Got G.A.M.E.(S.): Planning for Success G. Goal or focus articulation. “What are some of the goals of your lesson?” “What would you like to focus on during the lesson?” “What standard or element on the rubric would you like to focus on during the lesson?” “Where do you currently see yourself on the rubric?” A. Articulate success and Anticipate Approaches: “What might success look like?” “How will you know you have succeeded?” “What will guide your decisions?” “Where would you like to be on the rubric?” “What would it take to move you to that next level?” “What would your classroom look like if you were at that level on the rubric?” M. Methods for collecting evidence: “What kind of help might you need?” “What might be some of your resources?” “What data would be most helpful to you?” “What tools would be most helpful to you in collecting evidence?” E. Envision the stretch. “What do you need to pay attention to in yourself during this lesson?” “What personal skills, strategies, or processes do you want to improve or perfect in this lesson?” “What changes do you need to make to move yourself toward the desired state?” S. Summarize to synthesize. “In what ways has this conversation been helpful to you?” “How has your thinking changed since we started this conversation?” 2014, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works. 01/2014 7652
R.A.C.E.(S): Reflective Practice Recall the event or the lesson with as much detail as possible. Analyze the causes and the reasons why the event or lesson turned out that way. Construct meaning and learning from your analysis. Envision how this learning will serve them next time. Summarize to synthesize. 2014, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works. 01/2014 7652
R.A.C.E. (S): Reflective Practice R. Recall the event or the lesson with as much detail as possible. “So how did it go?” “As you reflect on ……, what are some things that come to mind?” “On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the lesson?” A. Analyze the causes and the reasons why the event or lesson turned out that way. “How did the lesson go as compared to how you planned it?” “What are some specific details that support your thinking?” “What were some things that surprised you?” “What sequence of events might have led to..” “What were some things you did to monitor and adjust?” C. Construct meaning and learning from your analysis. “What are some connections and conclusions you are making?” “What are some of your hunches about why that happened?” “What are some things you are learning about yourself (or your students, colleagues, curriculum, instructional strategies) that you want to remember?” E. Envision how this learning will serve the next time. How will you use this experience to shape future ones? “If you could write a “note to self” to open the next time you have this type of lesson, event, presentation, what would it say?” “What are some things you want to pay attention to the next time?” S. Summarize to synthesize: “How has this conversation…”
S.P.A.C.E. S ilence -- use the pause P araphrase -- there are three types A cknowledge nonjudgmentally; rapport C larify by paraphrase or questions E xtend thinking Costa and Kallick, 2001 2014, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works. 01/2014 7652
Got G.A.M.E.(S.): Planning for Success G. Goal or focus articulation A. Articulate success and Anticipate Approaches M. Methods for collecting evidence E. Envision the stretch S. Summarize to synthesize the conversation 2014, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works. 01/2014 7652
L.E.A.P.S L. Listening E. Empathy A. Ask Questions P. Paraphrase Developed by Police Officer Tony Pinelle based on the work of Dr. George Thompson from Auburn, NY. L. Listening E. Empathy A. Ask Questions P. Paraphrase S. Summarize 2014, NYSUT Education & Learning Trust, its affiliates and assigns and licensors. All rights reserved. No claim to copyright is made for original U.S. Government Works. 01/2014 7652