Google Books From the Papers of Alexander Hamilton. Looking for Harison’s reply to Hamilton. Google Books is a great help with historical research.
To see inside a book, look for “Preview” To see inside a book, look for “Preview”. How much is shown in Preview is determined by the copyright holder of the work.
The initial google search will appear in the search box The initial google search will appear in the search box. Use the “Clear Search” link and then add word or phrase to search within the book.
Click on the page link to go to that page and see word/phrase in context. Can also scroll up/down. Note pages not in Preview are indicated. If word appears in a no Preview page, the fact that your search word appears on that page is indicated but you can’t look at it in context.
While in Google books changed search to Richard Harison so search defaults to “Books”. By using Search Tools can modify the results list from Relevance to Date.
This is an ebook and you are given a couple of options
Or Add to your Library and read online Or Add to your Library and read online. Also used icons at top to expand book to full screen, zoom for larger letters and double pages. These options are not available for all books.
Did not find Harison’s reply to Hamilton but Google Books was a big help in quickly finding and searching book sources. FYI, my search continued by calling a number of archives holding Richard Harison’s papers and the general conclusion is that this particular letter did not survive.