Topic Plan- Phase 3 and 4 Autumn Term 2 FLASH BANG ! Teachers-Mrs Musgrove, Miss Murdoch, Mr Street, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Williamson & Mrs Edwards Science How do we see? Reflections Sound vibrations Sound Insulation investigation Investigating patterns in changing pitch and loudness of sounds Music Compose own ‘Firework’ music using graphic scoring Literacy Non- chronological reports Note taking Instructional texts Poetry Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar including: prefixes, plurals, apostrophes and conjunctions. Guided reading: Fiction and poetry Maths Mental and written methods for multiplication and division Grouping and sharing Finding remainders after division Solving word problems using bar models Times tables P.E./ Games Outdoor games: Year 3-Tuesday pm- Ball Skills Passing and Receiving Indoor PE- Gymnastics Year 3- Monday am Year 4- Tuesday pm Swimming Year 4 -Tuesday am Spanish Phonic sounds How old are you? Birthdays Days, months, seasons Christmas Computing Internet research Programming- Scratch Junior/ Scratch Digital cameras Data loggers TTRockstars Hit the Button Core Learning Skills Developing Independence and Responsibility PSHE Myself and my Relationships: Year 3- Friendship and Difference, Year 4- Managing Risk and Change * Design, make and evaluate own ear muffs Homework expectations in Years 3 & 4 Read with an adult at least 3 times a week and discuss the text using the questions in the front of reading diaries/ on ‘Doggy’ bookmarks. Practise and learn weekly spelling list, also complete the spelling activity set. Learning log tasks are set each fortnight on a Friday- adults please check and sign your child’s completed work. Regular practise of target times tables . Log on to your Times Table Rockstars account and complete 45 minutes of activities per week . ( Play in the studio to improve your speed) * If there is a problem with your child accessing their TTRockstars account at home please speak to your child’s class teacher. R.E. What Matters Most to Christians and Humanists? Codes for Living Fairness, Justice and Forgiveness. Values Peace Design Technology