Instrumentation of Spectroscopy Most of the spectroscopic instruments in the UV/visible and IR regions are made up of five components, a stable source of radiant energy; a wavelength selector that isolates a limited region of the spectrum for measurement; one or more sample containers; a radiation detector, which converts radiant energy to a measurable electrical signal; a signal processing and readout unit.
Light Sources A light source must generate a beam of radiation that is sufficiently powerful for easy detection and measurement. In addition, its output power should be stable for reasonable periods. Spectroscopic light sources are of two types: continuum sources, which emit radiation that changes in intensity only slowly as a function of wavelength, and line sources, which emit a limited number of spectral lines. Sources can also be classified as continuous sources, which emit radiation continuously with time, or pulsed sources, which emit radiation in bursts.
Continuum Sources in the UV/Visible Region An ordinary tungsten filament lamp provides a distribution of wavelengths from 320 to 2500 nm. Generally, these lamps are operated at a temperature of around 2900 K, which produces useful radiation from about 350 to 2200 nm. Tungsten/halogen lamps, also called quartz/halogen lamps, contain a small amount of iodine within the quartz envelope that houses the filament. Quartz allows the filament to be operated at a temperature of about 3500 K, which leads to higher intensities and extends the range of the lamp well into the UV region. The lifetime of a tungsten/halogen lamp is more than double that of an ordinary tungsten lamp because the life of the latter is limited by sublimation of tungsten from the filament.
…continued… In the presence of iodine, the sublimed tungsten reacts to give gaseous WI2 molecules, which then diffuse back to the hot filament where they decompose and redeposit as W atoms. Deuterium lamps (D2 lamps) are most often used to provide continuum radiation in the UV region. A deuterium lamp consists of a cylindrical tube, containing deuterium at low pressure, with a quartz window from which the radiation exits. Excitation is carried out by applying about 40 V between a heated oxide-coated electrode and a metal electrode. Excited deuterium dissociates in the resulting plasma to give atomic species plus a UV photon. The energy of the emitted radiation can vary in a continuous manner. The result is a continuum spectrum from about 160 nm to about 350 to 400 nm.
Continuum Sources in the IR region The continuum sources for IR radiation are normally heated inert solids. A Globar source consists of a silicon carbide rod. Infrared radiation is emitted when the Globar is heated to about 1500 oC by the passage of electricity. A Nernst Glower is a cylinder of zirconium and yttrium oxides which emits IR radiation when heated to a high temperature by an electric current. Electrically heated spirals of nichrome wire also serve as inexpensive IR sources.
Line Sources Line sources can be used in the UV/visible region. Low-pressure mercury arc lamps are very common sources for use in liquid chromatography detectors. The dominant line emitted by these sources is at 253.7 nm. Hollow cathode lamps are also common line sources used specifically for atomic absorption spectroscopy. Lasers have also been used in molecular and atomic spectroscopy, both for single wavelength and for scanning application. Tunable dye laser can be scanned over wavelength ranges of several hundred nanometers when more than one dye is used.
Mercury vapor lamps High Pressure Mercury Lamp Mercury vapor lamps are probably the most common and emit intense light at 253.7 nm (and certain other wavelengths). Because of the limited emission spectra, of the lamp wavelengths are not adjustable. Because of the intensity of the radiation, fixed wavelength detectors can be up to 20 times more sensitive than variable wavelength detectors.
Hollow Cathode Discharge Tube Apply ~300 V across electrodes. Ar+ or Ne+ travel toward the cathode. If potential is high enough cations will sputter metal off the electrode. Metal emits photons at characteristic atomic lines as the metal returns to the ground state. Douglas A. Skoog and James J. Leary, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Saunders College Publishing, Fort Worth, 1992.
Wavelength Selectors Spectroscopic instruments in the UV and visible regions are usually equipped with one or more devices to restrict the radiation being measured to a narrow band. Such devices greatly enhance both the selectivity and the sensitivity of an instrument. In addition, for absorption measurements, narrow bands of radiation greatly diminish the chance for Beer’s law deviations due to polychromatic radiation. Many instruments employ a monochromator or filter to isolate the desired wavelength band. Others use a spectrograph to spread out the wavelengths and detected with a multichannel detector.
…continued… Filters use for absorption measurements are typically interference filters. These filters transmit radiation over a bandwidth of 5 to 20 nm. Radiation outside the transmitted bandpass is removed by destructive interference. Filters have the advantages of simplicity, reggedness, and low cost. One filter, however, can only isolate one band of wavelengths; a new filter must be used for a different band. Therefore, interference filter instruments are used only for measurements that are made at fixed or infrequently changed wavelength. Monochromator generally employ a diffraction grating to disperse the radiation into its component wavelengths. Older instruments used prisms for this purpose.
…continued… By rotating the grating, different wavelengths can be made to pass through an exit slit. The output wavelength of a monochromator is thus continuously variable over a considerable spectral range. The wavelength range passed by a monochromator, called the spectral bandpass or effective bandwidth, can be less than 1 nm for moderately expensive instruments to grater than 20 nm for inexpensive systems. Because of the ease with which the wavelength can be changed with a monochromator-based instrument, these system are widely used for spectral scanning applications as well as for application requiring a fixed wavelength.
Optical Materials or Sample holder The cells, windows, lenses, mirrors, and wavelength selecting elements in an optical spectroscopic instrument must transmit radiation in the wavelength region being employed. Ordinary silicate glass is completely adequate for the visible region and has the considerable advantage of low cost. In the UV region, at wavelengths shorter than about 380 nm, glass begins to absorb and fused silica or must be substituted. Also, glass, quartz, and fused silica all absorb in the IR region at wavelengths longer than about 2.5 m. Hence, optical elements for IR spectrometry are typically made from halide salts.
Detecting and Measuring Radiant Energy To obtain spectroscopic information, the radiant power transmitted, fluoresced, or emitted must be detected in some manner and converted into a measurable quantity. A detector is a device that indicates the existence of some physical phenomenon. In modern instruments, the information of interest is encoded and processed as an electrical signal. The term transducer is used to indicate the type of detector that converts quantities, such as light intensity, pH, mass, and temperature, into such electrical signals that can be subsequently amplified, manipulated, and finally converted into numbers proportional to the magnitude of the original quantity.
Properties of Radiation Transducers The ideal transducer for electromagnetic radiation responds rapidly to low levels of radiant energy over a broad wavelength range. In addition, it produces an electrical signal that is easily amplifies and has a low electrical noise level. Finally, the electrical signal produced by the transducer be directly proportional to the radiant power P of the beam G = KP + K’ where G is the electrical response of the detector in units of current, voltage, or charge.
…continued… The proportionality constant K measures the sensitivity of the detector in terms of electrical response per unit of radiant power input. A small constant response K’, known as a dark current, even when no radiation strikes their surfaces. Instrument with detectors that have a significant dark-current response are ordinarily capable of compensation so that the dark current is automatically subtracted. G = KP
Types of Transducers Two general types of transducers: one type responds to photons, the other to heat. All photon detectors are based on the interaction of radiation with a reactive surface to produce electrons (photoemission) or to promote electrons to energy states in which they can conduct electricity (photoconduction). Only UV, visible, and near-IR radiation possess enough energy to cause photoemission to occur; thus, photoemissive detector are limited to wavelengths shorter than about 2 m (2000 nm). Photoconductors can be used in the near-, mid-, and far-IR regions of the spectrum.
…continued… We detect IR radiation by measuring the temperature rise of a blackened material located in the path of the beam or by measuring the increase in electrical conductivity of a photoconducting material when it absorbs IR radiation. Photon Detectors Widely used types of photon detectors include phototubes, photomultiplier tubes, silicon photodiodes, and photodiode arrays.
Photomultiplier Detector The type is commonly used. The detector consists of a photoemissive cathode coupled with a series of electron-multiplying dynode stages, and usually called a photomultiplier. The primary electrons ejected from the photo-cathode are accelerated by an electric field so as to strike a small area on the first dynode.
Photomultiplier Detector
Photoconductivity Detectors Most sensitive detector for near IR region. It can be used up to far IR region by cooling to suppress the noise arising from thermal induced energies. The resistance decrease when thy absorb radiation. A crystalline semi conductor are formed from sulfides some metals like Pb, Cd, gallium and indium Absorption of radiation by this material promotes there bounded electrons in to an energy state in which they are free to conduct electrical current. The resulting change in conductivity can then be measured with a circuit. Lead sulfide is the most widely used photoconductive material
Silicon photodiodes They consists of reverse biased pn junction formed on a silicon chip. The reverse bias creates a depletion layer that reduces the conductance of the junction to nearly zero. If radiation is allowed to fall on chip, holes and electrons are formed braking the junction. Produces a current that is proportional to radiant power More sensitive then vacuum tube but less sensitive than photomultiplier tubes
Silicon photodiodes
Heat responding detectors In IR region photons are lack in the energy to cause photoemission of electrons. Thus thermal detector are employed in IR region The radiation impinges upon are absorbed by a blackbody, and rise in temperature is measured. These includes Thermocouples, Bolometer, Pyroelectric detectors
Barrier Layer/Photovoltaic Detector This device measures the intensity of photons by means of the voltage developed across the semiconductor layer. Electrons, ejected by photons from the semiconductor, are collected by the silver layer. The potential depends on the number of photons hitting the detector.
Detector Barrier Layer/Photovoltaic
Diode Array Detectors - Peak Purity - Quantify a peak with an The photo diode array detector passes a wide spectrum of light through the sample. The spectrum of light is directed to an array of photosensitive diodes. Each diode can measure a different wavelength which allows for the monitoring of many wavelengths at once. - Peak Purity - Quantify a peak with an interfering peak Compound Identification Monitor compounds with different UV max.
Signal Processor and Readout The signal processing include amplification of the electrical signal. Alteration of signal from dc to ac etc. They are also called to perform mathematical operation on signal as differentiation, integration or conversion to a logarithm. Read out unit convert electrical signal to readable form. Read out devices include digital meters, scales of potentiometers, recorders and cathode ray tubes It also include fiber optics or light pipes to flow the light from one part to another.
Single and Double Beam Spectrometer Single-Beam: There is only one light beam or optical path from the source through to the detector. Double-Beam: The light from the source, after passing through the monochromator, is split into two separate beams-one for the sample and the other for the reference.
16/9/2006 8:28 Deokate U.A.