Quick Fire We just learned that many Africans were traded by the African Slave Kingdoms to Europeans. What do you think the Europeans traded with the African Slave Kingdoms in exchange for the slaves? What do you think the Americans traded to the Europeans in exchange for the slaves?
Triangle Trade The Triangle Trade is was the trading triangle that the Europeans, Americans, and Africans formed after Europeans began exploring and settling lands bordering the Atlantic Ocean
Triangle Trade Three types of things were traded: Raw Materials: materials that are needed to produce manufactured goods: cotton, food crops, wood, leather, metals, etc. Slaves: cheap labor source used to produce raw materials Manufactured Goods: Items made in factories: cloth, guns, ships, etc.
Triangle Trade The Triangle Trade made the lands that bordered the Atlantic Ocean very rich. It also made them depend on each other to have health economies. This is called the TRANS-ATLANTIC ECONOMY It was all made possible thanks to thousands of European ships which connected the Americas, Europe, and Africa
Triangle Trade
Open Up to Your Map! Now you will create a diagram of the Triangle Trade on your Columbian Exchange Map!