MiKi Maps + Wiki = MiKi
Organization Motivation – Maps on Tablets MiKi Overview Inky Challenges Screenshots
Why Maps?? Where are maps powerful? Where are maps lame? 2D Space Visual Representation Static Information Where are maps lame? Location Sensitive Communication Frequently Out of Date Dynamic Information
Changing the Map Battle Field Outdoor Games Commercial Endeavors Exploration After Natural Disasters
Tablet + Map = ♥ Mobility Wireless Communication GPS Integration Pen is a Natural Interface
MiKi Tablet PC Mapping Software Natural Disaster Scenario Location Centric Communication Dynamic Map Changes Everyone Contributes (Wiki)
Inky Features Map Annotations Flagged Regions Route and Reroute Draw directly on the map Instantly share Ink with other users Flagged Regions Circle a region and mark it as something Route and Reroute Use pen to indicate desired start and end locations and areas which must be avoided
Inky Challenges Login Pen-Centric Menu System Mapping Ink to Map Coordinates Sharing Ink Between Users