SMA ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM 2018 PRESENTATION TEMPLATE Suggestions on How to Prepare a Presentation ! Do not use the SMA design of this presentation! Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan October 17-18, 2016
Introduction Presentations for the SMA Environmental Forum 2018 must be prepared in MS PowerPoint Presentations must be in widescreen (16x9) format This presentation is a sample template You are kindly asked to consider it when preparing your presentation; however, presenters may prepare their presentations according to their needs Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program.
Start Decide on presentation design Choose your company/organization presentation template or Create your own Do not use the SMA design of this presentation Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program.
A Few Tips Keep It Simple Keywords only Minimize the use of sentences Refrain from simply reading your slides, talk freely no one appreciates a talking PowerPoint Head Conclude with a Take Home Message(s) Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program.
Instructions Maximum length of presentation is 30 minutes (20-25 minutes presentation, 5-10 minutes for questions/transition to next speaker. Please be respectful of the time constraints as other presenters have interesting presentations as well. You must submit your presentation to Brad Sigurdson at bsigurdson@saskmining,ca The deadline for submission of the presentation in PPT/PPTX format is Monday October 15, 2018. Submission prior to this date is encouraged and changes to submitted presentations will be allowed until the above deadline. Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program.
Conclusions Presentations will be posted on the SMA website as unedited presentations in PDF format by December 2018. The Programme Committee acknowledges that some presented information may be provided by a third party, and as such, the SMA will accept presentations that have been modified from their originally presented form, where authors receive prior approval from the SMA from Brad Sigurdson at All other presentations will be posted on the SMA website as presented at the forum. Permits/approvals are required at all stages of the mining life cycle – Exploration permits, Environmental Assessment Approvals, Construction Approvals (mine/mill/HSWDG, tailings and waste rock areas, air emission abatement equipment, potable waterworks etc), Operating Approvals for the site as well as potable waterworks, Decommissioning and Reclamation Approvals. One requirement of The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations is that mining companies are required to provide the Ministry of Environment with an updated Decommissioning and Reclamation plan at least once every 5 years and that they must also post financial assurance (generally through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or D&R Trust Fund) to cover the cost of decommissioning and reclamation in the event that the company is no longer economically viable. In this way, the taxpayers of Saskatchewan are assured that they won’t bear the cost of decommissioning and reclaiming a site. Also mention that for mines on Crown Lands the final step in the process is Institutional Control. In 2007, the province legislated The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act and The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Regulations to establish and enforce the Institutional Control Program (ICP). The ICP implements the process for the long term monitoring and maintenance of sites when mining/milling activities have ended, remediation has been completed and approved; and the process for transfer of the site to provincial responsibility. The two primary components of the ICP are the Institutional Control Registry and the Institutional Control funds: the Monitoring and Maintenance Fund and the Unforeseen Events Fund. The Registry will maintain a formal record of closed sites, manage the funding and perform any required monitoring and maintenance work. This process is managed by the Ministry of Economy who also administer the Orphan Oil and Gas Well and Facility Program.