Before the study: The researcher made mini movies with ELL elementary students where they were motivated to learn grammar by making grammar raps They were engaged in instruction, which involved writing raps using subject-verb agreement, practicing reading raps, getting filmed reading raps, watching/listening to each others mini movies, and discussing them
Purpose: The overall purpose of this study was to investigate in what ways Undergraduate ELL students have been motivated to read (using technology) by their teachers throughout their education, and to expose them to mini movies and Glogsters to get feedback to see if they find using those types of technology for reading, writing, listening, and speaking instruction motivating.
In addition: Teachers taking a Reading Clinic course were required to make a mini movie in at least one of their lessons with a student. The intent was to examine how they would use mini movies to motivate their student, and if they believed their student was motivated to read/write/listen/speak (or not) by making mini movies.
Participants: A total of 27 people participated in this qualitative study. Ten Undergraduate students from all fields and 17 teachers in a Graduate reading program participated. The Undergraduate students were selected because they were ELLs, with the exception of one student. The teachers that participated were taking the Reading Clinic as part of their Graduate Reading program, which included making a mini movie as one of their projects.
Procedure: The students were interviewed, videotaped reading and completing a Glogster, and asked follow up interview questions after completing a Glogster. A Glogster is an online interactive poster that is free to create, though one can pay to get more features. It allows users to write on it, and insert pictures, clip art, YouTube videos, various backgrounds, etc.
Procedure: The teachers were interviewed and also answered questions on Blackboard about how they used a video camera in their reading instruction during clinic. They were provided with flexibility, thus were allowed to make mini movies for the purpose they believed would best meet the needs of their individual client. Through triangulation of this data, the researcher aimed to answer the research questions.
Research questions: 1. How is technology used to motivate English Language Learners to read? 2. Can making mini movies motivate students to work on developing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills? 3. How might teachers use mini movies to motivate students to develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills?
Sample of interview questions: Have any of your teachers used technology to motivate you to read? If so, what? Did you enjoy reading for this project? Do you think other students would be motivated to practice reading if they were making mini movies? Do you think other students would be motivated to read and write to create a Glogster? What would you recommend to motivate students to read?
Data analysis: The interviews were transcribed. Thematic coding was used to analyze the data as a method to view the pros and cons among and between cases.
Results – students responses about technology: The results showed that the ELL students had not received much reading motivation through technology. PowerPoints, responding to self-selected readings on Blackboard, receiving extra credit for researching answers to questions that came up during class, and promethean boards were the only technology mentioned.
Results – students responses about mini movies: When asked if the students had ever made mini movies or used video cameras they said they had not, and the majority felt favorable about the idea.
Results – students responses about mini movies: The students that were unsure about their feelings related to the mini movies being motivating said they were concerned that a shy student might not feel open to the idea of being filmed, but that more outgoing students would like it because there is someone looking at you or the kid wants to be the superstar and be the best reader you have ever seen.
Results – teachers use of mini movies: All of the teachers decided to make mini movies to either promote fluency or comprehension, to meet the individual needs of their students. Some had students read a poem for the first time, and after practicing re-reading for a week at home, they taped them again and showed the student their progress.
Results – teachers use of mini movies: Other teachers decided to film students performing a Readers Theatre. One teacher taped her student to note the reading strategies she used to discuss them afterwards.
Results – teachers use of mini movies: Another teacher said she taped her student reading and they watched it together to note the miscues, to work on slowing down while reading. Last, a teacher used it to film her student retelling a story so they could watch it together and add details.
Results – teachers responses about the mini movies: All teachers noted their students enjoyed watching their own mini movies. They also said their students were motivated to practice their reading and comprehension strategies to see improvement from week to week.
Sample of teachers quotes: It is a great self-monitoring tool. It was great for him to see how much better his reading became from rereading his poem over the week. She wants to see the video as soon as she comes into the classroom.
Sample of teachers quotes: This was a great way to get him motivated for our activity and it kept him on task during that portion (which can be difficult). I loved being able to use the FLIP Cam for my client.
Follow-up suggestions by teachers: Make commercials Book talks Write a story together, or have the student write independently, and film the student reading it Have the student read as a newscaster Film teachers in order to coach each other while teaching reading, to then provide tips for making reading instruction more motivating
Results - Glogster: All students responded positively to writing, reading, listening, and speaking about the Glogster. They said it made writing something out of the box.
Results - Glogster: An example of how much students liked making a Glogster was demonstrated when one students Glogster was erased before he had the chance to save it. He had just completed it. He went back and did it over again, even though the researcher told him not to worry about it. He said, It is something fun to do.
Results - Glogster: He read his self-selected reading, wrote about it, explained his topic, and listened to YouTube videos to add in to make his Glogster more engaging with enthusiasm.
Conclusions: This qualitative study provides a detailed view of a group of students and teachers perspectives about how technology, such as mini movies, can be used to motivate reading, writing, listening, and speaking development. Clearly there are ways, yet with the constraints placed on teachers today it can be difficult for teachers to have the flexibility within public schools to do so.
Conclusions: ESOL teachers in public schools and teachers in private schools, colleges and universities should take advantage if they have more room to be creative. Based on these ten students, a few of their teachers did. Reading motivation by teachers should continue on regardless of the level if we are to create motivated life-long readers. Professional development to promote reading motivation instruction might be beneficial.
Tips about purchasing video cameras: Note if you need to purchase a memory card See if the video camera is compatible with Windows Movie Maker (or editing software you might want to use) Check if the bottom is flat so you do not have to buy a tripod
Tips about the Glogster: Many schools have web filters that can block this site Have your password or code ready to open this potentially restricted site
Potential Assessments to Use for ELL Students: Reading – QRI-5 Writing – Rubric for Writing Development from Gottlieb Listening – Analytic Listening Scale from Gottlieb Speaking – Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM) from Peregoy Gottlieb, M. (2006). Assessing English language learners: Bridges from language proficiency to academic achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Peregoy, S. F., & Boyle, O. F. (2008). Reading, writing, and learning in ESL: A resource book for teaching k-12 English learners. New York, NY: Pearson.