E-Archiving Subgroup Feedback Tim Ellis Chief Executive National Records of Scotland
Introduction Revolutionise or die Bridging the skills gap What do we need to do differently? What are users’ expectations? What is the role of EAG? Bridging the skills gap What are the gaps in digital skills? What skills are available? How do we bridge the gap?
Challenge We don’t want to “die” That means a paradigm shift From digitisation of current practice to new digital practice At all stages, from record creation to the end of the record journey But disrupt, don’t destroy Challenge for us as leadership group Setting the culture and finding the resources
Main Issues Much new digital is temporary, but still essential for telling the story Legislative view is often “document” not “content” – normally now not true Requires different view of archival practice Scarcity of people at the crossover with “digital” and “archiving” skills Difficulty attracting talented people in a competitive labour market (pay) Requires change in organisation culture, from stable to ever changing – increased flexibility
Open Questions Three big questions remain Story Keep Use Who has most influence over educating and changing the profession? Can we share new practice and knowledge more rapidly? Can we collaborate across institutions?
Lessons Learned Three big questions: Where is the story? Where are the real records? What should we keep? How will it be used? Not just threat - opportunity to reinvigorate institutions But, where are the people? Universities not equipping the profession with the skills we need
Next Steps Need to understand where the story is – needs research Need to work more with record creators – not make burdensome for administrators Promote paradigm shift for record capture Attract digital people to archiving and give them archivists skills Short training courses; identify trainers and improve teaching base (role for DLM Forum; ERASMUS etc.) Short secondments for digital archivists
Process Build on DLM Forum Report, with “recommendations” – for Commission, EAG/EBNA, National Institutions, etc. Focus towards next EAG/EBNA, if WG wants to Continue with Sub-Group, virtually or in person – who is interested?
Conclusions There is a big technical challenge Finding the people, resources, training etc to meet that is key and difficult Too big for any one of us - collaboration is essential BUT also a leadership challenge Context is critical, we need to act together and in our local political environments to achieve the paradigm shift