ESL 7 Quarter 2 Week 5 Dec. 1-5, 2014 Blue Days – 12/2 and 12/4 L. Nabulsi
Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.
Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.
CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.
Standards covered this week 7E1a.1: Identify and understand idioms and comparison (such as analogies, metaphors, and similes) in prose and poetry 7E1b.1: Understand and analyze the differences in structure and purpose between various categories of informational materials such as textbooks, newspapers, and instructional or technical manuals 7E1b.3: Analyze text that uses the cause-and-effect organizational pattern. For example: Use a comparison chart, such as a T-chart, to illustrate cause and effect in a newspaper article.
OVERVIEW OF WEEK 14 Correct this sentence: Dr Montessori decide to set up a school for them children, +4 Edit –it – 80-81 Vocabulary – week 14 Grammar : Diagramming Compound and complex sentences Idiom - “Raining cats and dogs” Raining heavily Analogy: 5) HEIRLOOM : INHERITED A) ship : wooden B) sermon : religious C) newspaper : popular D) coupon : valuable In-class: Proof, print and save newspaper as pdf. Share with Mrs. N. Start work in World Geography book on Africa - Worksheets and SheppardsSoftware
Vocabulary 14 1preliminary thesis 1.hexagon 1.chart 1.haploid Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1preliminary thesis 1.hexagon 1.chart 1.haploid 2. Final or revised thesis 2.range 2. diagram 2.heredity 3.preliminary outline 3.scalene triangle 3.elevation profile 3.heterogeneous mixture
Lesson Plans for December 3, 2013 Take roll Correct this sentence: Dr Montessori decide to set up a school for them children, +4 Vocabulary 14: Go to google aps to do this. Remind students Begin seventh reading log due Dec. 16; It is located on Google aps. Grammar: Compound and complex sentences Do Edit It #80 In-class – Make a PREZI of different types of sentences. Share with me at; In Class: Proof newspaper; save as pdf, print one copy in color, share with me. Hope you liked this. Go to World Geography book and go to Do WARM UPS - Unit 3 - Africa . Continue to do activities related to Africa listed on google aps.
Lesson Plans December 5, 2013 Do Edit It #81 Take roll. Idiom - “Calculated risk.” “Raining cats and dogs” Raining heavily Analogy: 5) HEIRLOOM : INHERITED A) ship : wooden B) sermon : religious C) newspaper : popular D) coupon : valuabl Read: World Geography In Class: Continue work on Africa. Do all worksheets in Google Aps
Edit It December 2 - #80- un ed December 4 - #81 un ed
Correct this sentence Dr Montessori decide to set up a school for them children, +4 Dr. Montessori decides to set up a school for (these) children.
Idiom Idiom - “Calculated risk.” A difficult situation that has promises of success. “Raining cats and dogs” Raining heavily
Analogy Bridge Type: Characteristic 5) HEIRLOOM : INHERITED A) ship : wooden B) sermon : religious C) newspaper : popular D) coupon : valuable Bridge Sentence: A characteristic of an heirloom is to be inherited. _____________________________________.
Grammar Write compound/complex sentences Use the following coordinating conjunctions for compound sentences: FANBOYS, And But For Nor Yet Or So
Punctuate compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions correctly Punctuate compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions correctly.Three patterns in writing use coordinating conjunctions. Add commas when required.Pattern 1 — Connecting two main clausesWhen you connect two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction, use a comma. The pattern looks like this: main clause + , + coordinating conjunction + main clause. Here is an example: My dog sleeps on the couch, but my cat sleeps on my bed.
Use the following subordinatE conjunctions for complex sentences after although as because before even if even though if in order that once provided that rather than since so that than that though unless until when whenever where whereas wherever whether while why Some sentences are complex. Such sentences have two clauses, one main [or independent] and one subordinate [or dependent]. The essential ingredient in a complex sentence is the subordinate conjunction:
1. Louisa will wash the sink full of her dirty dishes once her roommate Shane cleans his stubble and globs of shaving cream from the bathroom sink. 2. We looked on top of the refrigerator, where Jenny will often hide a bag of chocolate chip cookies. 3. Because her teeth were chattering in fear, Lynda clenched her jaw muscle while waiting for her turn to audition.
DIRECTIONS Each class period, students will use the little white boards to 1)write the sentence 2) label each part of speech 3) put () around prepositional phrases 4) draw one line under the subject 5)draw two lines under the predicate verb 6) circle the DO 7) put a wavy line under the predicate noun 8) put // lines under predicate adjectives 9) diagram each word in the sentence 10) Write the correct information in the last pages of your vocabulary notebook working backwards
Types of Diagrams based on sentence pattern – You will do one a day Tom runs. Try to diagram on your own.. Know the part of speech of every word. The boys run fast. The boy hit the ball. That tall boy drove the new red car. The girl in the blue dress wore a diamond necklace at the dance. The team gave the coach flowers. The sailor is my father. The nurse is intelligent The farmer painted his barn red,
S-V runs S V Tom – noun – proper noun is the subject Runs – predicate verb – action verb Tom runs
Details About Reading Activities
Reading/Writing Activities for this week Read, write and organize readings about the geography of Africa. News – international, national, local -pictures
Prior and “How To” Information
Sentence Patterns For Reference S – V Subject - Verb S – V – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Direct Object S – V –I – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Indirect Obj – Direct Obj. S – V – N Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate noun (Nominative) S – V -A Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate Adjective S –V–DO-C Subject – (action) Verb – DO – Complement-Modifier Patrick sleeps in class. S – V (prepositional phrase) Arthur talks constantly. S- V (adverb) S AV DO S AV DO Patrick plays soccer. Arthur goes camping. S LV N LV A Arthur is a scout and is awesome. Patrick is a soccer player and is awesome. Patrick kicked the soccer ball high.
How to Make a Text Box On a WORD document, look up at the toolbar. Click on INSERT. A little more than halfway to the right, click on TEXT BOX. You will have a choice: For a calendar pick the ‘SIDEBAR” which is the third one. For just highlighting an event, select the first one. Click on the one you want and it will appear on your document with the text highlighted Now a new toolbar appears for the textbox. You can Change the color Change the border Create effects As you start to type your information in the box, the information originally there will disappear. Get the information in first Remember to SAVE (featurespecificlast2)
How to Make a Timeline on Word Open a blank WORD document Go to INSERT Click on SMART ART A new window appears: click on PROCESS New window: go to last item in the second line- basic timeline. Click The template appears on your document. Begin to fill it in with information. Try to place information with the date close to line, not on outside. Save in your H-drive, ESL folder with page numberslastblock#
Accessing GOOGLE APS Go to GOOGLE CHROME Use the URL – 3. Log in with username: 3. Each day: check the calendar (alert Mrs. N of any new assignments or tests) NOTE: THE DUE DATES FOR ALL FOUR READING LOGS THIS QUARTER ARE ON THE CALENDAR. Find them and place them in your planner. 4. Each day check the drive and ESL7 for help with your projects and PowerPoint for weekly lesson plans. 5. Do not use this time to change the background on your site or to email other students or even chat. This time is for you to work collaboratively on assignments. 6. Go to DRIVE/SHARED WTH ME/ ESL7/ Reading log Q2; Print this and keep it. Work on it every night and have parents sign it. PUT YOUR NAME of it.
How To Use the MLA Template Download the MLA template in Google aps OR go to the student’s H-drive/ESL folder/MLA template Open the template Immediately save as to the H-drive, ESL folder naming the file with the name of the assignment and last and period. DO THIS. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. For example, editorial1last You will need four so give each a new number. On the document, change the date and the title. Begin on the line under the title, but make sure that this line is aligned left, not centered, and indented. Center the Chapter # Write the summary telling who, what, when, where, how, and why. Save in the google aps and share with one student to grade and Mrs. Nabulsi..
How to make a SMARTBOARD quiz 1. Open SMART Notebook 2. Go to VIEW/Gallery 3. Click on Lesson Activity Toolkit 4. Look down and click on INTERACTIVE AND MULTIMEDIA 5. Scroll through selections and pick a game on which you can put at least six items, one for each of your words. At the game, click on EDIT and place your information on the template SAVE AS Q#W#voc#esl8last into your ESL folder and then in GALLERY Open and place in Assignment Drop Box that correlates with the assignment.