to further enhance the coordination of operational planning between humanitarian and military actors preparing to respond to major disasters. For this mid-term consultation, I am going to focus on the progress we have achieved in developing the country-specific CMCoord guidelines.
The need for country-specific guidelines for the Philippines The AFP acts as the conduit of Foreign Militaries through the following coordination mechanisms: Civil-Military Coordination Multi-National Coordination Center Civilian-Military Coordination Center The National Disaster Response Plan is the “multi-hazard” response plan of the government that outlines the processes and mechanisms to facilitate a coordinated response from the national down to local level agencies. The plan, which was approved by the Chair of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) in February 2017, provides a section on the coordinating mechanisms between and among humanitarian agencies and militaries, both national and foreign. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is mandated by Republic Act 10121 to act as the Lead Agency for Search, Rescue & Retrieval (SRR) Cluster and as a significant member of Logistics, Law and Order, Emergency Telecommunications, Health, and Philippine International Humanitarian Assistance Clusters. In the event that international assistance is sought or accepted by the Philippines, and in which we expect the deployment of Member States’ militaries, the AFP acts as the conduit in foreign militaries and shall establish close coordination with the NDRRMC. To better maximize the capabilities and services of foreign militaries, the following coordination mechanisms have been created over the years and continuously being enhanced in every HADR operations:
The need for country-specific guidelines for the Philippines In addition, the Philippines International Humanitarian Assistance Cluster (PIHAC) led by the Department of Foreign Affairs, drafted the operational guidelines that provide for the institutional framework and mechanism for coordination of incoming and outgoing international humanitarian assistance and response efforts. Shown is the organizational structure of the PIHAC in which the AFP and OCD play prominent roles in the PIHARC/One-Stop-Shop and the sub-cluster on International Relief Workers. Under the PIHAC Operational Guidelines, potential areas (airports or seaports) for the installation of PIHARC (OSS) in immigration points will be identified, including in points of entry near a disaster area, as well as a logistics hub in military bases. Prior notice and advice on the arrival of the aircraft/sea craft, specifications, name and composition of the relief team/workers and capacities, particularly of foreign militaries must be provided to the AFP in advance. Identification of airports and seaports for installation of PIHARC/OSS; logistics hubs in military bases Specifications of arriving foreign military assets
Development of country-specific CMCoord guidelines Operating environment Key principles and concepts Roles and responsibilities Interaction with national and foreign military Insert photo of OCD, AFP, OCHA monthly meeting Due to the national frameworks and legislation that define the conditions and circumstances within which foreign military assets can be deployed, as well as the coordination mechanism between the AFP and humanitarian community based in the country, and coupled with the unique operational environment of the country, the NDRRMC with support of the Philippines Humanitarian Country Team through UN OCHA, have started drafting the country-specific CMCoord guidelines. The guidelines will clearly define the operating environment including the civil-military coordination strategy to be adopted; Key principles and concepts (humanitarian principles, last resort, avoid dependence on the foreign military); Roles and Responsibilities of the Affected State, Assisting State, Humanitarian Community, Regional Organizations, National Military; and guidance on how to interact with the national and foreign military (structure of civil-military coordination, co-location, liaison exchange). OCD, AFP, and OCHA are meeting monthly to discuss CMCoord concerns, including the development of the guidelines, as well as the plans of the Philippines to be classified under the INSARAG system.
Continuation of CMCoord course for AFP Field Commands CMCoord activities RP-US Balikatan ‘17 Continuation of CMCoord course for AFP Field Commands This year’s edition of the Balikatan exercise which was also participated by the Australia and Japan militaries was designed to build partnership among multi-lateral forces by focusing on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR). An inter-cluster coordination meeting was also simulated wherein the NDRRMC and HCT requested the use of national and foreign military assets during disaster response. The use of a standard “request for assistance” form was also discussed during the simulated meeting and will be included in the guidelines in order to avoid delays and confusion, especially for time-sensitive requests. In 2016, OCD in partnership with AFP and OCHA conducted a pilot course on country-contextualized CMCoord for military AFP unified field commanders, which are mandated to conduct HADR operations in specified geographic locations. The training was also conducted for senior officers of the AFP General Headquarters and major service branches. For this year’s edition of the courses, the focus will be on training AFP commands which will be responding to 7.2-magnitude earthquake affecting Metro Manila. We are also working with OCHA to provide training for AFP units in Mindanao, an area beset by armed conflict and natural disasters.
MID-TERM CONSULTATION BGEN RESTITUTO F. PADILLA JR Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operations, J7 Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)