Real Life Stories & Examples Benefits of automation AI Definition Real Life Stories & Examples Benefits of automation
Ask about cars vs horses to travel here today = 120 years ago, most would have been on horses. Office automation is in the same sort of transition Slide of 19
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Definition of Artificial Intelligence Slide of 19
Our customers’ stories & the facts of their journeys to introduce Artificial Intelligence into their business processing Slide of 19
Accuracy of processing Key benefits Speed of processing Accuracy of processing Time savings used to redeploy staff to higher value projects & work Slide of 19
Processing pressure delays, stress, mountains of work relentless backlog Slide of 19
Emailed applications (e. g Emailed applications (e.g. from a website) are electronically processed: Opened Application type determined by data content Attachments checked for completeness/correctness Confirmation of receipt email sent + request for any missing / incomplete information Data extracted and matched to organisation’s data for verification All-in-one record created as a record component Sent to actioning officer for evaluation/decision Automatically registered into the document management system Slide of 19
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Nillumbik Shire Council -- Team of 6 x FTEs all highly experienced Including: 1 x Team Leader – Angela Zotos 1 x archives/records officer 2 x full time Information Management staff & 2 part time staff job-sharing 1 x FTE position Slide of 19
Nillumbik Shire Council Daily mail opening / sorting / scanning / registering required 4 staff for 6 – 7 hours each to complete the paper mail scanning (40 – 100 items daily) Key = daily time spent processing mail Slide of 19
Council made the decision to implement the oMail service Process mail faster Remove manual processing Use Council’s data to verify the mail item sender and property address, plus create metadata for the EDMS registration process (all automated) Key = daily time not spent manually processing mail Slide of 19
Comparison of old manual processing to new automated processing Slide of 19
Initially….. Staff were naturally concerned about their future job security Initial reluctance to relinquish the manual mail processing and trust the automated processing No realisation that they could train the system -- the automated system required their input into the composition of the metadata data formats Slide of 19
Now: Freed up IM staff are available to assist other staff in the Council with locating data and training on how to use the Council’s EDRMS (SharePoint) Recognition and pride in the team that the Council was the first adopter of the new oMail AI technology and Growing awareness of the value of the new skills that using a system with AI has provided to them = early adopter benefits. Slide of 19
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