E DITING IN F ILM Transitions, Continuity, and Rhythm
WHAT IS EDITING ? The work of selecting and joining shots together to create a finished film. Most of the editing occurs during post- production (after the filming has been done) The work is done by an editor (usually works with director, sound editor, etc.) Editing shots creates a sequence
T RANSITIONS the technique of juxtaposing shots together in other words, how the shots are joined
T RANSITIONS Cut: one shot is instantly replaced on the screen by another shot Fade In: the screen is black and a shot fades in (starts light and gets darker) Fade Out: the shot gets lighter, then the screen is black Dissolve: one shot fades in as another fades out; at one point, the shots are both on screen (superimposed; i.e. Psycho)
T RANSITIONS Wipe: one shot is pushed off screen by another shot; a line is usually visible Iris: a circle closes down over or opens up on a shot
C ONTINUITY Continuity editing: Creates a smooth flow to the film Makes visual and narrative sense Establishes the story for the viewer Created through: Match Cuts: joining two cuts that have similar compositions (arrangements of elements in the frame; i.e. drain to eye in Psycho) Shot-Reverse-Shot: joining different shots to tell story; common in conversations
M ORE E DITING S TUFF Cross-Cutting: cutting back and forth quickly to show that things are happening at the same time Sequence Shot A long take with no editing (no cut or other transition) Montage Many brief shots are joined together so there is an emotional impact or visual design (shower scene in Psycho) Errors in Continuity Disruption in the flow; actions dont match or props are out of place Jump Cut Leaves out parts of the action Disrupts the continuity
M ORE E DITING S TUFF Split Screen: the screen is divided into different shots Cutaway Shot: interruption of a shot by showing something else (similar to a shot reverse shot, but usually not close-ups/conversation) Compressed Time: the shortening of time through editing (cuts, fades, dissolves) Subjective Time: time in a film as felt/experienced by the character(s) Flashback: story goes back in time to tell a part of the story that happened before Flash-forward: story jumps ahead to show something in the future; rarely used