Arrival (Brainwarmers) Feed me and I Live Give me Drink and I Die What Am I? What English word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word? A Fire m ember
Can be linked to content of lesson but don’t have to be Riddles Brainwarmers (2 minutes – while you do the reg… good ones calm students but get them thinking/doing something active, not passive) Can be linked to content of lesson but don’t have to be Riddles Gap Fills Key word – definition matching A question (that will get answered by the end of the lesson)/ thought experiment/prediction/hypothesis Stroop effect: (try saying the colour it is, not the word)
How to teach Ofsted Outstanding lessons 10 November 2018 How to teach Ofsted Outstanding lessons Objectives Understand how to plan and teach Ofsted Outstanding lessons!
Outcomes ALL WILL Be able to describe what an outstanding lesson needs to incorporate and plan to observe outstanding teaching in the next half term. MOST SHOULD Be able to plan an outstanding lesson and be able give examples of elements that make up a really good one. SOME COULD Be able to explain what Ofsted are looking for in an outstanding lesson and describe how their individual strengths can help to teach outstanding lessons in the future..
A note on objectives and outcomes: Objectives are an overview of what is to be learnt, they give the reason for the lesson. So when the kid says: “what’s the point of this sir?” you have an answer… (the objective could be content based or skill based – or both) Outcomes are what learners will achieve/be able to do by the end of the lesson and are linked to the objective. These should be differentiated. (All, Most, Some) – (Outcomes are incredibly important when we are being observed as they are what we can measure individual student’s progress against.)
Why are we doing this? Where are we? (the big picture) To improve learning experience for students To understand that by doing what all good teachers do (and that is all of us in the science department) and showing evidence for this we can improve the quality of our lessons and get the evidence we need for observation lessons We all use some AfL every lesson and by adding some easy extras we can improve the quality of our lessons and get the evidence we need for observation lessons (our show off lessons)
What is outstanding? (What is Ofsted looking for?) (the big picture) Ofsted Focus Knowing the kids - Individual student’s needs SEN – use of TAs Literacy (Numeracy) Student progress – learning rather than teaching (and the assessment of this in a lesson) Working at level and progress in a lesson and over a series of lessons Behaviour of students
Review of lesson observation sheet Look at the sheet 1) By yourself – look at the difference between Good and Outstanding comments 2) Talk to the person next you – did you come up with the same things? 3) In 2 groups discuss what makes an outstanding lesson and how this is different to a good one.
Reviewing progress Lead learner review - AST
Planning to observe Outstanding Teaching (your HW) Email somebody from the list with a couple of ideal times. This is a class/key stage that you want to see (I will cover lessons for people in my frees) If you do this in your free I will cover a lesson for you if you want that hour back. Let me know when you are seeing the person. We will share what we have observed in Wednesday sessions.
Planning an Ofsted outstanding Lesson planning sheets - AST
Teaching an outstanding lesson Ensure that objectives and outcomes are clear and that students know what they are Make sure students know what level they are at and where they should be aiming for in the lesson (and which outcome relates to which level) Make sure resources are good and varied – be creative Have different activities (that are engaging and purposeful) Play to your strengths, use sense of humour (if you have one…), clarity of explanations (if you are clear…), show off your IT skills (if you know how to switch on a PC, Plymstock school now supports Windows 7…) Be pacey and ensure tight transitions between activities to fixed timings Review learning with mini plenaries and go away from your plan if necessary Behaviour – follow the department policy Use a plenary to review outcomes of the lesson Relax!!!
Preparing for observation Use AfL Can’t be outstanding unless the groundwork is there. Make sure books are marked in line with the school and department policy. Get the students into habits/routines. Make sure your technician knows that you are being observed! Build good working relationships with students
Plenary – reviewing outcomes Review learning This is the reason outcomes are so important This if for the student (a www/ebi) and for the teacher and should advise planning for next lesson.
Outcomes ALL WILL Be able to describe what an outstanding lesson needs to incorporate and plan to observe outstanding teaching in the next half term. MOST SHOULD Be able to plan an outstanding lesson and be able give examples of elements that make up a really good one. SOME COULD Be able to explain what Ofsted are looking for in an outstanding lesson and describe how their individual strengths can help to teach outstanding lessons in the future..
Plenary Ideas Wordsplat Question Loop Hotseat Ask the teacher/expert Just a minute The split the class into two halves and ask them questions game High 5
Wordsplat AfL Plenary Good Marking Outstanding Progress Satisfactory Starter Monkey
Question Loop Start Why are we doing this training? To improve the learning experience of students What is a major Ofsted focus this year? Literacy What is your HW from today? To organise to observe an element of outstanding teaching by Xmas How much detail do you need to plan your lesson for an observation? Lots!! What is AfL Assessment for Learning How does AfL improve teaching and learning? Students know what level they’re at and how to improve (and so do the teachers) What is a plenary? A way of reviewing the learning in a lesson Can we go home yet? Yes!! Finish