Mrs. Vandenhouten’s Class Nov. 6-10 Message From The Teacher Upcoming Events Nov. 9-Reading Round up 5:00-7:00 (Dress like a cowboy or cowgirl) Book Fair Nov. 6-17- Our class will be visiting the book fair on Monday, Nov. 13 Unit 3 Math Test Tuesday, Nov. 7 Please sign your child’s reading log and planner every night. Reading regularly increases fluency and improves comprehension. ELA Math-We are finishing up Unit 3-Multiplying and Dividing decimals. We’ll begin Unit 4 this week. Math ELA- We are in the middle of Bridge to Terabithia and the kids are loving it. We will continue to do various ELA activities using the book. We’re also working on commas, dictionary skills, and conjunctions. Contact the Teacher •Email: • Phone: (912)754-5522 Thanks, Mrs. V