Global UTM 2020 (Fasa 2) Lab 2 R1-Prudent Resource Management R2-Financial Sustainability Pusat Latihan Universiti 8 am-4 pm 22 Julai 2014
UTM Global : R1 & R2 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Lab 2 Strategy or OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK (SO) Status (New, Improve, Retain, Deleted ) Prog./ Project / Initiative KAI Statement or (Operational Definition) KAI Target Implication-Finance, HR, Physical , Governance 2015 2016 2020 R1-Prudent Resource management Retain Mengenal pasti keutamaan aktiviti universiti. PTJ perlu menjana sumber pendapatan ( bajet operasi tahunan) Kajian semula pengagihan pendapatan (cost recovery policy) Membangunkan Sistem Pemantauan Perbelanjaan Kajian Cost VS Benefit di setiap aktiviti/operasi. Bajet varian Peratus pendapatan dijana ±5% 10% ±10% 15% Mencapai objektif dan sasaran universiti Financially able. Enterpreneurial mind set. Value for money
UTM Global : R1 & R2 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Lab 2 Strategy or OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK (SO) Status (New, Improve, Retain, Deleted ) Prog./ Project / Initiative KAI Statement or (Operational Definition) KAI Target Implication-Finance, HR, Physical , Governance 2015 2016 2020 R2-Financial Sustainability Retain Unlock of university’s asset -JV with KPJ -Palm Oil in Layang-layang -Memohon tanah kelapa sawit di Perak. -kaedah Public Private Partnership (PPP) Income generated from: Academic Programme -increase fees collection -increase tuition fees for Diploma -Re-engineering the collection system -increase number of Post Graduate enrollment (international student) -Overseas Offshore campus income from land bank fee collection 100m 60m 300m 1b Peningkatan pendapatan Brand recognition,goodwill
UTM Global : R1 & R2 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Lab 2 Strategy or OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK (SO) Status (New, Improve, Retain, Deleted ) Prog./ Project / Initiative KAI Statement or (Operational Definition) KAI Target Implication-Finance, HR, Physical , Governance 2015 2016 2020 R2-Financial Sustainability Retain Conference & Seminar Contribution from External Programmes Programs with high turnaround time and margin (Training Program/Professional Development Program). Income generated from organising conference and seminar. To achieve internal revenue by 30% in 2020. Retain RU status Investment -Invest in high return investment scheme Return on investment 18m 20m 25m Training courses High end executive education programmes Re-engineering the collection system Income generated
UTM Global : R1 & R2 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Lab 2 Strategy or OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK (SO) Status (New, Improve, Retain, Deleted ) Prog./ Project / Initiative KAI Statement or (Operational Definition) KAI Target Implication-Finance, HR, Physical , Governance 2015 2016 2020 R2-Financial Sustainability Retain Gift To obtain gift above RM 5,000. Product commercialization Commercialization Projects Licencing Spin Off Industrial solution Value of gift Net income generated 3m 0.5 0.75 5m 3.5 To achieve internal revenue by 30% in 2020. Retain RU status Fund raising for Endowment Diversify/increase in Endowment Campign Develop implementation road map for endowment activities. Establish fund raiser team Endowment cumulative 80m 90m 100m Consultancy increased in no of consultancy every year Create long term contract on consultancy Reduce in expenditure for every consultation. -encourage academia staff to obtain higher value consultancy project.
UTM Global : R1 & R2 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Lab 2 Strategy or OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK (SO) Status (New, Improve, Retain, Deleted ) Prog./ Project / Initiative KAI Statement or (Operational Definition) KAI Target Implication-Finance, HR, Physical , Governance 2015 2016 2020 R2-Financial Sustainability Retain Business entity Income from -UTSB -UTMH -UTM Space To achieve internal revenue by 30% in 2020. Retain RU status Income from facilities -Based on short term, middle term and long term -Mewujudkan polisi kadar sewa ruang -tropical fruit tour -lakeside café -team building packages -U mall Income generated -Housing -Scholars’ Inn JB -Equine Park -Recreational activity -Telecommunication -Space / premises -Billboard -TGBR -Sport complex