The United Nations
I. The Creation of the United Nations Background: Clear L.O.N had failed April 1945 in San Francisco 50 countries met to create the United Nations Charter The UN became official on Oct 24 1945 (UN Day) Goals of United Nations Keep world peace by using the idea of collective security Encourage cooperation among nations Defend human rights Promote equality Improve the standard of living for all nations UN Headquarters in NYC These are testable & examinable UN Flag
Structure of the UN in Brief… Your textbook discusses the following… General Assembly The Security Council The Secretariat The International Court of Justice The UN to-date includes 2 additional bodies… UN Economic and Social Council UN Trusteeship Council
II. Structure of the United Nations General Assembly Functions: Provides a forum for members to launch initiatives on international questions of peace, economic progress, and human rights. It can initiate studies; make recommendations; develop and codify international law; promote human rights; and further international economic, social, cultural, and educational programs. Structure of the General Assembly: Each member state is represented (there are 192 members to date) Each member state has 1 vote 2/3rds is enough for a majority UN General Assembly Secretary General of UN: Antonia Guterres
Structure of UN continued… The Security Council Functions: maintaining peace and security between nations. has the power to make decisions which member governments must carry out under the United Nations Charter. decisions of the Council are known as UN Security Council Resolutions. Structure: Post WWII consisted of 5 victors of the war as permanent Republic of China (later the People's Republic of China) French Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (later the Russian Federation) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America 10 other countries serve under 2 year terms & are elected by the General Assembly UN Security Council Chambers
Structure of the UN Continued… C. The International Court of Justice Structure Located at the “Peace Palace” at the Hague, Netherlands AKA the “World Court” composed of 15 permanent judges elected by the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council Judges serve for 9 years terms and may be re-elected. Elections take place every 3 years Function Makes rulings on disputes Gives legal advice to Security Council Peace Palace, the Hague
III. Humanitarian Agencies of the UN UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries relies on contributions from govt’s and private donors Its programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children.
Humanitarian Agencies of the UN continued… World Health Organization its mission "is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health". major task is to combat disease, especially key infectious diseases. Coordinates international efforts to monitor outbreaks of infectious disease such as SARS, malaria, and AIDS, has programs to combat such diseases by developing and distributing vaccines
Humanitarian Agencies of the UN Continued… International Labor Organization seeks to strengthen worker rights, improve working conditions and living conditions, create employment, & provide information & training opportunities. Programs include the occupational safety & health hazard alert system & the labor standards and human rights programs.
IV. Canada’s Contribution to the UN John Humphries Part of drafting original Charter Lester B. Pearson Solved problems faced by UN He’ll come up again when we study our cold war crisis Plays active role in General Assembly Security Council
Assignment In Counterpoints, Read P. 198-the top of p. 199 Do worksheet entitled, “Ex 1, The United Nations” (this will require your Student Workbook) Due:_____________________________