Government Relations 101 Mary Jane Michalak & Matt Hawkins
Overview What is “Government Relations” at Ivy Tech? Congress Job responsibilities Audience Congress Indiana General Assembly State Educational Institutions Indiana Commission for Higher Education State Higher Education Appropriations State Performance Funding Formula In this session, we will discuss….. Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Government Relations “Plan and execute a comprehensive, proactive government affairs strategy that advances the College’s mission and goals with local, regional, state and federal elected officials.” Build and strengthen relationships with elected officials and government agencies. With College leadership, plans legislative priorities. Serve as the lead contact to the General Assembly. Monitors legislation and policy activities, updates and advises College leadership. Coordinate college’s participation in meetings with state agencies. Develops materials in support of government relations agenda. Collaborate with counterparts at other state educational institutions. Coordinate involvement in federal issues. Track and prepare activity reports for the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission. Serve a liaison with the State Board of Trustees Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Government Relations Federal Relations Congressional Leaders AACC State Relations Governor’s Office Commission for Higher Education Department of Workforce Development Indiana Department of Education Indiana Economic Development Corporation State Educational Institutions Independent Colleges of Indiana State legislators (Indiana General Assembly) Association Relations Local Government Relations Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Congress Senate members House members Donnelly (D)** Visclosky (D) Walorski (R) Banks (R) Rokita (R)* Brooks (R) Messer (R)* Carson (D) Bucshon (R) Hollingsworth (R) *Running for Senate Senate members Donnelly (D)** Young (R) ** up for re-election Committees House 20 Standing, 1 Select Senate 16 Standing 67 Subcommittees 5 Nonstanding At federal level, deal with Congress....... HEA, working now on “Reauthorization” Reps. Luke Messer and Todd Rokita are on the House Education and Workforce Committee Senator Todd Young is on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Rep. Jackie Walorski is on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Visclosky is on the House Appropriations Committee (defense subcommittee) Rep. Brooks former Ivy Tech employee (General Counsel and SVP for Workforce Development) Congressman Messer introduced the Reverse Transfer Act, amended into PROPSER ( Young – exploring social impact bonds Have provided letters and fact sheets on issues RE: Reauthorization, and have visited with congress people and staffers. Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Indiana General Assembly 150 legislators (100 in House; 50 in Senate) “Session” Odd-numbered years = “Budget Session” January – April 30 Even-numbered years = “Short Session” January – March 14 “Special Session” – called by the Governor By the numbers – 2018 Short Session 901 introduced 212 (23%) of bills introduced made it to Governor’s desk Fun with Numbers Finale There were a total of 901 bills introduced this session. At the halfway point this session, there were only 130 House bills still alive, and 172 Senate bills still alive. The last third reading deadline held strong, passing a good amount of bills in each chamber. There were 112 House bills still alive, and 115 Senate bills still alive. Following the push on Wednesday night, 212 bills have been passed by the Indiana General Assembly. 101 House bills have made it through, and 111 Senate bills have made it through. 22% of House bills will make it to the Governor's desk. 24% of Senate bills will make it to the Governor's desk. Overall, 23% of all bills introduced will arrive on Governor Holcomb's desk. Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Committees 25 House Committees; 23 Senate Committees House Ways and Means 24 members – 16 Republican, 8 Democrat House Education 13 members – 9 Republican, 4 Democrat Senate Appropriations 15 members – 11 Republican, 4 Democrat Senate Education and Career Development 11 members – 8 Republican, 3 Democrat Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
The Process First Reading, Committee Assignment Committee Hearing, Amendment, Vote Second Reading, Amendments Third Reading, Vote Goes to other chamber Back to original chamber, concurrence/dissent Conference Committee Governor’s Desk Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
State Educational Institutions Indiana University – 4 Purdue University – 2 Ball State University - 2 Indiana State University – 1 University of Southern Indiana – 1 (dual role) Vincennes University – 1 (dual role) All work together regarding public postsecondary education Regular meetings Joint-functions Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Commission for Higher Ed 14 members, appointed by the Governor, must be citizens of Indiana Each Congressional district must be represented One student member One faculty member Purposes of the commission: Plan for and coordinate state supported system of postsecondary education. Review appropriation requests of state educational institutions. Make recommendations to the governor, budget agency, or the general assembly concerning postsecondary education. Administer state financial aid programs. Provide staff for the Board for Proprietary Education. Other functions as assigned. Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
Commission for Higher Ed Committees Academic Affairs & Quality Committee - ensure Commission carries out its statutory responsibilities related to matters of an academic nature and the quality of the student experience. The Budget & Productivity Committee – develops, implements, and has oversight of Commission's fiscal policies focused on increasing postsecondary efficiency and productivity. The Student Success & Completion Committee - develops policy and practice initiatives to aid Hoosier postsecondary students in graduating from college on-time and without excessive debt. Our Communities. Your College. Pathways for Student Success and a Stronger Indiana.
State Dollars to Higher Ed FY 18 - $2,008,467,194 FY 19 - $2,045,623,577
Ivy Tech Budget – FY 2018 $22.3 million per month State appropriation – operating, debt service, dual credit….. This does not include the money we get from students who receive state financial aid!
State Performance Funding
CHE Overall Degree Completion 2
CHE At-Risk Student Degree Completion 3
CHE At-Risk Student Degree Completion Changing to Rate Based Calculation 4
CHE Student Persistence Incentive 5
Create A STEM Metric Recognize each institution’s individual contribution to workforce alignment by expanding high-impact to all institutions and creating a STEM metric: Research institutions will continue to benefit from the list of STEM degrees STEM degree list will be opened to four-year comprehensive institutions Two-Year institutions will be measured on: •Credit-bearing certificates that meet the criteria for the Workforce Ready Grant (4 and 5 flames) •Associate degrees in STEM fields 7
Eliminate Remediation Metric: Institutions will be rewarded based on persistence and degree completion 8
Stackable Credentials Higher education is increasingly shifting to “stackable” credentials Adjust Metrics for Stackable Credentials: For each student, the PFF will only pay for the highest credential awarded in each CIP code during the fiscal year Formula will continue to pay for stackable credentials earned in different fiscal years Affects overall, at-risk, and STEM metrics 9
CHE On-Time Graduation Rate 10