ACGRG5 Meeting Christchurch New Zealand 18 XII 2009 Measuring solar diameter with Baily beads: from Watts to Kaguya's lunar profiles Costantino Sigismondi, Mitsuru Soma, Dave Herald sigismondi @ ACGRG5 Meeting Christchurch New Zealand 18 XII 2009
Solar astronomy in Rome
to Sapienza University Capitol Observatory (until 1937) Leo XII in 1823 to Sapienza University Roma turrita, di Emma Amadei. Fratelli Palombi Editori, 1943, pag. 145.
Ertel Meridian Circle (1853) for DRIFT-SCAN METHOD
Dotted line: Capitol; continuous line data from Greenwich Seeing influence From P.J.D. Gething, 1955 Greenwich observations of the horizontal and vertical diameters of the Sun MNRAS 115, 558.
Annular eclipse of 1567 in Rome relinquebatur in Sole circulus quidam exilis undique totam lunam ambiens (Annular) Clavius, Commentarium in Sphaeram, Roma 1581
Contribution from D. Herald, Australia Occult 4 Baily’s Beads
Contribution from M. Soma, Japan: Kaguya lunar probe Analysis of old and new data
Method of Eclipses
Lunar and Earth’s Orbital motions are precisely known e. g Lunar and Earth’s Orbital motions are precisely known e.g. LLR, tropical year
Lunar Limb: profiles accuracy Chester Watts (1962) published the atlas of lunar limbs at all libration phases
Digitized Watts Atlas
Kaguya completed its mission this year: the crash looking for water
Kaguya LALT Accuracy ± 1m, sampling each 1.5 to 10 km
Observational strategy: Grazing Eclipse
Geographical location Referred to permanent landscape features GPS / Satellite image
UTC timing Has to be precise (0.01 s) Has to be portable (2 temperature calibrated quartz watches)
Imaging the eclipse Naked eye (1567-1715-1925) Video + high density filters Video + projection
Signal to Noise ratio To determine the faintest bead or its limiting magnitude
Sky background If the projection is not made in a camera obscura there are different background levels, ranging over more than 1000 in intensity Total eclipse, Egypt Zawyet al Mahtallah march 29, 2006 Southern Limit
Sunset /Sunrise Ostia (Rome) September 5: horizon extinction
High Clouds Roma, October 18
Atmosphere extinction Deviation starts at ~2° above horizon
Solar Limb Darkening Function From Rogerson, 1959
+ + + Our equipment White Projection Screen Camcorder and 2 quartz calibrated watches
Our Measurements Spain, 2005 (clouded) Data from IOTA (2005-on)
Egypt, 2006 published in Solar Phys 257, 237
Corona at the shadow limit Before totality (± 4 minutes of visibility at naked eye) Video dr. Fady Morcos Zawayet al Mahtallah 29.3.06
At maximum eclipse At naked eye the irregular structure of the corona was well visible. Does exists a Circular Inner Corona?
French Guyana, Sept. 2006 Eclipse at sunrise, high extinction and seeing 16 beads identified Preliminary ΔR= 0.04±0.04 arcsec
And planetary transits? Venus 1769: Discovery of Black Drop effect by Captain James Cook at Tahiti
Explanation of Black drop due to instrumental optical distortions
Transit of Venus 2004, also Mercury 1999, 2003 and 2006 Chord method
Solar Diameter measurement at Venus’ Transit in Hα 50 images (A. Ayomamitis, Athens, Greece) Internal contacts: 2nd @ 7 am ± 8 s (low Sun, high atmospheric turbulence) 3rd @ 1 pm ± 1 s D. Herald’s Occult4 software: ΔR=+0.34±0.38 arcseconds (in agreement with Neckel, So Phys 153, 91 1994)
publications Solar Physics 257, 237 (2009) Kilcik, Sigismondi, Rozelot and Guhl Analysis with Watts profile of 2006 total eclipse Synopsis of eclipse data historical and recent Diameter vs solar activity
Real lunar limb vs Watts profile
δR=-0.41” on 29 march 2006
Solar Physics 258, 191 Sigismondi et al. Atlas of Baily Beads 2005-2008 Observational data from 25 observing stations; 600 beads Standard of blocking filters Limovie video analysis
standard filter’s transmittance
Video analysis with Limovie (Japan)
Works in progress: at Locarno Observatory Switzerland
DRIFT-SCAN Method: transits on fixed hourly circles Transit timing is proportional to solar diameter Atmospheric seeing affects measurements Space data (eclipses and PICARD satellite) for calibration
Diameter and seeing monitor Time [1 frame] Quicktime 7.0 Window video setup
The solar image drifts on the screen along this direction
ρ”=15”·σ·cos(δ) Seeing formula Without seeing the time intervals tn+1-tn are all equal. The standard deviation σ of time intervals is related to the seeing ρ by the formula ρ”=15”·σ·cos(δ) where δ is the solar declination
Eclipses and PICARD (launch 15.2.2010) for absolute calibrations
Perspectives Eclipses observations: international coordinated IOTA champaigns, collaboration with PICARD satellite Drift-scan with Seeing monitor at IRSOL Application of Kaguya profiles to old and new eclipses