Leadership at it’s optimum By: Tarique Scott
How to Lead by Example I feel it is my job to keep my head held high even when are losing a game no matter what team we playing and no matter the circumstances. People get motivation from you when you set a great example for them to follow.
The Commitment Continum
Resistent Cadets that have not bought into the unit’s goals This is the worst way to be.
Obsessed People that are consumed with achieving the unit goals. They pursue it at all cost.
Not these type of characters LOLOLOL
Character This is a must to ensure that your influence on people is lasting. A lady once told me that she admired my character. It really touched me.
I DON’T GET TIRED Leading by example means that you are a person of character. Once you establish yourself as someone of great character you must be willing to do what's right all day everyday.
Character OVerall Surround yourself with what you want to be Don’t set yourself up for self-destruction
Composure I rarely get to the point where I get out o character. Mainly because I feel it is my responsibility to keep my cool and keep everyone else focused in.
DON’T CRACK LOL The greatest of leaders all have been in situations where the fire has been hot. The best of them were able to keep calm and execute.
Traffic Light Angry, pessimistic, overwhelmed, out of control Frustrated, questing, doubts, negative thoughts, blaming, making excuses Composed, optimistic, confident, focused, determined.
Confidence MY confidence has been seen as being cocky at times. Make sure your confidence doesn’t turn into arrogance.
Confidence has to come from within Confidence has to come from within. All it takes is for one moment to boost your confidence. Once you find that inner confidence you will be come UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!
Through out my sports career in high school there have been a number of times where I had to step up to take the task full on. Some of the times I failed and in others I didn’t. One game we were playing timberland at a home soccer game. And by the end of regulation the score was at 0-0. Coach Shane told me to step up and score. We played and I scored the go ahead goal to win. Confidence tested
Help push the goal forward Respected vocal leaders, not only need to establish unit commitments and rules, they also need to enforce them. Sometimes a leader will have to play the role that no one wants to play……. The person constructive confronting people. Everyone will not take it the same. Help push the goal forward
The 3 main types of conflicts you’ll encounter are……. Members who are not working as hard they should I practice Members who break unit rules or promises Members who are in conflict with instructors and/or with other members Conflict Situations
Wrap it up like A enchilada https://www.google.com/search?q=funny+pictures+animals&saf e=off&site=webhp&tbm=isch&imgil=AnTB19sIW31C1M%253A%253 BJT3- BUWbEx6MvM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.fun2smile s.com https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&biw=1366&bih=673&si te=webhp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=leadership&oq=leadership&gs_l=i mg.3.. Wrap it up like A enchilada
Take what you have heard and apply it to your life Take what you have heard and apply it to your life. Its all about bettering yourself so that you can better someone else. The only risk of becoming a great leader is becoming AWESOME. I promise to do my best to be the best leader I can possibly be.. Conclusion