5 Charts About Americans and Medical Bills SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)
One-Fourth of Adults Under 65 Years Old Report Problems Paying Medical Bills in the Past Year AMONG 18-64 YEAR OLDS: In the past 12 months, did you or anyone in your household have problems paying or an inability to pay any medical bills, such as bills for doctors, dentists, medication, or home care? SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)
Who Reports Problems Paying Medical Bills? AMONG 18-64 YEAR OLDS: Percent who say they or someone in their household had problems paying medical bills, such as bills for doctors, dentists, medications, or home care in the past 12 months: SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)
Six in Ten of Those With Problems Paying Medical Bills Say It Had A Major Impact on Them and Their Family AMONG THE 26% OF 18-64 YEAR OLDS WHO HAD PROBLEMS PAYING MEDICAL BILLS DURING THE PAST YEAR: Overall, how much of an impact have these medical bills had on you and your family? SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)
Those With Problems Paying Medical Bills Report Engaging in a Variety of Actions to Pay off Bills AMONG THE 26% OF 18-64 YEAR OLDS WHO HAD PROBLEMS PAYING MEDICAL BILLS DURING THE PAST YEAR: Percent who say they or someone else in their household did each of the following in the past 12 months in order to pay medical bills: SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)
Some Older Adults Also Report Problems Paying Medical Bills AMONG ADULTS, 65 AND OLDER: In the past 12 months, did you or anyone in your household have problems paying or an inability to pay any medical bills, such as bills for doctors, dentists, medication, or home care? SOURCE: KFF Health Tracking Poll (conducted June 11-20, 2018)