Navigating the Capital Improvements Program


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Presentation transcript:

Navigating the Capital Improvements Program So your PTA can effectively advocate for your school! By: Laura Stewart,

Destination: CIP Building the Future New facilities Additions Revitalizations/Expansions (Rev/Ex) PLAR (planned life replacement) spending Major Projects, like the Play Spaces initiative Maintenance is Operating Budget, not CIP Significant Backlog of Projects Limited Resources Aging Infrastructure Over Capacity, adding over 2000 kids a year for 10 years

A Year Long Voyage

Help Steer the Ship Multiple Opportunities for PTA Input Written Reports Testimony at BOE hearings Testimony at County Council hearings MCCPTA Events BOE visits MCPS official studies Face to face meetings

The Summer Launch Cluster comments due in June Summer area meetings Meet with your principal to talk about CIP needs Ask the community Provide your Cluster Coordinator a report BEFORE the due date Summer area meetings Review the Master Plan (July)

Fast Autumn Winds (Sept./Oct.) View or attend BOE meetings Superintendent's CIP recommendations are released Attend MCCPTA sponsored meetings Delegate Meetings October BOE/MCCPTA BOD event MCPS/MCCPTA CIP Forum (combined with Delegate Meeting this year) October. 24 Testimony Training Oct. 30th

How to Read the Stars The 6 year CIP is done every 2 years, off years may have course corrections or small changes New population projections are released Capital Projects will be Proposed, Deferred, Programmed, Approved, or Recommended. Generally, anything NOT Programmed can be changed in a future CIP

Chapter 1 of the released CIP Overview of the CIP, funding tables, and summaries Highlights: Summary Table and Funding Sources

Chapter 2 The Planning Environment Population Trends, Housing Trends, Demographic Trends Highlights: MCPS Enrollment Projections

Chapter 3 Facility Planning Objectives Implement Facility Plans that Support the Continuous Improvement of Educational Programs in the School System Meet Long-term and Interim Space Needs 388 Relocatables lists all addition projects Sustaining and Revitalizing Facilities Provide Schools that Are Environmentally Safe, Secure, Functionally Efficient, and Comfortable Support Multipurpose Use of Schools Meet Special Education Program Space Needs

Chapter 4 Recommended Actions and Planning Issues By Cluster or Consortium Cluster planning issues summary School solutions Capital projects table Projected Enrollment and Space Availability Demographic Characteristics Program Capacity Facility Characteristics

Chapter 5 and Appendix A-I Chapter 5: lists all long term projects Appendix A - B: Enrollment numbers Appendix C: Land Use, Subdivision, Growth Policy Appendix D: Cluster and school test (Important!) Appendix F: Facilities Data and State Rated Capacity Appendix G - H: Capacity Calculations and Relocatables Appendix I -J: Revitalization/Expansion (Rev/Ex) Schedule NEW calculations this year, Key Facility Indicators instead of FACT scores

Appendix L-R Appendix L: Schools reopened and improvements Appendix M: Planned Life-cycle Asset Replacement (PLAR) Projects completed previous summer Appendix N: Head Start and Pre-K locations Appendix O : Magnet maps Appendix P: Special education services descriptions Appendix Q: Political districts by school and maps Appendix R: Priority Funding Areas

Appendix S-Y, and Calendar Appendix S-W: Policy Regulations Long Range Planning, Community Involvement, Modernizations, Student Transfers, Transportation Appendix X: Former Schools, Reopened Schools, Future Schools Appendix Y: Cluster Maps School Contacts and Planning Calendar

Weathering the Storm (November) Public hearings on the superintendent’s recommendations November 2nd and 6th Clusters are assigned a day and time for testimony Individuals MAY testify. Look out for the date to sign up, the spots go VERY fast There will most likely be changes in the Rev/Ex list. Be prepared, watch the August 31st BOE meeting Archived in Board Docs

Testimony Tips Cluster coordinators should contact all school PTAs for input Kids make great presentations, and they usually get a special spot A prop or pictures add drama Be passionate, but not aggressive Try to incorporate a story, backed up with a few data points Make sure it is accurate and up to date!! Use MCPS’s own criteria to make your point Have a coordinated effort Be sure you have data to back up your assertions, especially when claiming that your school deserves attention over other schools

Winter Ports of Call December 1: BOE sends the CIP to the County Executive January: County Executive publishes Capital Budget February (early): County Council hears testimony from Cluster Coordinators February: Superintendent releases recommendations on boundaries, site selection, and/or planning studies, and any deferred CIP items

Sailing Home March 8: BOE public hearing on boundary, site surveys, planning studies, and deferred CIP items March 22: BOE Action on FY 2019 CIP Late May: County Council approves the FY 2019 CIP

Tying up Loose Knots Advocate throughout the year Write your representatives, BOE and County Council Meet with your Representatives and At Large Reps. Have a meet and greet with your Cluster Invite BOE or County Council members to school events Write Thank You notes when you get a positive result. Don’t give up! Many problems may not get fixed in a year