Knowledge & Understanding of the World Topic What Would You Put Into a Museum About Stockport? is our focus for the whole term in our Topic lessons. We will be exploring the places, events and people of Stockport and making decisions about the ones we think are the most important. Our core skills will include using and making maps and using directional language such as left, right, quarter turn etc. We will be visiting the Hat Works museum in Stockport to investigate one of Stockport’s main industries and find out how to make hats. We will also be making maps and sketches of the centre of Stockport. The World of Words English Across this half term in Literacy, we will be looking at How To . . . Instructions, recount writing, non-fiction reports, poetry and traditional creation myth narrative. Our core writing features are: time and place prepositions, 1 and 2Adjective noun phrases, adverbs to descrive verbs and using conjunctions to add information. Our punctuation focus is to extend our bank of punctuation and include speech and exclamation marks. We will be focusing on joining our handwriting, decoding a variety of texts and retrieving and infering information. Any writing, reading or sharing of texts at home are always going to benefit their learning. Mathematical world In maths we will be covering the following areas: Number and Place Value: Recognise the place value of each digit in a 2 digit number. Addition & Subtraction: Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Measures, Capacity & Volume + Temperature: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure. Fractions: Know ½, ¾, ¼ of numbers and work out equivalence of fractions. Geometry, Position & Direction: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement. Geometry, 2D & 3D Shapes: Compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects Year 2 Knowledge & Understanding of the World Science Our focus for this half term is on materials and, in particular, how different materials are suited to their use. The children will be planning and completing investigations in and around the school grounds to identify the different qualities of materials that they find around them. The Physical World Our indoor and outdoor PE sessions this half term will be focusing on movement skills and invasion games. The children will be practising skills of bouncing and travelling, receiving and trapping balls, passing accurately, skipping, jumping and catching. They will be using these skills to play games which involve tracking and intercepting opponents, dodging and beating opponents, working with a partner and competing against others. RE & PSHE In RE this half term we will be learning about How we should care for others and the world, and why does it matter? Our PSHE work will help the children to use restorative approaches to problems and disagreements. Computing In Computing the children will develop word-processing skills, skills in combining images and text and in using digital photography to take, select and import images This half term we will be creating and publishing a school newsletter to be distributed to children and parents. Music In Music this half term we are practising rhythms and singing songs with Mrs Henderson linked to our curriculum Art & DT In Art this half term we will Looking at sketching and painting in the style of LS Lowry. We will be using the school and Stockport as our stimulus and learning the techniques of LS Lowry. In DT we are visiting The Hat Works to learn how to make a felt hat so that we can make one in class.
Thorn Grove Primary School Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Welcome back to school, Summer Term is a lovely term as the sun is (hopefully) shining and we can use the outdoors as much as possible to enjoy our learning. This term PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Hopefully we won’t need our warm tops as much but could you please make sure your child has a black, grey or navy top in school because the weather can still be quite chilly. Homework and spelling tests will still be on Tuesdays and times table tests on Thursdays. Please continue to use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to encourage rapid recall of facts and My Maths and Bug Club to find some great maths and reading comprehension activities. We have our Year 2 statutory assessment tests at the end of this term. The children will probably not notice too much different but if you have any questions just let me know and I’ll do my best to help. Kind regards, Mr Howlett Year 2 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School