Adaptive Learning: Background, Applications and Lesson Building Autar Kaw Eleonora Delgado University of South Florida 2018 ASEE-SE Workshop – March 4, 2018
Acknowledgments This material is based upon work supported partially by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number #1609637, and the Research for Undergraduates Program in the College of Engineering at USF. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Conventional, Mastery, Tutor 1-30* Mastery Learning Tutorial 1-1* *Teacher-Student Ratio Source: The 2-Sigma Problem by Bloom, B., 1984
Definition of Effect Size Effect Size Percentage of control group who would be below the average person in experimental group 50% 0.5 69% 1.0 84% 1.5 94% 2.0 98% Source: It is the Effect Size Stupid…. By Coe, R.
Effect Size Source: The Relative Effectiveness of Human Tutoring …. By Vanlehn, K., 2011
What do you think is the actual effect size of human tutoring? 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0
What do you believe is adaptive learning? Reflection Exercise What do you believe is adaptive learning?
What does adaptive learning involve? Uses data to give and improve pathways to learning Uses pre-set configurations Is rule-based and uses decision trees
Adaptive Learning Pre-set categories Data driven and improves DIFFERENTIATED Pre-set categories Rules-based and decision tree Data driven and improves ADAPTIVE INTELLI TUTOR Source:
Platform Players Knewton Smart Sparrow RealizeIT Pearson's McGraw-Hill Wiley
A Typical Adaptive Path
Reflection Exercise Think of your own course and imagine reasonable resources like video, text and questions are available to you for a single concept or topic. What path would you design for your students?
Adaptive Learning Results ASU Math Readiness Fall 2009-Spring 2011 (Without Adaptive Learning) Fall 2011-Spring 2012 (With Adaptive Learning) Pass Rates 64% 75% Withdrawal Rates 16% 7% Students Finishing Early n/a 45% Source:
Adaptive Learning MetaStudy Source: Lessons Learned From Early Implementations of Adaptive
Adaptive Learning MetaStudy Source: Lessons Learned From Early Implementations of Adaptive
Our Use of Adaptive Learning
What is different? Transmission in class and assimilation at home Transmission at home and assimilation in class Source: CTL, University of Washington
What happens BEFORE class?
Assign video lectures before class.
What is done before class at home? Assign reading assignment.
What graded assignments are given before class? Automatically graded quizzes are assigned
Effect Size For Free Response Questions in USF Course Flipped Adaptive over Flipped 0.26 for Pell Grant Students 0.50 Flipped Adaptive over Blended 0.13 0.28
Analytics Summary
Analytics (Grade and Time Spent)
Universal Design Learning (UDL)
The Trinity of UDL What – Recognition network How – Strategic Network Multiple means of representation Multiple means of action and expression Multiple means of engagement How – Strategic Network Why – Affective Network Source: National Center on Universal Design for Learning
Reflection Exercise Make a list of multiple means of a) representation b) action and expression c) engagement
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Contact: Autar Kaw University of South Florida Adaptive Learning: Background, Applications and Lesson Building QUESTIONS? Contact: Autar Kaw University of South Florida