Mattson math Step-up night 2o18 Everett jenkins Barb franks Andrew mackend Leslie marshall Amy alexander Step-up night 2o18 Ryan Yvarra Calvin yee
Supplies needed
Possible 7th grade math courses
Where this all fits in…
Math standards Common Core State Standards Core 7 Pre-Algebra Entire year of 7th grade CCSS Math Pre-Algebra Entire year of 7th grade and parts of 8th grade Algebra 1-2 High school standards are addressed 7TH grade CCSS standards will not be explicitly taught
7th Grade Standards Ratios & Proportions Statistics / Probability Proportional Relationships Central Tendencies/Measures of Variability Finding Unit Rates/Unit Costs Comparing 2 populations Number System Compound Probabilities Integer & Fractional Operations Expressions & Equations Solving 1-, 2-, and multi-step equations Solving 1-, 2-step inequalities Geometry Circles/𝜋 3-D Objects – Surface Area / Volume Angles
8th Grade Standards covered (Pre-Alg only) Number System Rational/Irrational Numbers Expressions & Equations Square Roots, Cube Roots, Exponents Scientific Notation Slope Solving Multi-Step Equations Geometry Transformations Volume of Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres
Algebra 1-2 Proportions / Ratios Solving Linear Equations Solving Linear Inequalities Solving Systems of Linear Equations/Inequalities Operations with Exponents Quadratic Equations Students will receive 1.0 high school credit, upon successful completion of the class. Can be part of their high school GPA, the 3 credits of math needed to graduate No End of Course Exam, students will take the 7th grade SBA Students will NOT need to decide if they want to take the credit/grade until they complete the fast track form in high school.
So… which class will my student be in? Initial placements will be finalized based off... This year’s 6th grade SBA score This year’s i-Ready scores Every fall… Pre-Test Fall i-Ready scores will be used to check for growth from the summer.
Curriculum Core 7 / Pre-Algebra: Algebra 1-2: Connected Mathematics Project 3 (CMP3) Research based curriculum from Michigan State University Inquiry-based Algebra 1-2: Pearson’s Algebra 1 Common Core Series Common Core State Standards Algebra Traditional based textbook with examples and assignments. Textbooks will stay in class as students will have digital access to all texts.
Extra help Tutoring is currently available first 3 Thursdays of the month at the Mattson Library from 3:10 – 4:00 PM. Kentwood National Honor Society Students and Mattson teachers are available for tutoring.
Student voice: Favorite part of middle school math/science? Advice for incoming 7th graders? Keys to success?