DD Engine oil change
DD Engine oil change procedure Oil and filter changes seem like a pretty straight forward operation, but you can make some serious errors that can lead to catastrophic engine failures NOT covered by warranty Choosing a good service provider or training your own personnel to do the job correctly is vital Once a tech understands the important points of the operation, he will find the process easy to perform in a professional fashion
DD Engine oil change Don’t do the fuel filters, engine oil and oil filters all at once. When you change the fuel filters, you must run the engine RPM up to clear the air out of the fuel. That’s terrible on a dry oil system One visit, two events: Change the fuel filters and run the engine. Then change the oil and oil filters
DD Engine oil change Clean the oil filter cap and surrounding area so you don’t knock any dirt into the filter housing. Loosen the oil filter cap completely. That allows the valve to open in the bottom of the filter housing and the dirty oil to run into the pan Drain the oil Pull the filter On some chassis, the air filter interferes with oil filter removal. May have to loosen the air filter housing for access VISUALLY INSPECT THE INSIDE OF THE FILTER HOUSING TO MAKE SURE YOU DID NOT KNOCK ANY DIRT INTO THE OIL FILTER HOUSING
Inspect filter bypass valve in filter housing Good Valve Bad Valve
DD Engine oil change Use the correct filter! Manufacturers cannot call out brand name on filters. It’s against the law. They can state their part number or “equivalent” Hengst Filters sold by Detroit Diesel or Freightliner meet the specs Donaldson filter that are a re-boxed Hengst filter meet the spec Some “name brand” filters DO NOT meet the specs and may cause serious engine damage not covered by warranty MBE 4000 filters will fit the housing but are not approved
Detroit / Hengst brand is not the only acceptable DD oil filter The Hengst design filter is protected by a US patent Equivalent Reboxed or Rebranded oil filters should have the Hengst patent number. (RE38, 917E 6,086,763) Department
DD Engine oil change Drain the oil Refill the oil Run the engine at idle and check for leaks Stop the engine for 20 minutes Check and adjust the oil level
DD Engine oil change If you do the oil and filter changes correctly, you should have a very good chance to live a good life! However…..
DD Engine oil change When you don’t clean the filter area and knock dirt into the housing, it’s 8” from the dirt on the clean side of the filter to the main bearings
DD Engine oil change The debris get trapped between the crankshaft and main bearing, spins the main bearing and cuts off oil to the rod= rod through block